sveltejs / svelte-preprocess

A ✨ magical ✨ Svelte preprocessor with sensible defaults and support for: PostCSS, SCSS, Less, Stylus, Coffeescript, TypeScript, Pug and much more.
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Use babel #625

Open alkorlos opened 4 months ago

alkorlos commented 4 months ago

Hello! Thank you for functional library!

Describe the bug Need to use babel, the example from the documentation is not working, and I can't figure out why.

Testing on @babel/plugin-transform-unicode-sets-regex src\App.svelte:

 <!-- ... -->

  const re = new RegExp("/[\p{ASCII}&&\p{Decimal_Number}]/v")

In the dist\assets\index-name.js expecting


But there is no transpilation happening.

Logs No Logs with error.

To Reproduce svelte-preprocess-issue-babel

Doing this: npm create vite@latest, options: Svelte, JavaScript npm install svelte-preprocess @babel/core @babel/preset-env --save Update svelte.config.js:

import { vitePreprocess } from '@sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte'
import preprocess from 'svelte-preprocess'

export default {
  preprocess: [
      babel: {
        presets: [
              loose: true,
              modules: false,
              targets: {
                esmodules: true,

That's all.

Did I miss a step in the documentation?

Expected behavior Expected transpilation JS.

Stacktraces No Stacktraces.

Information about your project:

Additional context No Additional context.