Hello, is this not possible in Svelte? Seems like the compiler is having a meltdown
import _Button from './Button.svelte';
import ButtonLink from './ButtonLink.svelte';
const Button = Object.assign(_Button, {
Link: ButtonLink,
export { UserButton };
Im getting this d.ts error when building in library mode
> svelte-clerk@0.1.10 package
> svelte-kit sync && svelte-package && publint
d.ts type declaration files for the following files were likely not generated due to the following errors:
- Exported variable 'Button' has or is using name '$$__sveltets_2_IsomorphicComponent' from external module "/tmp/my-lib/src/lib/components/Button/Button.svelte" but cannot be named.
- Exported variable 'Button' has or is using name '$$__sveltets_2_IsomorphicComponent' from external module "/tmp/my-lib/src/lib/components/Button/ButtonLink.svelte" but cannot be named
src/lib -> dist
@sveltejs/package found the following issues while packaging your library:
You are using SvelteKit-specific imports in your code, but you have not declared a dependency on `@sveltejs/kit` in your `package.json`. Add it to your `dependencies` or `peerDependencies`.
Originally posted by @Rock1raw in https://github.com/sveltejs/language-tools/issues/2536#issuecomment-2450218865