Based on a Twitter/X discussion, and at the request of @Rich-Harris, I would like to start a discussion on possibly adding some additional features/functionality to the playaround (aka REPL). I thought opening a general issue to discuss features/scope, and then spiking off individual issues as we determine their usefulness and feasibility.
Ability to browse all of a user's REPLs, and/or the ability to "publish" / mark as public
Currently the security model is similar to "Unlisted" on YouTube where anyone can see a REPL if you have the link, and doesn't warrant itself to exploration
Going further with "new", "trending", etc would be nice, but likely well outside the initial scope.
Describe the proposed solution
Discuss these (and other ideas) to determine their usefulness, feasibility, and possible design/architecture.
Here is a simple sketch of the REPL in "Presentation" mode just for further brainstorming:
A query string named mode to switch between "Editor" and "Presentation" mode.
Presentation mode removes all REPL UI but adds a small fixed logo button to the top right corner for credits and a easy way to switch back to "Editor" mode. The button follows the UI already used in Svelte website header.
Describe the problem
Based on a Twitter/X discussion, and at the request of @Rich-Harris, I would like to start a discussion on possibly adding some additional features/functionality to the playaround (aka REPL). I thought opening a general issue to discuss features/scope, and then spiking off individual issues as we determine their usefulness and feasibility.
Initial ideas:
Describe the proposed solution
Discuss these (and other ideas) to determine their usefulness, feasibility, and possible design/architecture.
nice to have