sveltejs / prettier-plugin-svelte

Format your svelte components using prettier.
MIT License
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svelteSortOrder none causes style and script tags to be removed when they are at the end of the file #406

Open acls opened 8 months ago

acls commented 8 months ago

With the option svelteSortOrder: 'none', in my .prettierrc.js file, the script and style tags are removed when they are the last element in the file.

This file:


will be formatted to:


and formatting it again it will become:


But those tags won't be removed when the markup is at the end, so when this file is formatted it stays the same:

KostisFioravantes commented 6 months ago

The same bug here. I think that preventing a formatter from completely removing source code should be a priority. Honestly svelteSortOrder none is useless as long as this bug stays unfixed.