sveltejs / sites

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Upgrade to codemirror 6 #388

Open benmccann opened 1 year ago

benmccann commented 1 year ago

I got it partially done, but haven't had time to finish. I would love some help

Here's the work-in-progress:

Please feel free to send PRs against this branch

A couple things to do:

Alternatively, we could also try replacing the whole REPL with sandpack or web containers, but I think we'd have a harder time using npm dependencies and startup may be slower.

benmccann commented 1 year ago

@PuruVJ you also took a stab at this, right? It sounds like you got further than I did

You mentioned handlebars mode being the only thing you didn't figure out. Perhaps would be a useful reference as it seems to address that

benmccann commented 1 year ago now uses codemirror 6!