sveltia / sveltia-cms

Alternative to Netlify/Decap CMS. Fast, lightweight, Git-based headless CMS. Modern UX, first-class i18n support, open source & free. Made with Svelte.
MIT License
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Documentation Request: How can I debug Sveltia CMS locally with my current project and develop new features? #123

Open samtrion opened 3 months ago

samtrion commented 3 months ago

In view of the almost infinite possibilities for expanding functionality and the risk of further errors. I would welcome a step-by-step documentation that allows a developer to clone Sveltia CMS, debug it locally and develop new features. Based on his current local project.

kyoshino commented 3 months ago

I haven’t documented it mainly because I’m not accepting code contributions at the moment. I don’t have the time to prepare a code of conduct, write contributor guidelines, or review pull requests. I’ll probably do it after v1.0.

CarloBu commented 1 month ago

you probably know this, but when will you start building the documentation I highly recommend . All the infrastructure with the content management, and search functionality is working out of the box. It's built with the Astro framework, but It's very easy to start to work with. And I could help where I'm able to.

kyoshino commented 1 month ago

Actually I have never used Astro itself. Will give it a try!

CarloBu commented 1 month ago

Hehe, I think I sound like an evangelist, but I think you will be surprised how powerful and easy it is. The best part is that you can use Svelte if you want to extend the functionality. :)