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feat: delegate action events #11435

Closed dummdidumm closed 2 days ago

dummdidumm commented 2 weeks ago

This is a rough proposal to patch dom instances when they are passed to actions so that addEventListener delegates events. This ensures that people adding listeners imperatively will still have the event order preserved.

The code is a bit duplicative right now and it's missing cleanup/tests/logic to not patch twice, wanted to validate the idea first / get some opinions on this before proceeding.

We could also think about adding the same logic to bind:this.

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trueadm commented 2 weeks ago

Can't we just re-use the logic in local event handlers where we run the delegated workflow? Surely it's the same thing as here?

dummdidumm commented 2 weeks ago

Right now it's always just a single delegated listener per event because we don't allow multiple listeners per event type. But with actions you now can have potentially many of them, which complicates the whole thing. We could always use an array to simplify, not sure what implications that has on perf/memory

Rich-Harris commented 3 days ago

This does all make me a bit nervous. Have we tried the suggestion in of adding event listeners in an effect (or rather in a microtask — we don't need the overhead of actually creating an effect, we just need things to happen in the right order)? If it's beneficial, we could presumably even save that behaviour for when an element has both events and actions.

dummdidumm commented 2 days ago

We decided to not pursue this. Instead, if the need arises, we can add import { addEventListener } from 'svelte/events' which does the delegation.