sveltejs / svelte-preprocess

A ✨ magical ✨ Svelte preprocessor with sensible defaults and support for: PostCSS, SCSS, Less, Stylus, Coffeescript, TypeScript, Pug and much more.
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Libraries not working with svelte-preprocess v6 #643

Open flayks opened 1 week ago

flayks commented 1 week ago

Describe the bug After upgrading to svelte-preprocess v6, I get into errors using libraries such as @portabletext/svelte where it just says that PortableText is not defined.

Is it linked to the PortableText lib here or svelte-preprocess? The thing that bugs me is that it works perfectly fine with the v5, without changing any code or other dependencies. Just upgrading to svelte-preprocess v6 breaks it.


generating static routes 
│ 12:57:47 ▶ src/pages/404.astro
│ 12:57:47   └─ /404.html (+106ms)
│ 12:57:48 ▶ src/pages/index.astro
│ 12:57:48   └─ /index.htmlPortableText is not defined
│   Stack trace:
│     at file:///Users/flayks/sites/portfolio/apps/website/dist/chunks/index_SkFUPnTb.mjs:244:31
│     at file:///Users/flayks/sites/portfolio/apps/website/dist/chunks/index_SkFUPnTb.mjs:338:260
│     at Object.render (file:///Users/flayks/sites/portfolio/apps/website/dist/chunks/Button_C7xTWKNE.mjs:31
│ 2:17)
│     at renderFrameworkComponent (file:///Users/flayks/sites/portfolio/apps/website/dist/chunks/astro/serve
│ r_Bc54YaF1.mjs:1111:66)
│     at async renderComponent (file:///Users/flayks/sites/portfolio/apps/website/dist/chunks/astro/server_B
│ c54YaF1.mjs:1271:10)
│ error: script "build" exited with code 1
│ command finished with error: command (/Users/flayks/sites/portfolio/apps/website) /Users/flayks/.volta/bi
│ n/bun run build exited (1)
 ERROR  run failed: command  exited (1)
error: script "build" exited with code 1

To Reproduce A bit trivial to reproduce using this specific example with Sanity and PortableText, but just using 5.1.4 vs 6.0.1 breaks the build.

Expected behavior It should be normally without error

Information about your project:

dummdidumm commented 1 week ago

Please provide a proper reproduction in form of link to a repository on Github or Stackblitz

flayks commented 1 week ago

@dummdidumm here is a minimal reproduction of my setup using Turborepo, bun and Astro with some Svelte components. There is some SCSS imports for global variables and functions as well as a local variables file.

If you run bun i && bun run build, you'll have this error:


│  building client (vite) 
│ 20:11:27 [types] Added src/env.d.ts type declarations.
│ 20:11:27 [vite] ✓ 1 modules transformed.
│ 20:11:27 [vite] dist/_astro/client.Cx1FBVJX.js  0.61 kB │ gzip: 0.42 kB
│ 20:11:27 [vite] ✓ built in 8ms
│  generating static routes 
│ 20:11:27 ▶ src/pages/index.astro
│ 20:11:27   └─ /index.htmlPortableText is not defined


it is using the v6.0.1 (latest) of svelte-preprocess.

Now if you switch to the branch v5 and run the same exact code, it builds without any issue.

This makes me think that svelte-preprocess v6 is handling things a bit different, although my code might be faulty! But I can't figure out what part if so.

Thank you for digging into this!

dummdidumm commented 1 week ago

Can you reduce this further and use node instead of Bun (I'm on windows)? I doubt that turborepo or bun have something to do with it. My hunch is #632 has something to do with this.

flayks commented 1 week ago

@dummdidumm No worries, I updated both branches to use pnpm instead

Ha! that could potentially be something yes

dummdidumm commented 1 week ago

I can't reproduce this, I get a different one though: Error while preprocessing C:/repos/svelte/asp/apps/website/src/components/Test/Test.svelte - [sass] Undefined variable.

Please shrink down the reproduction further:

flayks commented 1 week ago

Hm, that's weird. I've pushed a branch 'nomonorepo' and it seems to build. Would that mean that it comes from the use of a monorepo?

It's a pity because the whole purpose of this is to share Svelte configs through multiple apps (packages/config/svelte.js), hence the monorepo (I have 4 apps in totals). Would you know why that happens, if that's really coming from this?

jacwright commented 6 days ago

I don't have a monorepo and am getting this same error moving from 5.x to 6. It is occurring with all my imports in the Svelte files, as if the imports don't exist. The error only happens at runtime for me, not compile time. But I can see the errors in VSCode as warnings.

Screenshot 2024-06-27 at 11 07 17 AM Screenshot 2024-06-27 at 11 09 36 AM

I'll see if I can get a reproduction put together.

jacwright commented 6 days ago

I found it is occurring when verbatimModuleSyntax is not defined or is false. This is the issue. But our app is very large, so there is a lot of busy work to go through every file (both .Svelte and .ts) to add the type keyword to support this requirement. How necessary is verbatimModuleSyntax, exactly? Since 5.x was able to get by without it. 😬

If you'd like me to provide a simple example I can, but you can probably turn off verbatimModuleSyntax and reproduce in any project.

Edit: we'll probably stick with 5.x for now so we don't have to refactor our whole app. It doesn't seem we're missing out on any features or benefits with 6.x.

flayks commented 2 days ago

After trying this on another whole site and setup, I can assure that the issue comes from svelte-preprocess v6. Same errors, internal svelte tools would not be found, types missing, etc. Sticking to v5 for now as well but I think there is a real issue with it @dummdidumm.