svelteness / kit-docs

Documentation integration for SvelteKit.
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Deploy to vercel #62

Open kamalkech opened 1 year ago

kamalkech commented 1 year ago

I get this error

Error: The Serverless Function "." has invalid runtime: "nodejs18.x". Learn More:
eltigerchino commented 1 year ago

Hi kamalkech,

This might be due to your build being built with nodejs18 instead of nodejs16, which is the latest version Vercel supports. You can verify this by inspecting your build folder at .vercel/output/builds.json and checking the version of node pointed to in argv.

These are the steps I took to fix this:

  1. Force uninstall nodejs18 from my system (brew uninstall node --forced)
  2. Use nvm to select my current node version.
  3. Running where node only shows one path (the path to .nvm)
  4. Running node -v shows v16.x

Hope this helps :)