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$session prop is undefined even though JSON.stringify shows it has content #1711

Open MTyson opened 3 years ago

MTyson commented 3 years ago

In my nav.svelte component I have:

{#if $session.token}
  ${JSON.stringify($session.token)} - ${JSON.stringify($session.token.username)}

In login.svelte:

const { session } = stores();
  let username, password;
  async function onLogin(username, password){
    const response = await fetch(`auth/login`, {
            headers:{ 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
            body: JSON.stringify({"username":username,"password":password})
    if (response.ok) {
      const json = await response.json();
      session.set({ token: json });
      $session.token = json;
        } else {
            throw new Error(response);

login.js handler:

 req.session.token = user; //parsed.token;
        console.log(`req.session.token: ${JSON.stringify(req.session.token)}`);
        res.writeHead(200, {
          'Content-Type': 'application/json'
        res.end(JSON.stringify({ token: user }));


      session: (req, res) => {
        console.log(`% req.session.token: ${JSON.stringify(req.session.token)}`);
        return ({
          token: req.session.token

The output in nav.svelte is: ${"token":{"_id":"kjbLgeU8k3GPr6jBd8NkCj","username":"matt123","password":"$2b$10$aXMJc64o9W166OL12CG/A.lWyuB9zdPkaNUsze3Lch6Z2khHaTKY.","access":"user"}} - $undefined

Notice that the data is there, but username outputs undefined. I believe I am doing something wrong but it is obscure.

sjroe commented 3 years ago

session.token.undefined in your Nav.svelte is undefined. Try session.token.username.

MTyson commented 3 years ago

session.token.undefined in your Nav.svelte is undefined. Try session.token.username.

Sorry, that was a typo. Fixed.

MTyson commented 3 years ago

Another piece of info: If I reload the page (after login) the usename field then displays properly: ${"_id":"kjbLgeU8k3GPr6jBd8NkCj","username":"matt123","password":"$2b$10$aXMJc64o9W166OL12CG/A.lWyuB9zdPkaNUsze3Lch6Z2khHaTKY.","access":"user"} - $"matt123"

mikeoptics commented 3 years ago

I use setTimeout(() => location.replace("/"), 1500); to reload the page for me to prevent this issue.

MTyson commented 3 years ago

Thanks @mikeoptics .

It's strange, if I use window.location.href, it works ok, but if I use goto() it has this problem.

Vaibhav-Kulkarni-4 commented 3 years ago

Can you try await goto("/");? As mentioned in the Docs of Sapper, goto() returns a Promise that resolves when the navigation is complete.

Link -

P.S - awaiting goto() worked for me!

MTyson commented 3 years ago

Ah, I will give await a try, thanks @Vaibhav-Kulkarni-4 !