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Pure CSS Transition #7078

Open honzahana opened 2 years ago

honzahana commented 2 years ago

Describe the problem

Hi, is there any built-in way to use pure CSS transition in Svelte?

Describe the proposed solution

Solution in Vue.js:

<transition name="sidebar">

.sidebar-leave-active {
    @apply transition duration-300

.sidebar-leave-to {
    @apply opacity-0 translate-x-36

TailwindCSS is used in example.

Alternatives considered



would make my life easier

jrmoynihan commented 2 years ago

You can trigger CSS transitions with built-in directives in svelte when the elements leave or enter the DOM. Set opacity to 1 if you only want the translate, not the fade-in-out effect


<div class="sidebar" transition:fly={{ opacity: 1, duration: 300, x: 36}}
honzahana commented 2 years ago

Hi @jrmoynihan thank you for reply. I know this built-in JS function and I tested this approach across 50 websites with different level of CSS animation this week.

Unfortunately, on more than half of the sites, this type of build-in transition was not smooth. So I'm looking for a pure CSS solution that is more reliable.

jrmoynihan commented 2 years ago

@honzahana Well, just to be clear, it's not a JS function that provides the animation. It's a CSS animation applied as the node enters/leaves the DOM that simulates a pure CSS transition and importantly, does not run on the main thread. It's hard to know what may be causing your issue without a reproducible example, but it's likely not the transition directive.

It's possible the transition is running into cumulative layout shift and re-flow issues, which are expensive to render, so the problem may exist elsewhere.

Try comparing what you're trying to do with the directives with the pure CSS in a Svelte component style tag:

transition: translateX 300ms ease-in-out;
transform: translateX(36px)

You can also cheat a little by trying to add GPU acceleration, with translate3d(36px, 0, 0) instead of translateX