svelteness / kit-docs

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Add rtl support to components #79

Open LowLevelLover opened 1 year ago

LowLevelLover commented 1 year ago

replace right with end and left with start to support rtl languages. To have this ability in tailwind I use tailwindcss-rtl package.

mihar-22 commented 1 year ago

Hey @FarzinVatani!

If you can resolve those then we can get this merged. Thanks!

LowLevelLover commented 1 year ago

Ok I will remove all ltr prefixes as rtl overwrite them.

LowLevelLover commented 1 year ago

Hey @mihar-22

I have been trying to handle margins, paddings, etc. but it could add some complexity.

For example:

<div class="mr-4 rtl:mr-0 rtl:ml-4" /> I should reset mr
<div class="mr-2 ml-4 rtl:mr-4 rtl:ml-2 1280:mr-3 1280:rtl:mr-2 1280:rtl:ml-3 1440:mr-4 1440:rtl:mr-2 1440:rtl:ml-4" /> I sould reset all right-left values in breakpoints to previous one.

UPDATE: I think we could warn users to use dir="ltr" in html tag in changelog info.