The line aria-required={required} should be changed to required={required} because it fails validation.
When a semantic HTML <input>, <select>, or <textarea> must have a value, it should have the required attribute applied to it.
When form controls are created using non-semantic elements, such as a <div> with a role of checkbox, the aria-required attribute should be included, with a value of true.
What package has an issue
A clear and concise description of what the bug is
renders a<select>
, it should userequired
instead ofaria-required
The line
should be changed torequired={required}
because it fails validation.-From MDN aria-required reference
In which browser(s) did the problem occur?
Steps To Reproduce
Use a NativeSelect with data
Do you know how to fix the issue
Are you willing to participate in fixing this issue and create a pull request with the fix
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