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Error when importing npm package: 'x' is not exported #848

Open iluuu1994 opened 3 years ago

iluuu1994 commented 3 years ago

This repl is awesome! :heart: I have a small issue.

    import {createForm} from 'svelte-forms-lib';

'dequal' is not exported by, imported by

Looking at the contents of dequal is exported though on the last line.

exports.dequal = dequal;

Any idea what's going on here?

Conduitry commented 3 years ago

As far as I can tell, there are two places where this specific issue could be attacked. I think they would both be reasonable new features for the REPL, but I don't know which is more likely to be more helpful or easier.

One the one hand, the in-browser bundler code for CommonJS->ESM conversion doesn't support exposing keys on the exports object as named exports -

On the other hand, unpkg is resolving (redirecting) to (the CJS version) as opposed to (the ESM version). I don't know whether it's using the module's exports map ( or not. But the REPL could conceivably handle this on our end, resolving things to the import (ESM) version, which would remove the need for more robust CJS->ESM conversion.

theetrain commented 1 year ago

Would it be possible to leverage Skypack's dist parameter? I noticed some packages that mix CJS modules and ESM will run into problems when served by Unpkg in the REPL.

Example: Yields the error:

'enableCache' is not exported by, 
imported by

The error's source:

At the bottom of that file, I can see that exports.enableCache = enableCache; uses CJS modules. The Icon.svelte file importing this function uses ESM syntax, which is why the module cannot be resolved.

Skypack solves this by converting all files in a module to use ES2020. Here's the same module in Skypack: Which eventually points to the same enableCache function, but using ESM,mode=imports/optimized/@iconify/svelte.js

It's currently not possible to do this in the Svelte REPL:

    import Icon from "";

But if I could, this would help with CJS-to-ESM conversions. Or, the REPL can switch from Unpkg to Skypack.