A clear and concise description of what the bug is
When I do a reload by an native html anchor tag, svelte just does a simple fetch for the new site / requests it from storage. If I use the href property on a button, the page is doing a full reload. An externel flag or full reload flag is not set in my case. The example is the real world code I reproduced the error with
What package has an issue
A clear and concise description of what the bug is
When I do a reload by an native html anchor tag, svelte just does a simple fetch for the new site / requests it from storage. If I use the href property on a button, the page is doing a full reload. An externel flag or full reload flag is not set in my case. The example is the real world code I reproduced the error with
In which browser(s) did the problem occur?
Steps To Reproduce
Do you know how to fix the issue
Are you willing to participate in fixing this issue and create a pull request with the fix
Relevant Assets
no error occurred. I guess the error is around here