sven-hm / building_pythonocc

bunch of scripts to get along with the great pythonocc sources
1 stars 1 forks source link

Build failure #1

Closed crobarcro closed 8 years ago

crobarcro commented 8 years ago

First of all, I really appreciate your work on this project. However, I'm having trouble building using your scripts. I'm getting the following error when building pythonocc

[  1%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/_Adaptor3d.dir/src/SWIG_files/wrapper/Adaptor3dPYTHON_wrap.cxx.o
In file included from /home/rcrozier/build/pythonocc-smesh/install/oce/include/oce/Adaptor3d_HSurfaceTool.hxx:192:0,
                 from /home/rcrozier/build/pythonocc-smesh/build/pythonocc/src/SWIG_files/wrapper/Adaptor3dPYTHON_wrap.cxx:3894:
/home/rcrozier/build/pythonocc-smesh/install/oce/include/oce/Adaptor3d_HSurfaceTool.lxx: In static member function ‘static Standard_Real Adaptor3d_HSurfaceTool::FirstUParameter(const Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface&)’:
/home/rcrozier/build/pythonocc-smesh/install/oce/include/oce/Adaptor3d_HSurfaceTool.lxx:33:14: error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘class Adaptor3d_HSurface’

Any idea what might cause this? I've successfully built tpaviot's pythonocc-core previously, although not for a little while. I used your versions of all repos where you have forked them.

I think this is likely to be to do with the order of includes again.

sven-hm commented 8 years ago

Hmm, could you please post the files:


Did you generate the swig files yourself? Or did you take them from my fork?

crobarcro commented 8 years ago

In this case I generated the files, and I used your fork to generate them. I got all the sources by using your getsources*.sh scripts and built using your build scripts (with minor changes to reflect my different paths. I generated the SWIG files using the pythonocc_generator in your fork, or at least the version you get by runnng

I have attached the files requested. I've renamed the to .txt as github only likes certain formats.

I've copied and pasted them here, I can't upload without write permission

Copyright 2008-2015 Thomas Paviot (

This file is part of pythonOCC.
pythonOCC is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

pythonOCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with pythonOCC.  If not, see <>.

%import Standard.i
%import GeomAbs.i
%import TColStd.i
%import gp.i
%import Geom.i
%import MMgt.i
%import Adaptor2d.i
%import TopAbs.i
%import math.i
%import Geom2d.i
Copyright 2008-2015 Thomas Paviot (

This file is part of pythonOCC.
pythonOCC is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

pythonOCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with pythonOCC.  If not, see <>.

%module (package="OCC") Adaptor3d

#pragma SWIG nowarn=504,325,503

#ifdef WNT
#pragma warning(disable : 4716)

%include ../common/CommonIncludes.i
%include ../common/ExceptionCatcher.i
%include ../common/FunctionTransformers.i
%include ../common/Operators.i

%include Adaptor3d_headers.i

/* typedefs */
typedef Adaptor3d_Surface * Adaptor3d_SurfacePtr;
typedef Adaptor3d_Curve * Adaptor3d_CurvePtr;
typedef Adaptor3d_CurveOnSurface * Adaptor3d_CurveOnSurfacePtr;
/* end typedefs declaration */

/* public enums */
/* end public enums declaration */

class Adaptor3d_Curve {
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Delete;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: void
") Delete;
        virtual void Delete ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") FirstParameter;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: float
") FirstParameter;
        virtual Standard_Real FirstParameter ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") LastParameter;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: float
") LastParameter;
        virtual Standard_Real LastParameter ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Continuity;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: GeomAbs_Shape
") Continuity;
        virtual GeomAbs_Shape Continuity ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") NbIntervals;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Returns the number of intervals for continuity <S>. May be one if Continuity(me) >= <S>

    :param S:
    :type S: GeomAbs_Shape
    :rtype: int
") NbIntervals;
        virtual Standard_Integer NbIntervals (const GeomAbs_Shape S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Intervals;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Stores in <T> the parameters bounding the intervals of continuity <S>.  The array must provide enough room to accomodate for the parameters. i.e. T.Length() > NbIntervals()

    :param T:
    :type T: TColStd_Array1OfReal &
    :param S:
    :type S: GeomAbs_Shape
    :rtype: void
") Intervals;
        virtual void Intervals (TColStd_Array1OfReal & T,const GeomAbs_Shape S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Trim;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Returns a curve equivalent of <self> between parameters <First> and <Last>. <Tol> is used to test for 3d points confusion. If <First> >= <Last>

    :param First:
    :type First: float
    :param Last:
    :type Last: float
    :param Tol:
    :type Tol: float
    :rtype: Handle_Adaptor3d_HCurve
") Trim;
        virtual Handle_Adaptor3d_HCurve Trim (const Standard_Real First,const Standard_Real Last,const Standard_Real Tol);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") IsClosed;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: bool
") IsClosed;
        virtual Standard_Boolean IsClosed ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") IsPeriodic;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: bool
") IsPeriodic;
        virtual Standard_Boolean IsPeriodic ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Period;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: float
") Period;
        virtual Standard_Real Period ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Value;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Computes the point of parameter U on the curve.

    :param U:
    :type U: float
    :rtype: gp_Pnt
") Value;
        virtual gp_Pnt Value (const Standard_Real U);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") D0;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Computes the point of parameter U on the curve.

    :param U:
    :type U: float
    :param P:
    :type P: gp_Pnt
    :rtype: void
") D0;
        virtual void D0 (const Standard_Real U,gp_Pnt & P);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") D1;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Computes the point of parameter U on the curve with its first derivative. Raised if the continuity of the current interval is not C1.

    :param U:
    :type U: float
    :param P:
    :type P: gp_Pnt
    :param V:
    :type V: gp_Vec
    :rtype: void
") D1;
        virtual void D1 (const Standard_Real U,gp_Pnt & P,gp_Vec & V);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") D2;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Returns the point P of parameter U, the first and second derivatives V1 and V2. Raised if the continuity of the current interval is not C2.

    :param U:
    :type U: float
    :param P:
    :type P: gp_Pnt
    :param V1:
    :type V1: gp_Vec
    :param V2:
    :type V2: gp_Vec
    :rtype: void
") D2;
        virtual void D2 (const Standard_Real U,gp_Pnt & P,gp_Vec & V1,gp_Vec & V2);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") D3;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Returns the point P of parameter U, the first, the second and the third derivative. Raised if the continuity of the current interval is not C3.

    :param U:
    :type U: float
    :param P:
    :type P: gp_Pnt
    :param V1:
    :type V1: gp_Vec
    :param V2:
    :type V2: gp_Vec
    :param V3:
    :type V3: gp_Vec
    :rtype: void
") D3;
        virtual void D3 (const Standard_Real U,gp_Pnt & P,gp_Vec & V1,gp_Vec & V2,gp_Vec & V3);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") DN;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * The returned vector gives the value of the derivative for the order of derivation N. Raised if the continuity of the current interval is not CN. Raised if N < 1.

    :param U:
    :type U: float
    :param N:
    :type N: int
    :rtype: gp_Vec
") DN;
        virtual gp_Vec DN (const Standard_Real U,const Standard_Integer N);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Resolution;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Returns the parametric resolution corresponding  to the real space resolution <R3d>.

    :param R3d:
    :type R3d: float
    :rtype: float
") Resolution;
        virtual Standard_Real Resolution (const Standard_Real R3d);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") GetType;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Returns the type of the curve in the current interval : Line, Circle, Ellipse, Hyperbola, Parabola, BezierCurve, BSplineCurve, OtherCurve.

    :rtype: GeomAbs_CurveType
") GetType;
        virtual GeomAbs_CurveType GetType ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Line;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: gp_Lin
") Line;
        virtual gp_Lin Line ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Circle;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: gp_Circ
") Circle;
        virtual gp_Circ Circle ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Ellipse;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: gp_Elips
") Ellipse;
        virtual gp_Elips Ellipse ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Hyperbola;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: gp_Hypr
") Hyperbola;
        virtual gp_Hypr Hyperbola ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Parabola;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: gp_Parab
") Parabola;
        virtual gp_Parab Parabola ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Degree;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: int
") Degree;
        virtual Standard_Integer Degree ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") IsRational;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: bool
") IsRational;
        virtual Standard_Boolean IsRational ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") NbPoles;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: int
") NbPoles;
        virtual Standard_Integer NbPoles ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") NbKnots;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: int
") NbKnots;
        virtual Standard_Integer NbKnots ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Bezier;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: Handle_Geom_BezierCurve
") Bezier;
        virtual Handle_Geom_BezierCurve Bezier ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") BSpline;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: Handle_Geom_BSplineCurve
") BSpline;
        virtual Handle_Geom_BSplineCurve BSpline ();

%feature("shadow") Adaptor3d_Curve::~Adaptor3d_Curve %{
def __del__(self):
        self.thisown = False

%extend Adaptor3d_Curve {
    void _kill_pointed() {
        delete $self;
%nodefaultctor Adaptor3d_HCurve;
class Adaptor3d_HCurve : public MMgt_TShared {
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Curve;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Returns a pointer to the Curve inside the HCurve.

    :rtype: Adaptor3d_Curve
") Curve;
        virtual const Adaptor3d_Curve & Curve ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") GetCurve;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Returns a pointer to the Curve inside the HCurve.

    :rtype: Adaptor3d_Curve
") GetCurve;
        virtual Adaptor3d_Curve & GetCurve ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") FirstParameter;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: float
") FirstParameter;
        Standard_Real FirstParameter ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") LastParameter;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: float
") LastParameter;
        Standard_Real LastParameter ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Continuity;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: GeomAbs_Shape
") Continuity;
        GeomAbs_Shape Continuity ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") NbIntervals;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param S:
    :type S: GeomAbs_Shape
    :rtype: int
") NbIntervals;
        Standard_Integer NbIntervals (const GeomAbs_Shape S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Intervals;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Stores in <T> the parameters bounding the intervals of continuity <S>.  The array must provide enough room to accomodate for the parameters. i.e. T.Length() > NbIntervals()

    :param T:
    :type T: TColStd_Array1OfReal &
    :param S:
    :type S: GeomAbs_Shape
    :rtype: None
") Intervals;
        void Intervals (TColStd_Array1OfReal & T,const GeomAbs_Shape S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Trim;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Returns a curve equivalent of <self> between parameters <First> and <Last>. <Tol> is used to test for 3d points confusion. If <First> >= <Last>

    :param First:
    :type First: float
    :param Last:
    :type Last: float
    :param Tol:
    :type Tol: float
    :rtype: Handle_Adaptor3d_HCurve
") Trim;
        Handle_Adaptor3d_HCurve Trim (const Standard_Real First,const Standard_Real Last,const Standard_Real Tol);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") IsClosed;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: bool
") IsClosed;
        Standard_Boolean IsClosed ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") IsPeriodic;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: bool
") IsPeriodic;
        Standard_Boolean IsPeriodic ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Period;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: float
") Period;
        Standard_Real Period ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Value;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param U:
    :type U: float
    :rtype: gp_Pnt
") Value;
        gp_Pnt Value (const Standard_Real U);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") D0;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param U:
    :type U: float
    :param P:
    :type P: gp_Pnt
    :rtype: None
") D0;
        void D0 (const Standard_Real U,gp_Pnt & P);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") D1;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param U:
    :type U: float
    :param P:
    :type P: gp_Pnt
    :param V:
    :type V: gp_Vec
    :rtype: None
") D1;
        void D1 (const Standard_Real U,gp_Pnt & P,gp_Vec & V);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") D2;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param U:
    :type U: float
    :param P:
    :type P: gp_Pnt
    :param V1:
    :type V1: gp_Vec
    :param V2:
    :type V2: gp_Vec
    :rtype: None
") D2;
        void D2 (const Standard_Real U,gp_Pnt & P,gp_Vec & V1,gp_Vec & V2);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") D3;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param U:
    :type U: float
    :param P:
    :type P: gp_Pnt
    :param V1:
    :type V1: gp_Vec
    :param V2:
    :type V2: gp_Vec
    :param V3:
    :type V3: gp_Vec
    :rtype: None
") D3;
        void D3 (const Standard_Real U,gp_Pnt & P,gp_Vec & V1,gp_Vec & V2,gp_Vec & V3);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") DN;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param U:
    :type U: float
    :param N:
    :type N: int
    :rtype: gp_Vec
") DN;
        gp_Vec DN (const Standard_Real U,const Standard_Integer N);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Resolution;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param R3d:
    :type R3d: float
    :rtype: float
") Resolution;
        Standard_Real Resolution (const Standard_Real R3d);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") GetType;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: GeomAbs_CurveType
") GetType;
        GeomAbs_CurveType GetType ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Line;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: gp_Lin
") Line;
        gp_Lin Line ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Circle;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: gp_Circ
") Circle;
        gp_Circ Circle ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Ellipse;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: gp_Elips
") Ellipse;
        gp_Elips Ellipse ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Hyperbola;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: gp_Hypr
") Hyperbola;
        gp_Hypr Hyperbola ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Parabola;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: gp_Parab
") Parabola;
        gp_Parab Parabola ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Degree;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: int
") Degree;
        Standard_Integer Degree ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") IsRational;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: bool
") IsRational;
        Standard_Boolean IsRational ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") NbPoles;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: int
") NbPoles;
        Standard_Integer NbPoles ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") NbKnots;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: int
") NbKnots;
        Standard_Integer NbKnots ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Bezier;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: Handle_Geom_BezierCurve
") Bezier;
        Handle_Geom_BezierCurve Bezier ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") BSpline;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: Handle_Geom_BSplineCurve
") BSpline;
        Handle_Geom_BSplineCurve BSpline ();

%feature("shadow") Adaptor3d_HCurve::~Adaptor3d_HCurve %{
def __del__(self):
        self.thisown = False

%extend Adaptor3d_HCurve {
    void _kill_pointed() {
        delete $self;
%extend Adaptor3d_HCurve {
    Handle_Adaptor3d_HCurve GetHandle() {
    return *(Handle_Adaptor3d_HCurve*) &$self;

%nodefaultctor Handle_Adaptor3d_HCurve;
class Handle_Adaptor3d_HCurve : public Handle_MMgt_TShared {

        // constructors
        Handle_Adaptor3d_HCurve(const Handle_Adaptor3d_HCurve &aHandle);
        Handle_Adaptor3d_HCurve(const Adaptor3d_HCurve *anItem);
        void Nullify();
        Standard_Boolean IsNull() const;
        static const Handle_Adaptor3d_HCurve DownCast(const Handle_Standard_Transient &AnObject);

%extend Handle_Adaptor3d_HCurve {
    Adaptor3d_HCurve* GetObject() {
    return (Adaptor3d_HCurve*)$self->Access();
%feature("shadow") Handle_Adaptor3d_HCurve::~Handle_Adaptor3d_HCurve %{
def __del__(self):
        self.thisown = False

%extend Handle_Adaptor3d_HCurve {
    void _kill_pointed() {
        delete $self;

%nodefaultctor Adaptor3d_HOffsetCurve;
class Adaptor3d_HOffsetCurve : public Adaptor2d_HCurve2d {
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Adaptor3d_HOffsetCurve;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: None
") Adaptor3d_HOffsetCurve;
         Adaptor3d_HOffsetCurve ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Adaptor3d_HOffsetCurve;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param C:
    :type C: Adaptor3d_OffsetCurve &
    :rtype: None
") Adaptor3d_HOffsetCurve;
         Adaptor3d_HOffsetCurve (const Adaptor3d_OffsetCurve & C);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Set;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param C:
    :type C: Adaptor3d_OffsetCurve &
    :rtype: None
") Set;
        void Set (const Adaptor3d_OffsetCurve & C);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Curve2d;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: Adaptor2d_Curve2d
") Curve2d;
        const Adaptor2d_Curve2d & Curve2d ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") ChangeCurve2d;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: Adaptor3d_OffsetCurve
") ChangeCurve2d;
        Adaptor3d_OffsetCurve & ChangeCurve2d ();

%feature("shadow") Adaptor3d_HOffsetCurve::~Adaptor3d_HOffsetCurve %{
def __del__(self):
        self.thisown = False

%extend Adaptor3d_HOffsetCurve {
    void _kill_pointed() {
        delete $self;
%extend Adaptor3d_HOffsetCurve {
    Handle_Adaptor3d_HOffsetCurve GetHandle() {
    return *(Handle_Adaptor3d_HOffsetCurve*) &$self;

%nodefaultctor Handle_Adaptor3d_HOffsetCurve;
class Handle_Adaptor3d_HOffsetCurve : public Handle_Adaptor2d_HCurve2d {

        // constructors
        Handle_Adaptor3d_HOffsetCurve(const Handle_Adaptor3d_HOffsetCurve &aHandle);
        Handle_Adaptor3d_HOffsetCurve(const Adaptor3d_HOffsetCurve *anItem);
        void Nullify();
        Standard_Boolean IsNull() const;
        static const Handle_Adaptor3d_HOffsetCurve DownCast(const Handle_Standard_Transient &AnObject);

%extend Handle_Adaptor3d_HOffsetCurve {
    Adaptor3d_HOffsetCurve* GetObject() {
    return (Adaptor3d_HOffsetCurve*)$self->Access();
%feature("shadow") Handle_Adaptor3d_HOffsetCurve::~Handle_Adaptor3d_HOffsetCurve %{
def __del__(self):
        self.thisown = False

%extend Handle_Adaptor3d_HOffsetCurve {
    void _kill_pointed() {
        delete $self;

%nodefaultctor Adaptor3d_HSurface;
class Adaptor3d_HSurface : public MMgt_TShared {
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Surface;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Returns a reference to the Surface inside the HSurface.

    :rtype: Adaptor3d_Surface
") Surface;
        virtual const Adaptor3d_Surface & Surface ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") FirstUParameter;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: float
") FirstUParameter;
        Standard_Real FirstUParameter ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") LastUParameter;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: float
") LastUParameter;
        Standard_Real LastUParameter ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") FirstVParameter;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: float
") FirstVParameter;
        Standard_Real FirstVParameter ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") LastVParameter;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: float
") LastVParameter;
        Standard_Real LastVParameter ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") UContinuity;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: GeomAbs_Shape
") UContinuity;
        GeomAbs_Shape UContinuity ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") VContinuity;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: GeomAbs_Shape
") VContinuity;
        GeomAbs_Shape VContinuity ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") NbUIntervals;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param S:
    :type S: GeomAbs_Shape
    :rtype: int
") NbUIntervals;
        Standard_Integer NbUIntervals (const GeomAbs_Shape S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") NbVIntervals;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param S:
    :type S: GeomAbs_Shape
    :rtype: int
") NbVIntervals;
        Standard_Integer NbVIntervals (const GeomAbs_Shape S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") UIntervals;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param T:
    :type T: TColStd_Array1OfReal &
    :param S:
    :type S: GeomAbs_Shape
    :rtype: None
") UIntervals;
        void UIntervals (TColStd_Array1OfReal & T,const GeomAbs_Shape S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") VIntervals;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param T:
    :type T: TColStd_Array1OfReal &
    :param S:
    :type S: GeomAbs_Shape
    :rtype: None
") VIntervals;
        void VIntervals (TColStd_Array1OfReal & T,const GeomAbs_Shape S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") UTrim;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param First:
    :type First: float
    :param Last:
    :type Last: float
    :param Tol:
    :type Tol: float
    :rtype: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface
") UTrim;
        Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface UTrim (const Standard_Real First,const Standard_Real Last,const Standard_Real Tol);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") VTrim;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param First:
    :type First: float
    :param Last:
    :type Last: float
    :param Tol:
    :type Tol: float
    :rtype: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface
") VTrim;
        Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface VTrim (const Standard_Real First,const Standard_Real Last,const Standard_Real Tol);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") IsUClosed;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: bool
") IsUClosed;
        Standard_Boolean IsUClosed ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") IsVClosed;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: bool
") IsVClosed;
        Standard_Boolean IsVClosed ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") IsUPeriodic;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: bool
") IsUPeriodic;
        Standard_Boolean IsUPeriodic ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") UPeriod;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: float
") UPeriod;
        Standard_Real UPeriod ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") IsVPeriodic;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: bool
") IsVPeriodic;
        Standard_Boolean IsVPeriodic ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") VPeriod;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: float
") VPeriod;
        Standard_Real VPeriod ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Value;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param U:
    :type U: float
    :param V:
    :type V: float
    :rtype: gp_Pnt
") Value;
        gp_Pnt Value (const Standard_Real U,const Standard_Real V);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") D0;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param U:
    :type U: float
    :param V:
    :type V: float
    :param P:
    :type P: gp_Pnt
    :rtype: None
") D0;
        void D0 (const Standard_Real U,const Standard_Real V,gp_Pnt & P);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") D1;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param U:
    :type U: float
    :param V:
    :type V: float
    :param P:
    :type P: gp_Pnt
    :param D1U:
    :type D1U: gp_Vec
    :param D1V:
    :type D1V: gp_Vec
    :rtype: None
") D1;
        void D1 (const Standard_Real U,const Standard_Real V,gp_Pnt & P,gp_Vec & D1U,gp_Vec & D1V);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") D2;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param U:
    :type U: float
    :param V:
    :type V: float
    :param P:
    :type P: gp_Pnt
    :param D1U:
    :type D1U: gp_Vec
    :param D1V:
    :type D1V: gp_Vec
    :param D2U:
    :type D2U: gp_Vec
    :param D2V:
    :type D2V: gp_Vec
    :param D2UV:
    :type D2UV: gp_Vec
    :rtype: None
") D2;
        void D2 (const Standard_Real U,const Standard_Real V,gp_Pnt & P,gp_Vec & D1U,gp_Vec & D1V,gp_Vec & D2U,gp_Vec & D2V,gp_Vec & D2UV);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") D3;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param U:
    :type U: float
    :param V:
    :type V: float
    :param P:
    :type P: gp_Pnt
    :param D1U:
    :type D1U: gp_Vec
    :param D1V:
    :type D1V: gp_Vec
    :param D2U:
    :type D2U: gp_Vec
    :param D2V:
    :type D2V: gp_Vec
    :param D2UV:
    :type D2UV: gp_Vec
    :param D3U:
    :type D3U: gp_Vec
    :param D3V:
    :type D3V: gp_Vec
    :param D3UUV:
    :type D3UUV: gp_Vec
    :param D3UVV:
    :type D3UVV: gp_Vec
    :rtype: None
") D3;
        void D3 (const Standard_Real U,const Standard_Real V,gp_Pnt & P,gp_Vec & D1U,gp_Vec & D1V,gp_Vec & D2U,gp_Vec & D2V,gp_Vec & D2UV,gp_Vec & D3U,gp_Vec & D3V,gp_Vec & D3UUV,gp_Vec & D3UVV);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") DN;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param U:
    :type U: float
    :param V:
    :type V: float
    :param Nu:
    :type Nu: int
    :param Nv:
    :type Nv: int
    :rtype: gp_Vec
") DN;
        gp_Vec DN (const Standard_Real U,const Standard_Real V,const Standard_Integer Nu,const Standard_Integer Nv);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") UResolution;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param R3d:
    :type R3d: float
    :rtype: float
") UResolution;
        Standard_Real UResolution (const Standard_Real R3d);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") VResolution;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param R3d:
    :type R3d: float
    :rtype: float
") VResolution;
        Standard_Real VResolution (const Standard_Real R3d);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") GetType;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: GeomAbs_SurfaceType
") GetType;
        GeomAbs_SurfaceType GetType ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Plane;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: gp_Pln
") Plane;
        gp_Pln Plane ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Cylinder;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: gp_Cylinder
") Cylinder;
        gp_Cylinder Cylinder ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Cone;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: gp_Cone
") Cone;
        gp_Cone Cone ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Sphere;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: gp_Sphere
") Sphere;
        gp_Sphere Sphere ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Torus;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: gp_Torus
") Torus;
        gp_Torus Torus ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") UDegree;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: int
") UDegree;
        Standard_Integer UDegree ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") NbUPoles;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: int
") NbUPoles;
        Standard_Integer NbUPoles ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") VDegree;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: int
") VDegree;
        Standard_Integer VDegree ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") NbVPoles;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: int
") NbVPoles;
        Standard_Integer NbVPoles ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") NbUKnots;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: int
") NbUKnots;
        Standard_Integer NbUKnots ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") NbVKnots;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: int
") NbVKnots;
        Standard_Integer NbVKnots ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") IsURational;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: bool
") IsURational;
        Standard_Boolean IsURational ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") IsVRational;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: bool
") IsVRational;
        Standard_Boolean IsVRational ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Bezier;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: Handle_Geom_BezierSurface
") Bezier;
        Handle_Geom_BezierSurface Bezier ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") BSpline;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: Handle_Geom_BSplineSurface
") BSpline;
        Handle_Geom_BSplineSurface BSpline ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") AxeOfRevolution;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: gp_Ax1
") AxeOfRevolution;
        gp_Ax1 AxeOfRevolution ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Direction;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: gp_Dir
") Direction;
        gp_Dir Direction ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") BasisCurve;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: Handle_Adaptor3d_HCurve
") BasisCurve;
        Handle_Adaptor3d_HCurve BasisCurve ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") BasisSurface;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface
") BasisSurface;
        Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface BasisSurface ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") OffsetValue;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: float
") OffsetValue;
        Standard_Real OffsetValue ();

%feature("shadow") Adaptor3d_HSurface::~Adaptor3d_HSurface %{
def __del__(self):
        self.thisown = False

%extend Adaptor3d_HSurface {
    void _kill_pointed() {
        delete $self;
%extend Adaptor3d_HSurface {
    Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface GetHandle() {
    return *(Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface*) &$self;

%nodefaultctor Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface;
class Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface : public Handle_MMgt_TShared {

        // constructors
        Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface(const Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface &aHandle);
        Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface(const Adaptor3d_HSurface *anItem);
        void Nullify();
        Standard_Boolean IsNull() const;
        static const Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface DownCast(const Handle_Standard_Transient &AnObject);

%extend Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface {
    Adaptor3d_HSurface* GetObject() {
    return (Adaptor3d_HSurface*)$self->Access();
%feature("shadow") Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface::~Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface %{
def __del__(self):
        self.thisown = False

%extend Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface {
    void _kill_pointed() {
        delete $self;

class Adaptor3d_HSurfaceTool {
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") FirstUParameter;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param S:
    :type S: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface &
    :rtype: float
") FirstUParameter;
        static Standard_Real FirstUParameter (const Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface & S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") FirstVParameter;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param S:
    :type S: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface &
    :rtype: float
") FirstVParameter;
        static Standard_Real FirstVParameter (const Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface & S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") LastUParameter;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param S:
    :type S: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface &
    :rtype: float
") LastUParameter;
        static Standard_Real LastUParameter (const Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface & S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") LastVParameter;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param S:
    :type S: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface &
    :rtype: float
") LastVParameter;
        static Standard_Real LastVParameter (const Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface & S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") NbUIntervals;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param S:
    :type S: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface &
    :param Sh:
    :type Sh: GeomAbs_Shape
    :rtype: int
") NbUIntervals;
        static Standard_Integer NbUIntervals (const Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface & S,const GeomAbs_Shape Sh);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") NbVIntervals;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param S:
    :type S: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface &
    :param Sh:
    :type Sh: GeomAbs_Shape
    :rtype: int
") NbVIntervals;
        static Standard_Integer NbVIntervals (const Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface & S,const GeomAbs_Shape Sh);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") UIntervals;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param S:
    :type S: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface &
    :param T:
    :type T: TColStd_Array1OfReal &
    :param Sh:
    :type Sh: GeomAbs_Shape
    :rtype: void
") UIntervals;
        static void UIntervals (const Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface & S,TColStd_Array1OfReal & T,const GeomAbs_Shape Sh);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") VIntervals;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param S:
    :type S: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface &
    :param T:
    :type T: TColStd_Array1OfReal &
    :param Sh:
    :type Sh: GeomAbs_Shape
    :rtype: void
") VIntervals;
        static void VIntervals (const Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface & S,TColStd_Array1OfReal & T,const GeomAbs_Shape Sh);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") UTrim;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * If <First> >= <Last>

    :param S:
    :type S: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface &
    :param First:
    :type First: float
    :param Last:
    :type Last: float
    :param Tol:
    :type Tol: float
    :rtype: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface
") UTrim;
        static Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface UTrim (const Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface & S,const Standard_Real First,const Standard_Real Last,const Standard_Real Tol);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") VTrim;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * If <First> >= <Last>

    :param S:
    :type S: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface &
    :param First:
    :type First: float
    :param Last:
    :type Last: float
    :param Tol:
    :type Tol: float
    :rtype: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface
") VTrim;
        static Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface VTrim (const Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface & S,const Standard_Real First,const Standard_Real Last,const Standard_Real Tol);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") IsUClosed;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param S:
    :type S: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface &
    :rtype: bool
") IsUClosed;
        static Standard_Boolean IsUClosed (const Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface & S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") IsVClosed;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param S:
    :type S: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface &
    :rtype: bool
") IsVClosed;
        static Standard_Boolean IsVClosed (const Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface & S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") IsUPeriodic;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param S:
    :type S: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface &
    :rtype: bool
") IsUPeriodic;
        static Standard_Boolean IsUPeriodic (const Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface & S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") UPeriod;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param S:
    :type S: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface &
    :rtype: float
") UPeriod;
        static Standard_Real UPeriod (const Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface & S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") IsVPeriodic;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param S:
    :type S: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface &
    :rtype: bool
") IsVPeriodic;
        static Standard_Boolean IsVPeriodic (const Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface & S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") VPeriod;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param S:
    :type S: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface &
    :rtype: float
") VPeriod;
        static Standard_Real VPeriod (const Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface & S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Value;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param S:
    :type S: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface &
    :param u:
    :type u: float
    :param v:
    :type v: float
    :rtype: gp_Pnt
") Value;
        static gp_Pnt Value (const Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface & S,const Standard_Real u,const Standard_Real v);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") D0;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param S:
    :type S: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface &
    :param u:
    :type u: float
    :param v:
    :type v: float
    :param P:
    :type P: gp_Pnt
    :rtype: void
") D0;
        static void D0 (const Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface & S,const Standard_Real u,const Standard_Real v,gp_Pnt & P);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") D1;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param S:
    :type S: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface &
    :param u:
    :type u: float
    :param v:
    :type v: float
    :param P:
    :type P: gp_Pnt
    :param D1u:
    :type D1u: gp_Vec
    :param D1v:
    :type D1v: gp_Vec
    :rtype: void
") D1;
        static void D1 (const Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface & S,const Standard_Real u,const Standard_Real v,gp_Pnt & P,gp_Vec & D1u,gp_Vec & D1v);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") D2;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param S:
    :type S: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface &
    :param u:
    :type u: float
    :param v:
    :type v: float
    :param P:
    :type P: gp_Pnt
    :param D1U:
    :type D1U: gp_Vec
    :param D1V:
    :type D1V: gp_Vec
    :param D2U:
    :type D2U: gp_Vec
    :param D2V:
    :type D2V: gp_Vec
    :param D2UV:
    :type D2UV: gp_Vec
    :rtype: void
") D2;
        static void D2 (const Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface & S,const Standard_Real u,const Standard_Real v,gp_Pnt & P,gp_Vec & D1U,gp_Vec & D1V,gp_Vec & D2U,gp_Vec & D2V,gp_Vec & D2UV);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") D3;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param S:
    :type S: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface &
    :param u:
    :type u: float
    :param v:
    :type v: float
    :param P:
    :type P: gp_Pnt
    :param D1U:
    :type D1U: gp_Vec
    :param D1V:
    :type D1V: gp_Vec
    :param D2U:
    :type D2U: gp_Vec
    :param D2V:
    :type D2V: gp_Vec
    :param D2UV:
    :type D2UV: gp_Vec
    :param D3U:
    :type D3U: gp_Vec
    :param D3V:
    :type D3V: gp_Vec
    :param D3UUV:
    :type D3UUV: gp_Vec
    :param D3UVV:
    :type D3UVV: gp_Vec
    :rtype: void
") D3;
        static void D3 (const Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface & S,const Standard_Real u,const Standard_Real v,gp_Pnt & P,gp_Vec & D1U,gp_Vec & D1V,gp_Vec & D2U,gp_Vec & D2V,gp_Vec & D2UV,gp_Vec & D3U,gp_Vec & D3V,gp_Vec & D3UUV,gp_Vec & D3UVV);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") DN;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param S:
    :type S: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface &
    :param u:
    :type u: float
    :param v:
    :type v: float
    :param Nu:
    :type Nu: int
    :param Nv:
    :type Nv: int
    :rtype: gp_Vec
") DN;
        static gp_Vec DN (const Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface & S,const Standard_Real u,const Standard_Real v,const Standard_Integer Nu,const Standard_Integer Nv);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") UResolution;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param S:
    :type S: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface &
    :param R3d:
    :type R3d: float
    :rtype: float
") UResolution;
        static Standard_Real UResolution (const Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface & S,const Standard_Real R3d);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") VResolution;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param S:
    :type S: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface &
    :param R3d:
    :type R3d: float
    :rtype: float
") VResolution;
        static Standard_Real VResolution (const Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface & S,const Standard_Real R3d);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") GetType;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param S:
    :type S: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface &
    :rtype: GeomAbs_SurfaceType
") GetType;
        static GeomAbs_SurfaceType GetType (const Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface & S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Plane;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param S:
    :type S: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface &
    :rtype: gp_Pln
") Plane;
        static gp_Pln Plane (const Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface & S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Cylinder;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param S:
    :type S: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface &
    :rtype: gp_Cylinder
") Cylinder;
        static gp_Cylinder Cylinder (const Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface & S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Cone;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param S:
    :type S: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface &
    :rtype: gp_Cone
") Cone;
        static gp_Cone Cone (const Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface & S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Torus;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param S:
    :type S: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface &
    :rtype: gp_Torus
") Torus;
        static gp_Torus Torus (const Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface & S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Sphere;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param S:
    :type S: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface &
    :rtype: gp_Sphere
") Sphere;
        static gp_Sphere Sphere (const Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface & S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Bezier;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param S:
    :type S: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface &
    :rtype: Handle_Geom_BezierSurface
") Bezier;
        static Handle_Geom_BezierSurface Bezier (const Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface & S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") BSpline;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param S:
    :type S: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface &
    :rtype: Handle_Geom_BSplineSurface
") BSpline;
        static Handle_Geom_BSplineSurface BSpline (const Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface & S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") AxeOfRevolution;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param S:
    :type S: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface &
    :rtype: gp_Ax1
") AxeOfRevolution;
        static gp_Ax1 AxeOfRevolution (const Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface & S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Direction;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param S:
    :type S: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface &
    :rtype: gp_Dir
") Direction;
        static gp_Dir Direction (const Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface & S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") BasisCurve;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param S:
    :type S: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface &
    :rtype: Handle_Adaptor3d_HCurve
") BasisCurve;
        static Handle_Adaptor3d_HCurve BasisCurve (const Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface & S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") BasisSurface;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param S:
    :type S: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface &
    :rtype: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface
") BasisSurface;
        static Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface BasisSurface (const Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface & S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") OffsetValue;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param S:
    :type S: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface &
    :rtype: float
") OffsetValue;
        static Standard_Real OffsetValue (const Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface & S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") NbSamplesU;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param S:
    :type S: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface &
    :rtype: int
") NbSamplesU;
        static Standard_Integer NbSamplesU (const Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface & S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") NbSamplesV;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param S:
    :type S: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface &
    :rtype: int
") NbSamplesV;
        static Standard_Integer NbSamplesV (const Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface & S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") NbSamplesU;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param S:
    :type S: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface &
    :param u1:
    :type u1: float
    :param u2:
    :type u2: float
    :rtype: int
") NbSamplesU;
        static Standard_Integer NbSamplesU (const Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface & S,const Standard_Real u1,const Standard_Real u2);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") NbSamplesV;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param S:
    :type S: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface &
    :param v1:
    :type v1: float
    :param v2:
    :type v2: float
    :rtype: int
") NbSamplesV;
        static Standard_Integer NbSamplesV (const Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface & S,const Standard_Real v1,const Standard_Real v2);

%feature("shadow") Adaptor3d_HSurfaceTool::~Adaptor3d_HSurfaceTool %{
def __del__(self):
        self.thisown = False

%extend Adaptor3d_HSurfaceTool {
    void _kill_pointed() {
        delete $self;
%nodefaultctor Adaptor3d_HVertex;
class Adaptor3d_HVertex : public MMgt_TShared {
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Adaptor3d_HVertex;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: None
") Adaptor3d_HVertex;
         Adaptor3d_HVertex ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Adaptor3d_HVertex;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param P:
    :type P: gp_Pnt2d
    :param Ori:
    :type Ori: TopAbs_Orientation
    :param Resolution:
    :type Resolution: float
    :rtype: None
") Adaptor3d_HVertex;
         Adaptor3d_HVertex (const gp_Pnt2d & P,const TopAbs_Orientation Ori,const Standard_Real Resolution);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Value;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: gp_Pnt2d
") Value;
        virtual gp_Pnt2d Value ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Parameter;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param C:
    :type C: Handle_Adaptor2d_HCurve2d &
    :rtype: float
") Parameter;
        virtual Standard_Real Parameter (const Handle_Adaptor2d_HCurve2d & C);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Resolution;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Parametric resolution (2d).

    :param C:
    :type C: Handle_Adaptor2d_HCurve2d &
    :rtype: float
") Resolution;
        virtual Standard_Real Resolution (const Handle_Adaptor2d_HCurve2d & C);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Orientation;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: TopAbs_Orientation
") Orientation;
        virtual TopAbs_Orientation Orientation ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") IsSame;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param Other:
    :type Other: Handle_Adaptor3d_HVertex &
    :rtype: bool
") IsSame;
        virtual Standard_Boolean IsSame (const Handle_Adaptor3d_HVertex & Other);

%feature("shadow") Adaptor3d_HVertex::~Adaptor3d_HVertex %{
def __del__(self):
        self.thisown = False

%extend Adaptor3d_HVertex {
    void _kill_pointed() {
        delete $self;
%extend Adaptor3d_HVertex {
    Handle_Adaptor3d_HVertex GetHandle() {
    return *(Handle_Adaptor3d_HVertex*) &$self;

%nodefaultctor Handle_Adaptor3d_HVertex;
class Handle_Adaptor3d_HVertex : public Handle_MMgt_TShared {

        // constructors
        Handle_Adaptor3d_HVertex(const Handle_Adaptor3d_HVertex &aHandle);
        Handle_Adaptor3d_HVertex(const Adaptor3d_HVertex *anItem);
        void Nullify();
        Standard_Boolean IsNull() const;
        static const Handle_Adaptor3d_HVertex DownCast(const Handle_Standard_Transient &AnObject);

%extend Handle_Adaptor3d_HVertex {
    Adaptor3d_HVertex* GetObject() {
    return (Adaptor3d_HVertex*)$self->Access();
%feature("shadow") Handle_Adaptor3d_HVertex::~Handle_Adaptor3d_HVertex %{
def __del__(self):
        self.thisown = False

%extend Handle_Adaptor3d_HVertex {
    void _kill_pointed() {
        delete $self;

%nodefaultctor Adaptor3d_InterFunc;
class Adaptor3d_InterFunc : public math_FunctionWithDerivative {
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Adaptor3d_InterFunc;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * build the function U(t)=FixVal if Fix =1 or  V(t)=FixVal if Fix=2

    :param C:
    :type C: Handle_Adaptor2d_HCurve2d &
    :param FixVal:
    :type FixVal: float
    :param Fix:
    :type Fix: int
    :rtype: None
") Adaptor3d_InterFunc;
         Adaptor3d_InterFunc (const Handle_Adaptor2d_HCurve2d & C,const Standard_Real FixVal,const Standard_Integer Fix);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Value;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * computes the value <F>of the function for the variable <X>.  Returns True if the calculation were successfully done, False otherwise.

    :param X:
    :type X: float
    :param F:
    :type F: float &
    :rtype: bool
") Value;
        Standard_Boolean Value (const Standard_Real X,Standard_Real &OutValue);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Derivative;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * computes the derivative <D> of the function for the variable <X>. Returns True if the calculation were successfully done, False otherwise.

    :param X:
    :type X: float
    :param D:
    :type D: float &
    :rtype: bool
") Derivative;
        Standard_Boolean Derivative (const Standard_Real X,Standard_Real &OutValue);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Values;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * computes the value <F> and the derivative <D> of the function for the variable <X>. Returns True if the calculation were successfully done, False otherwise.

    :param X:
    :type X: float
    :param F:
    :type F: float &
    :param D:
    :type D: float &
    :rtype: bool
") Values;
        Standard_Boolean Values (const Standard_Real X,Standard_Real &OutValue,Standard_Real &OutValue);

%feature("shadow") Adaptor3d_InterFunc::~Adaptor3d_InterFunc %{
def __del__(self):
        self.thisown = False

%extend Adaptor3d_InterFunc {
    void _kill_pointed() {
        delete $self;
%nodefaultctor Adaptor3d_OffsetCurve;
class Adaptor3d_OffsetCurve : public Adaptor2d_Curve2d {
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Adaptor3d_OffsetCurve;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * The Offset is set to 0.

    :rtype: None
") Adaptor3d_OffsetCurve;
         Adaptor3d_OffsetCurve ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Adaptor3d_OffsetCurve;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * The curve is loaded. The Offset is set to 0.

    :param C:
    :type C: Handle_Adaptor2d_HCurve2d &
    :rtype: None
") Adaptor3d_OffsetCurve;
         Adaptor3d_OffsetCurve (const Handle_Adaptor2d_HCurve2d & C);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Adaptor3d_OffsetCurve;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Creates an OffsetCurve curve. The Offset is set to Offset.

    :param C:
    :type C: Handle_Adaptor2d_HCurve2d &
    :param Offset:
    :type Offset: float
    :rtype: None
") Adaptor3d_OffsetCurve;
         Adaptor3d_OffsetCurve (const Handle_Adaptor2d_HCurve2d & C,const Standard_Real Offset);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Adaptor3d_OffsetCurve;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Create an Offset curve. WFirst,WLast define the bounds of the Offset curve.

    :param C:
    :type C: Handle_Adaptor2d_HCurve2d &
    :param Offset:
    :type Offset: float
    :param WFirst:
    :type WFirst: float
    :param WLast:
    :type WLast: float
    :rtype: None
") Adaptor3d_OffsetCurve;
         Adaptor3d_OffsetCurve (const Handle_Adaptor2d_HCurve2d & C,const Standard_Real Offset,const Standard_Real WFirst,const Standard_Real WLast);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Load;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Changes the curve. The Offset is reset to 0.

    :param S:
    :type S: Handle_Adaptor2d_HCurve2d &
    :rtype: None
") Load;
        void Load (const Handle_Adaptor2d_HCurve2d & S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Load;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Changes the Offset on the current Curve.

    :param Offset:
    :type Offset: float
    :rtype: None
") Load;
        void Load (const Standard_Real Offset);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Load;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Changes the Offset Curve on the current Curve.

    :param Offset:
    :type Offset: float
    :param WFirst:
    :type WFirst: float
    :param WLast:
    :type WLast: float
    :rtype: None
") Load;
        void Load (const Standard_Real Offset,const Standard_Real WFirst,const Standard_Real WLast);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Curve;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: Handle_Adaptor2d_HCurve2d
") Curve;
        const Handle_Adaptor2d_HCurve2d & Curve ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Offset;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: float
") Offset;
        Standard_Real Offset ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") FirstParameter;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: float
") FirstParameter;
        Standard_Real FirstParameter ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") LastParameter;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: float
") LastParameter;
        Standard_Real LastParameter ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Continuity;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: GeomAbs_Shape
") Continuity;
        GeomAbs_Shape Continuity ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") NbIntervals;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * If necessary, breaks the curve in intervals of continuity <S>. And returns the number of intervals.

    :param S:
    :type S: GeomAbs_Shape
    :rtype: int
") NbIntervals;
        Standard_Integer NbIntervals (const GeomAbs_Shape S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Intervals;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Stores in <T> the parameters bounding the intervals of continuity <S>.  The array must provide enough room to accomodate for the parameters. i.e. T.Length() > NbIntervals()

    :param T:
    :type T: TColStd_Array1OfReal &
    :param S:
    :type S: GeomAbs_Shape
    :rtype: None
") Intervals;
        void Intervals (TColStd_Array1OfReal & T,const GeomAbs_Shape S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Trim;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Returns a curve equivalent of <self> between parameters <First> and <Last>. <Tol> is used to test for 3d points confusion. If <First> >= <Last>

    :param First:
    :type First: float
    :param Last:
    :type Last: float
    :param Tol:
    :type Tol: float
    :rtype: Handle_Adaptor2d_HCurve2d
") Trim;
        Handle_Adaptor2d_HCurve2d Trim (const Standard_Real First,const Standard_Real Last,const Standard_Real Tol);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") IsClosed;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: bool
") IsClosed;
        Standard_Boolean IsClosed ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") IsPeriodic;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: bool
") IsPeriodic;
        Standard_Boolean IsPeriodic ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Period;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: float
") Period;
        Standard_Real Period ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Value;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Computes the point of parameter U on the curve.

    :param U:
    :type U: float
    :rtype: gp_Pnt2d
") Value;
        gp_Pnt2d Value (const Standard_Real U);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") D0;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Computes the point of parameter U on the curve.

    :param U:
    :type U: float
    :param P:
    :type P: gp_Pnt2d
    :rtype: None
") D0;
        void D0 (const Standard_Real U,gp_Pnt2d & P);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") D1;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Computes the point of parameter U on the curve with its first derivative. Raised if the continuity of the current interval is not C1.

    :param U:
    :type U: float
    :param P:
    :type P: gp_Pnt2d
    :param V:
    :type V: gp_Vec2d
    :rtype: None
") D1;
        void D1 (const Standard_Real U,gp_Pnt2d & P,gp_Vec2d & V);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") D2;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Returns the point P of parameter U, the first and second derivatives V1 and V2. Raised if the continuity of the current interval is not C2.

    :param U:
    :type U: float
    :param P:
    :type P: gp_Pnt2d
    :param V1:
    :type V1: gp_Vec2d
    :param V2:
    :type V2: gp_Vec2d
    :rtype: None
") D2;
        void D2 (const Standard_Real U,gp_Pnt2d & P,gp_Vec2d & V1,gp_Vec2d & V2);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") D3;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Returns the point P of parameter U, the first, the second and the third derivative. Raised if the continuity of the current interval is not C3.

    :param U:
    :type U: float
    :param P:
    :type P: gp_Pnt2d
    :param V1:
    :type V1: gp_Vec2d
    :param V2:
    :type V2: gp_Vec2d
    :param V3:
    :type V3: gp_Vec2d
    :rtype: None
") D3;
        void D3 (const Standard_Real U,gp_Pnt2d & P,gp_Vec2d & V1,gp_Vec2d & V2,gp_Vec2d & V3);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") DN;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * The returned vector gives the value of the derivative for the order of derivation N. Raised if the continuity of the current interval is not CN. Raised if N < 1.

    :param U:
    :type U: float
    :param N:
    :type N: int
    :rtype: gp_Vec2d
") DN;
        gp_Vec2d DN (const Standard_Real U,const Standard_Integer N);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Resolution;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Returns the parametric resolution corresponding  to the real space resolution <R3d>.

    :param R3d:
    :type R3d: float
    :rtype: float
") Resolution;
        Standard_Real Resolution (const Standard_Real R3d);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") GetType;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Returns the type of the curve in the current interval : Line, Circle, Ellipse, Hyperbola, Parabola, BezierCurve, BSplineCurve, OtherCurve.

    :rtype: GeomAbs_CurveType
") GetType;
        GeomAbs_CurveType GetType ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Line;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: gp_Lin2d
") Line;
        gp_Lin2d Line ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Circle;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: gp_Circ2d
") Circle;
        gp_Circ2d Circle ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Ellipse;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: gp_Elips2d
") Ellipse;
        gp_Elips2d Ellipse ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Hyperbola;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: gp_Hypr2d
") Hyperbola;
        gp_Hypr2d Hyperbola ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Parabola;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: gp_Parab2d
") Parabola;
        gp_Parab2d Parabola ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Degree;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: int
") Degree;
        Standard_Integer Degree ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") IsRational;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: bool
") IsRational;
        Standard_Boolean IsRational ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") NbPoles;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: int
") NbPoles;
        Standard_Integer NbPoles ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") NbKnots;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: int
") NbKnots;
        Standard_Integer NbKnots ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Bezier;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: Handle_Geom2d_BezierCurve
") Bezier;
        Handle_Geom2d_BezierCurve Bezier ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") BSpline;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: Handle_Geom2d_BSplineCurve
") BSpline;
        Handle_Geom2d_BSplineCurve BSpline ();

%feature("shadow") Adaptor3d_OffsetCurve::~Adaptor3d_OffsetCurve %{
def __del__(self):
        self.thisown = False

%extend Adaptor3d_OffsetCurve {
    void _kill_pointed() {
        delete $self;
class Adaptor3d_Surface {
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Delete;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: void
") Delete;
        virtual void Delete ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") FirstUParameter;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: float
") FirstUParameter;
        virtual Standard_Real FirstUParameter ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") LastUParameter;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: float
") LastUParameter;
        virtual Standard_Real LastUParameter ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") FirstVParameter;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: float
") FirstVParameter;
        virtual Standard_Real FirstVParameter ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") LastVParameter;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: float
") LastVParameter;
        virtual Standard_Real LastVParameter ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") UContinuity;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: GeomAbs_Shape
") UContinuity;
        virtual GeomAbs_Shape UContinuity ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") VContinuity;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: GeomAbs_Shape
") VContinuity;
        virtual GeomAbs_Shape VContinuity ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") NbUIntervals;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Returns the number of U intervals for continuity <S>. May be one if UContinuity(me) >= <S>

    :param S:
    :type S: GeomAbs_Shape
    :rtype: int
") NbUIntervals;
        virtual Standard_Integer NbUIntervals (const GeomAbs_Shape S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") NbVIntervals;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Returns the number of V intervals for continuity <S>. May be one if VContinuity(me) >= <S>

    :param S:
    :type S: GeomAbs_Shape
    :rtype: int
") NbVIntervals;
        virtual Standard_Integer NbVIntervals (const GeomAbs_Shape S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") UIntervals;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Returns the intervals with the requested continuity in the U direction.

    :param T:
    :type T: TColStd_Array1OfReal &
    :param S:
    :type S: GeomAbs_Shape
    :rtype: void
") UIntervals;
        virtual void UIntervals (TColStd_Array1OfReal & T,const GeomAbs_Shape S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") VIntervals;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Returns the intervals with the requested continuity in the V direction.

    :param T:
    :type T: TColStd_Array1OfReal &
    :param S:
    :type S: GeomAbs_Shape
    :rtype: void
") VIntervals;
        virtual void VIntervals (TColStd_Array1OfReal & T,const GeomAbs_Shape S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") UTrim;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Returns a surface trimmed in the U direction equivalent of <self> between parameters <First> and <Last>. <Tol> is used to test for 3d points confusion. If <First> >= <Last>

    :param First:
    :type First: float
    :param Last:
    :type Last: float
    :param Tol:
    :type Tol: float
    :rtype: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface
") UTrim;
        virtual Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface UTrim (const Standard_Real First,const Standard_Real Last,const Standard_Real Tol);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") VTrim;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Returns a surface trimmed in the V direction between parameters <First> and <Last>. <Tol> is used to test for 3d points confusion. If <First> >= <Last>

    :param First:
    :type First: float
    :param Last:
    :type Last: float
    :param Tol:
    :type Tol: float
    :rtype: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface
") VTrim;
        virtual Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface VTrim (const Standard_Real First,const Standard_Real Last,const Standard_Real Tol);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") IsUClosed;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: bool
") IsUClosed;
        virtual Standard_Boolean IsUClosed ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") IsVClosed;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: bool
") IsVClosed;
        virtual Standard_Boolean IsVClosed ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") IsUPeriodic;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: bool
") IsUPeriodic;
        virtual Standard_Boolean IsUPeriodic ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") UPeriod;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: float
") UPeriod;
        virtual Standard_Real UPeriod ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") IsVPeriodic;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: bool
") IsVPeriodic;
        virtual Standard_Boolean IsVPeriodic ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") VPeriod;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: float
") VPeriod;
        virtual Standard_Real VPeriod ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Value;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Computes the point of parameters U,V on the surface.

    :param U:
    :type U: float
    :param V:
    :type V: float
    :rtype: gp_Pnt
") Value;
        virtual gp_Pnt Value (const Standard_Real U,const Standard_Real V);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") D0;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Computes the point of parameters U,V on the surface.

    :param U:
    :type U: float
    :param V:
    :type V: float
    :param P:
    :type P: gp_Pnt
    :rtype: void
") D0;
        virtual void D0 (const Standard_Real U,const Standard_Real V,gp_Pnt & P);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") D1;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Computes the point and the first derivatives on the surface. Raised if the continuity of the current intervals is not C1.

    :param U:
    :type U: float
    :param V:
    :type V: float
    :param P:
    :type P: gp_Pnt
    :param D1U:
    :type D1U: gp_Vec
    :param D1V:
    :type D1V: gp_Vec
    :rtype: void
") D1;
        virtual void D1 (const Standard_Real U,const Standard_Real V,gp_Pnt & P,gp_Vec & D1U,gp_Vec & D1V);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") D2;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Computes the point, the first and second derivatives on the surface. Raised if the continuity of the current intervals is not C2.

    :param U:
    :type U: float
    :param V:
    :type V: float
    :param P:
    :type P: gp_Pnt
    :param D1U:
    :type D1U: gp_Vec
    :param D1V:
    :type D1V: gp_Vec
    :param D2U:
    :type D2U: gp_Vec
    :param D2V:
    :type D2V: gp_Vec
    :param D2UV:
    :type D2UV: gp_Vec
    :rtype: void
") D2;
        virtual void D2 (const Standard_Real U,const Standard_Real V,gp_Pnt & P,gp_Vec & D1U,gp_Vec & D1V,gp_Vec & D2U,gp_Vec & D2V,gp_Vec & D2UV);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") D3;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Computes the point, the first, second and third derivatives on the surface. Raised if the continuity of the current intervals is not C3.

    :param U:
    :type U: float
    :param V:
    :type V: float
    :param P:
    :type P: gp_Pnt
    :param D1U:
    :type D1U: gp_Vec
    :param D1V:
    :type D1V: gp_Vec
    :param D2U:
    :type D2U: gp_Vec
    :param D2V:
    :type D2V: gp_Vec
    :param D2UV:
    :type D2UV: gp_Vec
    :param D3U:
    :type D3U: gp_Vec
    :param D3V:
    :type D3V: gp_Vec
    :param D3UUV:
    :type D3UUV: gp_Vec
    :param D3UVV:
    :type D3UVV: gp_Vec
    :rtype: void
") D3;
        virtual void D3 (const Standard_Real U,const Standard_Real V,gp_Pnt & P,gp_Vec & D1U,gp_Vec & D1V,gp_Vec & D2U,gp_Vec & D2V,gp_Vec & D2UV,gp_Vec & D3U,gp_Vec & D3V,gp_Vec & D3UUV,gp_Vec & D3UVV);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") DN;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Computes the derivative of order Nu in the direction U and Nv in the direction V at the point P(U, V). Raised if the current U interval is not not CNu and the current V interval is not CNv. Raised if Nu + Nv < 1 or Nu < 0 or Nv < 0.

    :param U:
    :type U: float
    :param V:
    :type V: float
    :param Nu:
    :type Nu: int
    :param Nv:
    :type Nv: int
    :rtype: gp_Vec
") DN;
        virtual gp_Vec DN (const Standard_Real U,const Standard_Real V,const Standard_Integer Nu,const Standard_Integer Nv);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") UResolution;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Returns the parametric U resolution corresponding  to the real space resolution <R3d>.

    :param R3d:
    :type R3d: float
    :rtype: float
") UResolution;
        virtual Standard_Real UResolution (const Standard_Real R3d);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") VResolution;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Returns the parametric V resolution corresponding  to the real space resolution <R3d>.

    :param R3d:
    :type R3d: float
    :rtype: float
") VResolution;
        virtual Standard_Real VResolution (const Standard_Real R3d);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") GetType;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Returns the type of the surface : Plane, Cylinder, Cone, Sphere, Torus, BezierSurface, BSplineSurface, SurfaceOfRevolution, SurfaceOfExtrusion, OtherSurface

    :rtype: GeomAbs_SurfaceType
") GetType;
        virtual GeomAbs_SurfaceType GetType ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Plane;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: gp_Pln
") Plane;
        virtual gp_Pln Plane ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Cylinder;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: gp_Cylinder
") Cylinder;
        virtual gp_Cylinder Cylinder ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Cone;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: gp_Cone
") Cone;
        virtual gp_Cone Cone ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Sphere;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: gp_Sphere
") Sphere;
        virtual gp_Sphere Sphere ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Torus;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: gp_Torus
") Torus;
        virtual gp_Torus Torus ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") UDegree;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: int
") UDegree;
        virtual Standard_Integer UDegree ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") NbUPoles;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: int
") NbUPoles;
        virtual Standard_Integer NbUPoles ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") VDegree;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: int
") VDegree;
        virtual Standard_Integer VDegree ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") NbVPoles;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: int
") NbVPoles;
        virtual Standard_Integer NbVPoles ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") NbUKnots;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: int
") NbUKnots;
        virtual Standard_Integer NbUKnots ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") NbVKnots;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: int
") NbVKnots;
        virtual Standard_Integer NbVKnots ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") IsURational;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: bool
") IsURational;
        virtual Standard_Boolean IsURational ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") IsVRational;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: bool
") IsVRational;
        virtual Standard_Boolean IsVRational ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Bezier;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: Handle_Geom_BezierSurface
") Bezier;
        virtual Handle_Geom_BezierSurface Bezier ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") BSpline;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: Handle_Geom_BSplineSurface
") BSpline;
        virtual Handle_Geom_BSplineSurface BSpline ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") AxeOfRevolution;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: gp_Ax1
") AxeOfRevolution;
        virtual gp_Ax1 AxeOfRevolution ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Direction;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: gp_Dir
") Direction;
        virtual gp_Dir Direction ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") BasisCurve;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: Handle_Adaptor3d_HCurve
") BasisCurve;
        virtual Handle_Adaptor3d_HCurve BasisCurve ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") BasisSurface;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface
") BasisSurface;
        virtual Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface BasisSurface ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") OffsetValue;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: float
") OffsetValue;
        virtual Standard_Real OffsetValue ();

%feature("shadow") Adaptor3d_Surface::~Adaptor3d_Surface %{
def __del__(self):
        self.thisown = False

%extend Adaptor3d_Surface {
    void _kill_pointed() {
        delete $self;
%nodefaultctor Adaptor3d_TopolTool;
class Adaptor3d_TopolTool : public MMgt_TShared {
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Adaptor3d_TopolTool;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: None
") Adaptor3d_TopolTool;
         Adaptor3d_TopolTool ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Adaptor3d_TopolTool;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param Surface:
    :type Surface: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface &
    :rtype: None
") Adaptor3d_TopolTool;
         Adaptor3d_TopolTool (const Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface & Surface);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Initialize;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: void
") Initialize;
        virtual void Initialize ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Initialize;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param S:
    :type S: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface &
    :rtype: void
") Initialize;
        virtual void Initialize (const Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface & S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Initialize;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param Curve:
    :type Curve: Handle_Adaptor2d_HCurve2d &
    :rtype: void
") Initialize;
        virtual void Initialize (const Handle_Adaptor2d_HCurve2d & Curve);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Init;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: void
") Init;
        virtual void Init ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") More;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: bool
") More;
        virtual Standard_Boolean More ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Value;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: Handle_Adaptor2d_HCurve2d
") Value;
        virtual Handle_Adaptor2d_HCurve2d Value ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Next;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: void
") Next;
        virtual void Next ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") InitVertexIterator;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: void
") InitVertexIterator;
        virtual void InitVertexIterator ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") MoreVertex;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: bool
") MoreVertex;
        virtual Standard_Boolean MoreVertex ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Vertex;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: Handle_Adaptor3d_HVertex
") Vertex;
        virtual Handle_Adaptor3d_HVertex Vertex ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") NextVertex;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: void
") NextVertex;
        virtual void NextVertex ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Classify;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param P:
    :type P: gp_Pnt2d
    :param Tol:
    :type Tol: float
    :param ReacdreOnPeriodic: default value is Standard_True
    :type ReacdreOnPeriodic: bool
    :rtype: TopAbs_State
") Classify;
        virtual TopAbs_State Classify (const gp_Pnt2d & P,const Standard_Real Tol,const Standard_Boolean ReacdreOnPeriodic = Standard_True);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") IsThePointOn;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param P:
    :type P: gp_Pnt2d
    :param Tol:
    :type Tol: float
    :param ReacdreOnPeriodic: default value is Standard_True
    :type ReacdreOnPeriodic: bool
    :rtype: bool
") IsThePointOn;
        virtual Standard_Boolean IsThePointOn (const gp_Pnt2d & P,const Standard_Real Tol,const Standard_Boolean ReacdreOnPeriodic = Standard_True);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Orientation;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * If the function returns the orientation of the arc. If the orientation is FORWARD or REVERSED, the arc is a 'real' limit of the surface. If the orientation is INTERNAL or EXTERNAL, the arc is considered as an arc on the surface.

    :param C:
    :type C: Handle_Adaptor2d_HCurve2d &
    :rtype: TopAbs_Orientation
") Orientation;
        virtual TopAbs_Orientation Orientation (const Handle_Adaptor2d_HCurve2d & C);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Orientation;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Returns the orientation of the vertex V. The vertex has been found with an exploration on a given arc. The orientation is the orientation of the vertex on this arc.

    :param V:
    :type V: Handle_Adaptor3d_HVertex &
    :rtype: TopAbs_Orientation
") Orientation;
        virtual TopAbs_Orientation Orientation (const Handle_Adaptor3d_HVertex & V);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Identical;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Returns True if the vertices V1 and V2 are identical. This method does not take the orientation of the vertices in account.

    :param V1:
    :type V1: Handle_Adaptor3d_HVertex &
    :param V2:
    :type V2: Handle_Adaptor3d_HVertex &
    :rtype: bool
") Identical;
        virtual Standard_Boolean Identical (const Handle_Adaptor3d_HVertex & V1,const Handle_Adaptor3d_HVertex & V2);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Has3d;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * answers if arcs and vertices may have 3d representations, so that we could use Tol3d and Pnt methods.

    :rtype: bool
") Has3d;
        virtual Standard_Boolean Has3d ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Tol3d;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * returns 3d tolerance of the arc C

    :param C:
    :type C: Handle_Adaptor2d_HCurve2d &
    :rtype: float
") Tol3d;
        virtual Standard_Real Tol3d (const Handle_Adaptor2d_HCurve2d & C);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Tol3d;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * returns 3d tolerance of the vertex V

    :param V:
    :type V: Handle_Adaptor3d_HVertex &
    :rtype: float
") Tol3d;
        virtual Standard_Real Tol3d (const Handle_Adaptor3d_HVertex & V);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Pnt;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * returns 3d point of the vertex V

    :param V:
    :type V: Handle_Adaptor3d_HVertex &
    :rtype: gp_Pnt
") Pnt;
        virtual gp_Pnt Pnt (const Handle_Adaptor3d_HVertex & V);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") ComputeSamplePoints;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: void
") ComputeSamplePoints;
        virtual void ComputeSamplePoints ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") NbSamplesU;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * compute the sample-points for the intersections algorithms

    :rtype: int
") NbSamplesU;
        virtual Standard_Integer NbSamplesU ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") NbSamplesV;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * compute the sample-points for the intersections algorithms

    :rtype: int
") NbSamplesV;
        virtual Standard_Integer NbSamplesV ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") NbSamples;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * compute the sample-points for the intersections algorithms

    :rtype: int
") NbSamples;
        virtual Standard_Integer NbSamples ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") UParameters;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * return the set of U parameters on the surface obtained by the method SamplePnts

    :param theArray:
    :type theArray: TColStd_Array1OfReal &
    :rtype: None
") UParameters;
        void UParameters (TColStd_Array1OfReal & theArray);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") VParameters;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * return the set of V parameters on the surface obtained by the method SamplePnts

    :param theArray:
    :type theArray: TColStd_Array1OfReal &
    :rtype: None
") VParameters;
        void VParameters (TColStd_Array1OfReal & theArray);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") SamplePoint;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param Index:
    :type Index: int
    :param P2d:
    :type P2d: gp_Pnt2d
    :param P3d:
    :type P3d: gp_Pnt
    :rtype: void
") SamplePoint;
        virtual void SamplePoint (const Standard_Integer Index,gp_Pnt2d & P2d,gp_Pnt & P3d);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") DomainIsInfinite;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: bool
") DomainIsInfinite;
        virtual Standard_Boolean DomainIsInfinite ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Edge;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: Standard_Address
") Edge;
        virtual Standard_Address Edge ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") SamplePnts;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * compute the sample-points for the intersections algorithms by adaptive algorithm for BSpline surfaces. For other surfaces algorithm is the same as in method ComputeSamplePoints(), but only fill arrays of U and V sample parameters; theDefl is a requred deflection theNUmin, theNVmin are minimal nb points for U and V.

    :param theDefl:
    :type theDefl: float
    :param theNUmin:
    :type theNUmin: int
    :param theNVmin:
    :type theNVmin: int
    :rtype: void
") SamplePnts;
        virtual void SamplePnts (const Standard_Real theDefl,const Standard_Integer theNUmin,const Standard_Integer theNVmin);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") BSplSamplePnts;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * compute the sample-points for the intersections algorithms by adaptive algorithm for BSpline surfaces - is used in SamplePnts theDefl is a requred deflection theNUmin, theNVmin are minimal nb points for U and V.

    :param theDefl:
    :type theDefl: float
    :param theNUmin:
    :type theNUmin: int
    :param theNVmin:
    :type theNVmin: int
    :rtype: void
") BSplSamplePnts;
        virtual void BSplSamplePnts (const Standard_Real theDefl,const Standard_Integer theNUmin,const Standard_Integer theNVmin);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") IsUniformSampling;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Returns true if provide uniform sampling of points.

    :rtype: bool
") IsUniformSampling;
        virtual Standard_Boolean IsUniformSampling ();

%feature("shadow") Adaptor3d_TopolTool::~Adaptor3d_TopolTool %{
def __del__(self):
        self.thisown = False

%extend Adaptor3d_TopolTool {
    void _kill_pointed() {
        delete $self;
%extend Adaptor3d_TopolTool {
    Handle_Adaptor3d_TopolTool GetHandle() {
    return *(Handle_Adaptor3d_TopolTool*) &$self;

%nodefaultctor Handle_Adaptor3d_TopolTool;
class Handle_Adaptor3d_TopolTool : public Handle_MMgt_TShared {

        // constructors
        Handle_Adaptor3d_TopolTool(const Handle_Adaptor3d_TopolTool &aHandle);
        Handle_Adaptor3d_TopolTool(const Adaptor3d_TopolTool *anItem);
        void Nullify();
        Standard_Boolean IsNull() const;
        static const Handle_Adaptor3d_TopolTool DownCast(const Handle_Standard_Transient &AnObject);

%extend Handle_Adaptor3d_TopolTool {
    Adaptor3d_TopolTool* GetObject() {
    return (Adaptor3d_TopolTool*)$self->Access();
%feature("shadow") Handle_Adaptor3d_TopolTool::~Handle_Adaptor3d_TopolTool %{
def __del__(self):
        self.thisown = False

%extend Handle_Adaptor3d_TopolTool {
    void _kill_pointed() {
        delete $self;

%nodefaultctor Adaptor3d_CurveOnSurface;
class Adaptor3d_CurveOnSurface : public Adaptor3d_Curve {
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Adaptor3d_CurveOnSurface;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: None
") Adaptor3d_CurveOnSurface;
         Adaptor3d_CurveOnSurface ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Adaptor3d_CurveOnSurface;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param S:
    :type S: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface &
    :rtype: None
") Adaptor3d_CurveOnSurface;
         Adaptor3d_CurveOnSurface (const Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface & S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Adaptor3d_CurveOnSurface;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Creates a CurveOnSurface from the 2d curve <C> and the surface <S>.

    :param C:
    :type C: Handle_Adaptor2d_HCurve2d &
    :param S:
    :type S: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface &
    :rtype: None
") Adaptor3d_CurveOnSurface;
         Adaptor3d_CurveOnSurface (const Handle_Adaptor2d_HCurve2d & C,const Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface & S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Load;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Changes the surface.

    :param S:
    :type S: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface &
    :rtype: None
") Load;
        void Load (const Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface & S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Load;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Changes the 2d curve.

    :param C:
    :type C: Handle_Adaptor2d_HCurve2d &
    :rtype: None
") Load;
        void Load (const Handle_Adaptor2d_HCurve2d & C);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") GetCurve;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: Handle_Adaptor2d_HCurve2d
") GetCurve;
        const Handle_Adaptor2d_HCurve2d & GetCurve ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") GetSurface;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface
") GetSurface;
        const Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface & GetSurface ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") ChangeCurve;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: Handle_Adaptor2d_HCurve2d
") ChangeCurve;
        Handle_Adaptor2d_HCurve2d & ChangeCurve ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") ChangeSurface;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface
") ChangeSurface;
        Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface & ChangeSurface ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") FirstParameter;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: float
") FirstParameter;
        Standard_Real FirstParameter ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") LastParameter;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: float
") LastParameter;
        Standard_Real LastParameter ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Continuity;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: GeomAbs_Shape
") Continuity;
        GeomAbs_Shape Continuity ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") NbIntervals;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Returns the number of intervals for continuity <S>. May be one if Continuity(me) >= <S>

    :param S:
    :type S: GeomAbs_Shape
    :rtype: int
") NbIntervals;
        Standard_Integer NbIntervals (const GeomAbs_Shape S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Intervals;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Stores in <T> the parameters bounding the intervals of continuity <S>.  The array must provide enough room to accomodate for the parameters. i.e. T.Length() > NbIntervals()

    :param T:
    :type T: TColStd_Array1OfReal &
    :param S:
    :type S: GeomAbs_Shape
    :rtype: None
") Intervals;
        void Intervals (TColStd_Array1OfReal & T,const GeomAbs_Shape S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Trim;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Returns a curve equivalent of <self> between parameters <First> and <Last>. <Tol> is used to test for 3d points confusion. If <First> >= <Last>

    :param First:
    :type First: float
    :param Last:
    :type Last: float
    :param Tol:
    :type Tol: float
    :rtype: Handle_Adaptor3d_HCurve
") Trim;
        Handle_Adaptor3d_HCurve Trim (const Standard_Real First,const Standard_Real Last,const Standard_Real Tol);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") IsClosed;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: bool
") IsClosed;
        Standard_Boolean IsClosed ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") IsPeriodic;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: bool
") IsPeriodic;
        Standard_Boolean IsPeriodic ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Period;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: float
") Period;
        Standard_Real Period ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Value;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Computes the point of parameter U on the curve.

    :param U:
    :type U: float
    :rtype: gp_Pnt
") Value;
        gp_Pnt Value (const Standard_Real U);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") D0;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Computes the point of parameter U on the curve.

    :param U:
    :type U: float
    :param P:
    :type P: gp_Pnt
    :rtype: None
") D0;
        void D0 (const Standard_Real U,gp_Pnt & P);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") D1;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Computes the point of parameter U on the curve with its first derivative. Raised if the continuity of the current interval is not C1.

    :param U:
    :type U: float
    :param P:
    :type P: gp_Pnt
    :param V:
    :type V: gp_Vec
    :rtype: None
") D1;
        void D1 (const Standard_Real U,gp_Pnt & P,gp_Vec & V);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") D2;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Returns the point P of parameter U, the first and second derivatives V1 and V2. Raised if the continuity of the current interval is not C2.

    :param U:
    :type U: float
    :param P:
    :type P: gp_Pnt
    :param V1:
    :type V1: gp_Vec
    :param V2:
    :type V2: gp_Vec
    :rtype: None
") D2;
        void D2 (const Standard_Real U,gp_Pnt & P,gp_Vec & V1,gp_Vec & V2);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") D3;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Returns the point P of parameter U, the first, the second and the third derivative. Raised if the continuity of the current interval is not C3.

    :param U:
    :type U: float
    :param P:
    :type P: gp_Pnt
    :param V1:
    :type V1: gp_Vec
    :param V2:
    :type V2: gp_Vec
    :param V3:
    :type V3: gp_Vec
    :rtype: None
") D3;
        void D3 (const Standard_Real U,gp_Pnt & P,gp_Vec & V1,gp_Vec & V2,gp_Vec & V3);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") DN;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * The returned vector gives the value of the derivative for the order of derivation N. Raised if the continuity of the current interval is not CN. Raised if N < 1.

    :param U:
    :type U: float
    :param N:
    :type N: int
    :rtype: gp_Vec
") DN;
        gp_Vec DN (const Standard_Real U,const Standard_Integer N);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Resolution;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Returns the parametric resolution corresponding  to the real space resolution <R3d>.

    :param R3d:
    :type R3d: float
    :rtype: float
") Resolution;
        Standard_Real Resolution (const Standard_Real R3d);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") GetType;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Returns the type of the curve in the current interval : Line, Circle, Ellipse, Hyperbola, Parabola, BezierCurve, BSplineCurve, OtherCurve.

    :rtype: GeomAbs_CurveType
") GetType;
        GeomAbs_CurveType GetType ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Line;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: gp_Lin
") Line;
        gp_Lin Line ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Circle;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: gp_Circ
") Circle;
        gp_Circ Circle ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Ellipse;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: gp_Elips
") Ellipse;
        gp_Elips Ellipse ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Hyperbola;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: gp_Hypr
") Hyperbola;
        gp_Hypr Hyperbola ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Parabola;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: gp_Parab
") Parabola;
        gp_Parab Parabola ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Degree;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: int
") Degree;
        Standard_Integer Degree ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") IsRational;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: bool
") IsRational;
        Standard_Boolean IsRational ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") NbPoles;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: int
") NbPoles;
        Standard_Integer NbPoles ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") NbKnots;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: int
") NbKnots;
        Standard_Integer NbKnots ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Bezier;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: Handle_Geom_BezierCurve
") Bezier;
        Handle_Geom_BezierCurve Bezier ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") BSpline;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: Handle_Geom_BSplineCurve
") BSpline;
        Handle_Geom_BSplineCurve BSpline ();

%feature("shadow") Adaptor3d_CurveOnSurface::~Adaptor3d_CurveOnSurface %{
def __del__(self):
        self.thisown = False

%extend Adaptor3d_CurveOnSurface {
    void _kill_pointed() {
        delete $self;
%nodefaultctor Adaptor3d_HCurveOnSurface;
class Adaptor3d_HCurveOnSurface : public Adaptor3d_HCurve {
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Adaptor3d_HCurveOnSurface;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: None
") Adaptor3d_HCurveOnSurface;
         Adaptor3d_HCurveOnSurface ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Adaptor3d_HCurveOnSurface;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param C:
    :type C: Adaptor3d_CurveOnSurface &
    :rtype: None
") Adaptor3d_HCurveOnSurface;
         Adaptor3d_HCurveOnSurface (const Adaptor3d_CurveOnSurface & C);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Set;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param C:
    :type C: Adaptor3d_CurveOnSurface &
    :rtype: None
") Set;
        void Set (const Adaptor3d_CurveOnSurface & C);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Curve;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: Adaptor3d_Curve
") Curve;
        const Adaptor3d_Curve & Curve ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") GetCurve;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: Adaptor3d_Curve
") GetCurve;
        Adaptor3d_Curve & GetCurve ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") ChangeCurve;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: Adaptor3d_CurveOnSurface
") ChangeCurve;
        Adaptor3d_CurveOnSurface & ChangeCurve ();

%feature("shadow") Adaptor3d_HCurveOnSurface::~Adaptor3d_HCurveOnSurface %{
def __del__(self):
        self.thisown = False

%extend Adaptor3d_HCurveOnSurface {
    void _kill_pointed() {
        delete $self;
%extend Adaptor3d_HCurveOnSurface {
    Handle_Adaptor3d_HCurveOnSurface GetHandle() {
    return *(Handle_Adaptor3d_HCurveOnSurface*) &$self;

%nodefaultctor Handle_Adaptor3d_HCurveOnSurface;
class Handle_Adaptor3d_HCurveOnSurface : public Handle_Adaptor3d_HCurve {

        // constructors
        Handle_Adaptor3d_HCurveOnSurface(const Handle_Adaptor3d_HCurveOnSurface &aHandle);
        Handle_Adaptor3d_HCurveOnSurface(const Adaptor3d_HCurveOnSurface *anItem);
        void Nullify();
        Standard_Boolean IsNull() const;
        static const Handle_Adaptor3d_HCurveOnSurface DownCast(const Handle_Standard_Transient &AnObject);

%extend Handle_Adaptor3d_HCurveOnSurface {
    Adaptor3d_HCurveOnSurface* GetObject() {
    return (Adaptor3d_HCurveOnSurface*)$self->Access();
%feature("shadow") Handle_Adaptor3d_HCurveOnSurface::~Handle_Adaptor3d_HCurveOnSurface %{
def __del__(self):
        self.thisown = False

%extend Handle_Adaptor3d_HCurveOnSurface {
    void _kill_pointed() {
        delete $self;

%nodefaultctor Adaptor3d_HIsoCurve;
class Adaptor3d_HIsoCurve : public Adaptor3d_HCurve {
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Adaptor3d_HIsoCurve;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: None
") Adaptor3d_HIsoCurve;
         Adaptor3d_HIsoCurve ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Adaptor3d_HIsoCurve;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param C:
    :type C: Adaptor3d_IsoCurve &
    :rtype: None
") Adaptor3d_HIsoCurve;
         Adaptor3d_HIsoCurve (const Adaptor3d_IsoCurve & C);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Set;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param C:
    :type C: Adaptor3d_IsoCurve &
    :rtype: None
") Set;
        void Set (const Adaptor3d_IsoCurve & C);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Curve;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: Adaptor3d_Curve
") Curve;
        const Adaptor3d_Curve & Curve ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") GetCurve;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: Adaptor3d_Curve
") GetCurve;
        Adaptor3d_Curve & GetCurve ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") ChangeCurve;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: Adaptor3d_IsoCurve
") ChangeCurve;
        Adaptor3d_IsoCurve & ChangeCurve ();

%feature("shadow") Adaptor3d_HIsoCurve::~Adaptor3d_HIsoCurve %{
def __del__(self):
        self.thisown = False

%extend Adaptor3d_HIsoCurve {
    void _kill_pointed() {
        delete $self;
%extend Adaptor3d_HIsoCurve {
    Handle_Adaptor3d_HIsoCurve GetHandle() {
    return *(Handle_Adaptor3d_HIsoCurve*) &$self;

%nodefaultctor Handle_Adaptor3d_HIsoCurve;
class Handle_Adaptor3d_HIsoCurve : public Handle_Adaptor3d_HCurve {

        // constructors
        Handle_Adaptor3d_HIsoCurve(const Handle_Adaptor3d_HIsoCurve &aHandle);
        Handle_Adaptor3d_HIsoCurve(const Adaptor3d_HIsoCurve *anItem);
        void Nullify();
        Standard_Boolean IsNull() const;
        static const Handle_Adaptor3d_HIsoCurve DownCast(const Handle_Standard_Transient &AnObject);

%extend Handle_Adaptor3d_HIsoCurve {
    Adaptor3d_HIsoCurve* GetObject() {
    return (Adaptor3d_HIsoCurve*)$self->Access();
%feature("shadow") Handle_Adaptor3d_HIsoCurve::~Handle_Adaptor3d_HIsoCurve %{
def __del__(self):
        self.thisown = False

%extend Handle_Adaptor3d_HIsoCurve {
    void _kill_pointed() {
        delete $self;

%nodefaultctor Adaptor3d_HSurfaceOfLinearExtrusion;
class Adaptor3d_HSurfaceOfLinearExtrusion : public Adaptor3d_HSurface {
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Adaptor3d_HSurfaceOfLinearExtrusion;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: None
") Adaptor3d_HSurfaceOfLinearExtrusion;
         Adaptor3d_HSurfaceOfLinearExtrusion ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Adaptor3d_HSurfaceOfLinearExtrusion;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param S:
    :type S: Adaptor3d_SurfaceOfLinearExtrusion &
    :rtype: None
") Adaptor3d_HSurfaceOfLinearExtrusion;
         Adaptor3d_HSurfaceOfLinearExtrusion (const Adaptor3d_SurfaceOfLinearExtrusion & S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Set;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param S:
    :type S: Adaptor3d_SurfaceOfLinearExtrusion &
    :rtype: None
") Set;
        void Set (const Adaptor3d_SurfaceOfLinearExtrusion & S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Surface;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: Adaptor3d_Surface
") Surface;
        const Adaptor3d_Surface & Surface ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") ChangeSurface;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: Adaptor3d_SurfaceOfLinearExtrusion
") ChangeSurface;
        Adaptor3d_SurfaceOfLinearExtrusion & ChangeSurface ();

%feature("shadow") Adaptor3d_HSurfaceOfLinearExtrusion::~Adaptor3d_HSurfaceOfLinearExtrusion %{
def __del__(self):
        self.thisown = False

%extend Adaptor3d_HSurfaceOfLinearExtrusion {
    void _kill_pointed() {
        delete $self;
%extend Adaptor3d_HSurfaceOfLinearExtrusion {
    Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurfaceOfLinearExtrusion GetHandle() {
    return *(Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurfaceOfLinearExtrusion*) &$self;

%nodefaultctor Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurfaceOfLinearExtrusion;
class Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurfaceOfLinearExtrusion : public Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface {

        // constructors
        Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurfaceOfLinearExtrusion(const Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurfaceOfLinearExtrusion &aHandle);
        Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurfaceOfLinearExtrusion(const Adaptor3d_HSurfaceOfLinearExtrusion *anItem);
        void Nullify();
        Standard_Boolean IsNull() const;
        static const Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurfaceOfLinearExtrusion DownCast(const Handle_Standard_Transient &AnObject);

%extend Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurfaceOfLinearExtrusion {
    Adaptor3d_HSurfaceOfLinearExtrusion* GetObject() {
    return (Adaptor3d_HSurfaceOfLinearExtrusion*)$self->Access();
%feature("shadow") Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurfaceOfLinearExtrusion::~Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurfaceOfLinearExtrusion %{
def __del__(self):
        self.thisown = False

%extend Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurfaceOfLinearExtrusion {
    void _kill_pointed() {
        delete $self;

%nodefaultctor Adaptor3d_HSurfaceOfRevolution;
class Adaptor3d_HSurfaceOfRevolution : public Adaptor3d_HSurface {
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Adaptor3d_HSurfaceOfRevolution;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: None
") Adaptor3d_HSurfaceOfRevolution;
         Adaptor3d_HSurfaceOfRevolution ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Adaptor3d_HSurfaceOfRevolution;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param S:
    :type S: Adaptor3d_SurfaceOfRevolution &
    :rtype: None
") Adaptor3d_HSurfaceOfRevolution;
         Adaptor3d_HSurfaceOfRevolution (const Adaptor3d_SurfaceOfRevolution & S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Set;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :param S:
    :type S: Adaptor3d_SurfaceOfRevolution &
    :rtype: None
") Set;
        void Set (const Adaptor3d_SurfaceOfRevolution & S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Surface;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: Adaptor3d_Surface
") Surface;
        const Adaptor3d_Surface & Surface ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") ChangeSurface;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: Adaptor3d_SurfaceOfRevolution
") ChangeSurface;
        Adaptor3d_SurfaceOfRevolution & ChangeSurface ();

%feature("shadow") Adaptor3d_HSurfaceOfRevolution::~Adaptor3d_HSurfaceOfRevolution %{
def __del__(self):
        self.thisown = False

%extend Adaptor3d_HSurfaceOfRevolution {
    void _kill_pointed() {
        delete $self;
%extend Adaptor3d_HSurfaceOfRevolution {
    Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurfaceOfRevolution GetHandle() {
    return *(Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurfaceOfRevolution*) &$self;

%nodefaultctor Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurfaceOfRevolution;
class Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurfaceOfRevolution : public Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface {

        // constructors
        Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurfaceOfRevolution(const Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurfaceOfRevolution &aHandle);
        Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurfaceOfRevolution(const Adaptor3d_HSurfaceOfRevolution *anItem);
        void Nullify();
        Standard_Boolean IsNull() const;
        static const Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurfaceOfRevolution DownCast(const Handle_Standard_Transient &AnObject);

%extend Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurfaceOfRevolution {
    Adaptor3d_HSurfaceOfRevolution* GetObject() {
    return (Adaptor3d_HSurfaceOfRevolution*)$self->Access();
%feature("shadow") Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurfaceOfRevolution::~Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurfaceOfRevolution %{
def __del__(self):
        self.thisown = False

%extend Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurfaceOfRevolution {
    void _kill_pointed() {
        delete $self;

%nodefaultctor Adaptor3d_IsoCurve;
class Adaptor3d_IsoCurve : public Adaptor3d_Curve {
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Adaptor3d_IsoCurve;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * The iso is set to NoneIso.

    :rtype: None
") Adaptor3d_IsoCurve;
         Adaptor3d_IsoCurve ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Adaptor3d_IsoCurve;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * The surface is loaded. The iso is set to NoneIso.

    :param S:
    :type S: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface &
    :rtype: None
") Adaptor3d_IsoCurve;
         Adaptor3d_IsoCurve (const Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface & S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Adaptor3d_IsoCurve;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Creates an IsoCurve curve. Iso defines the type (isoU or isoU) Param defines the value of the iso. The bounds of the iso are the bounds of the surface.

    :param S:
    :type S: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface &
    :param Iso:
    :type Iso: GeomAbs_IsoType
    :param Param:
    :type Param: float
    :rtype: None
") Adaptor3d_IsoCurve;
         Adaptor3d_IsoCurve (const Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface & S,const GeomAbs_IsoType Iso,const Standard_Real Param);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Adaptor3d_IsoCurve;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Create an IsoCurve curve. Iso defines the type (isoU or isov). Param defines the value of the iso. WFirst,WLast define the bounds of the iso.

    :param S:
    :type S: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface &
    :param Iso:
    :type Iso: GeomAbs_IsoType
    :param Param:
    :type Param: float
    :param WFirst:
    :type WFirst: float
    :param WLast:
    :type WLast: float
    :rtype: None
") Adaptor3d_IsoCurve;
         Adaptor3d_IsoCurve (const Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface & S,const GeomAbs_IsoType Iso,const Standard_Real Param,const Standard_Real WFirst,const Standard_Real WLast);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Load;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Changes the surface. The iso is reset to NoneIso.

    :param S:
    :type S: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface &
    :rtype: None
") Load;
        void Load (const Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface & S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Load;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Changes the iso on the current surface.

    :param Iso:
    :type Iso: GeomAbs_IsoType
    :param Param:
    :type Param: float
    :rtype: None
") Load;
        void Load (const GeomAbs_IsoType Iso,const Standard_Real Param);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Load;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Changes the iso on the current surface.

    :param Iso:
    :type Iso: GeomAbs_IsoType
    :param Param:
    :type Param: float
    :param WFirst:
    :type WFirst: float
    :param WLast:
    :type WLast: float
    :rtype: None
") Load;
        void Load (const GeomAbs_IsoType Iso,const Standard_Real Param,const Standard_Real WFirst,const Standard_Real WLast);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Surface;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface
") Surface;
        const Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface & Surface ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Iso;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: GeomAbs_IsoType
") Iso;
        GeomAbs_IsoType Iso ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Parameter;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: float
") Parameter;
        Standard_Real Parameter ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") FirstParameter;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: float
") FirstParameter;
        Standard_Real FirstParameter ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") LastParameter;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: float
") LastParameter;
        Standard_Real LastParameter ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Continuity;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: GeomAbs_Shape
") Continuity;
        GeomAbs_Shape Continuity ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") NbIntervals;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Returns the number of intervals for continuity <S>. May be one if Continuity(me) >= <S>

    :param S:
    :type S: GeomAbs_Shape
    :rtype: int
") NbIntervals;
        Standard_Integer NbIntervals (const GeomAbs_Shape S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Intervals;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Stores in <T> the parameters bounding the intervals of continuity <S>.  The array must provide enough room to accomodate for the parameters. i.e. T.Length() > NbIntervals()

    :param T:
    :type T: TColStd_Array1OfReal &
    :param S:
    :type S: GeomAbs_Shape
    :rtype: None
") Intervals;
        void Intervals (TColStd_Array1OfReal & T,const GeomAbs_Shape S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Trim;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Returns a curve equivalent of <self> between parameters <First> and <Last>. <Tol> is used to test for 3d points confusion. If <First> >= <Last>

    :param First:
    :type First: float
    :param Last:
    :type Last: float
    :param Tol:
    :type Tol: float
    :rtype: Handle_Adaptor3d_HCurve
") Trim;
        Handle_Adaptor3d_HCurve Trim (const Standard_Real First,const Standard_Real Last,const Standard_Real Tol);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") IsClosed;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: bool
") IsClosed;
        Standard_Boolean IsClosed ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") IsPeriodic;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: bool
") IsPeriodic;
        Standard_Boolean IsPeriodic ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Period;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: float
") Period;
        Standard_Real Period ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Value;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Computes the point of parameter U on the curve.

    :param U:
    :type U: float
    :rtype: gp_Pnt
") Value;
        gp_Pnt Value (const Standard_Real U);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") D0;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Computes the point of parameter U on the curve.

    :param U:
    :type U: float
    :param P:
    :type P: gp_Pnt
    :rtype: None
") D0;
        void D0 (const Standard_Real U,gp_Pnt & P);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") D1;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Computes the point of parameter U on the curve with its first derivative. Raised if the continuity of the current interval is not C1.

    :param U:
    :type U: float
    :param P:
    :type P: gp_Pnt
    :param V:
    :type V: gp_Vec
    :rtype: None
") D1;
        void D1 (const Standard_Real U,gp_Pnt & P,gp_Vec & V);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") D2;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Returns the point P of parameter U, the first and second derivatives V1 and V2. Raised if the continuity of the current interval is not C2.

    :param U:
    :type U: float
    :param P:
    :type P: gp_Pnt
    :param V1:
    :type V1: gp_Vec
    :param V2:
    :type V2: gp_Vec
    :rtype: None
") D2;
        void D2 (const Standard_Real U,gp_Pnt & P,gp_Vec & V1,gp_Vec & V2);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") D3;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Returns the point P of parameter U, the first, the second and the third derivative. Raised if the continuity of the current interval is not C3.

    :param U:
    :type U: float
    :param P:
    :type P: gp_Pnt
    :param V1:
    :type V1: gp_Vec
    :param V2:
    :type V2: gp_Vec
    :param V3:
    :type V3: gp_Vec
    :rtype: None
") D3;
        void D3 (const Standard_Real U,gp_Pnt & P,gp_Vec & V1,gp_Vec & V2,gp_Vec & V3);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") DN;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * The returned vector gives the value of the derivative for the order of derivation N. Raised if the continuity of the current interval is not CN. Raised if N < 1.

    :param U:
    :type U: float
    :param N:
    :type N: int
    :rtype: gp_Vec
") DN;
        gp_Vec DN (const Standard_Real U,const Standard_Integer N);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Resolution;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Returns the parametric resolution corresponding  to the real space resolution <R3d>.

    :param R3d:
    :type R3d: float
    :rtype: float
") Resolution;
        Standard_Real Resolution (const Standard_Real R3d);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") GetType;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Returns the type of the curve in the current interval : Line, Circle, Ellipse, Hyperbola, Parabola, BezierCurve, BSplineCurve, OtherCurve.

    :rtype: GeomAbs_CurveType
") GetType;
        GeomAbs_CurveType GetType ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Line;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: gp_Lin
") Line;
        gp_Lin Line ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Circle;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: gp_Circ
") Circle;
        gp_Circ Circle ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Ellipse;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: gp_Elips
") Ellipse;
        gp_Elips Ellipse ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Hyperbola;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: gp_Hypr
") Hyperbola;
        gp_Hypr Hyperbola ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Parabola;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: gp_Parab
") Parabola;
        gp_Parab Parabola ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Degree;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: int
") Degree;
        Standard_Integer Degree ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") IsRational;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: bool
") IsRational;
        Standard_Boolean IsRational ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") NbPoles;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: int
") NbPoles;
        Standard_Integer NbPoles ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") NbKnots;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: int
") NbKnots;
        Standard_Integer NbKnots ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Bezier;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: Handle_Geom_BezierCurve
") Bezier;
        Handle_Geom_BezierCurve Bezier ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") BSpline;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: Handle_Geom_BSplineCurve
") BSpline;
        Handle_Geom_BSplineCurve BSpline ();

%feature("shadow") Adaptor3d_IsoCurve::~Adaptor3d_IsoCurve %{
def __del__(self):
        self.thisown = False

%extend Adaptor3d_IsoCurve {
    void _kill_pointed() {
        delete $self;
%nodefaultctor Adaptor3d_SurfaceOfLinearExtrusion;
class Adaptor3d_SurfaceOfLinearExtrusion : public Adaptor3d_Surface {
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Adaptor3d_SurfaceOfLinearExtrusion;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: None
") Adaptor3d_SurfaceOfLinearExtrusion;
         Adaptor3d_SurfaceOfLinearExtrusion ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Adaptor3d_SurfaceOfLinearExtrusion;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * The Curve is loaded.

    :param C:
    :type C: Handle_Adaptor3d_HCurve &
    :rtype: None
") Adaptor3d_SurfaceOfLinearExtrusion;
         Adaptor3d_SurfaceOfLinearExtrusion (const Handle_Adaptor3d_HCurve & C);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Adaptor3d_SurfaceOfLinearExtrusion;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Thew Curve and the Direction are loaded.

    :param C:
    :type C: Handle_Adaptor3d_HCurve &
    :param V:
    :type V: gp_Dir
    :rtype: None
") Adaptor3d_SurfaceOfLinearExtrusion;
         Adaptor3d_SurfaceOfLinearExtrusion (const Handle_Adaptor3d_HCurve & C,const gp_Dir & V);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Load;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Changes the Curve

    :param C:
    :type C: Handle_Adaptor3d_HCurve &
    :rtype: None
") Load;
        void Load (const Handle_Adaptor3d_HCurve & C);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Load;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Changes the Direction

    :param V:
    :type V: gp_Dir
    :rtype: None
") Load;
        void Load (const gp_Dir & V);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") FirstUParameter;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: float
") FirstUParameter;
        Standard_Real FirstUParameter ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") LastUParameter;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: float
") LastUParameter;
        Standard_Real LastUParameter ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") FirstVParameter;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: float
") FirstVParameter;
        Standard_Real FirstVParameter ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") LastVParameter;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: float
") LastVParameter;
        Standard_Real LastVParameter ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") UContinuity;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: GeomAbs_Shape
") UContinuity;
        GeomAbs_Shape UContinuity ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") VContinuity;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Return CN.

    :rtype: GeomAbs_Shape
") VContinuity;
        GeomAbs_Shape VContinuity ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") NbUIntervals;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Returns the number of U intervals for continuity <S>. May be one if UContinuity(me) >= <S>

    :param S:
    :type S: GeomAbs_Shape
    :rtype: int
") NbUIntervals;
        Standard_Integer NbUIntervals (const GeomAbs_Shape S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") NbVIntervals;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Returns the number of V intervals for continuity <S>. May be one if VContinuity(me) >= <S>

    :param S:
    :type S: GeomAbs_Shape
    :rtype: int
") NbVIntervals;
        Standard_Integer NbVIntervals (const GeomAbs_Shape S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") UIntervals;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Returns the intervals with the requested continuity in the U direction.

    :param T:
    :type T: TColStd_Array1OfReal &
    :param S:
    :type S: GeomAbs_Shape
    :rtype: None
") UIntervals;
        void UIntervals (TColStd_Array1OfReal & T,const GeomAbs_Shape S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") VIntervals;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Returns the intervals with the requested continuity in the V direction.

    :param T:
    :type T: TColStd_Array1OfReal &
    :param S:
    :type S: GeomAbs_Shape
    :rtype: None
") VIntervals;
        void VIntervals (TColStd_Array1OfReal & T,const GeomAbs_Shape S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") UTrim;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Returns a surface trimmed in the U direction equivalent of <self> between parameters <First> and <Last>. <Tol> is used to test for 3d points confusion. If <First> >= <Last>

    :param First:
    :type First: float
    :param Last:
    :type Last: float
    :param Tol:
    :type Tol: float
    :rtype: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface
") UTrim;
        Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface UTrim (const Standard_Real First,const Standard_Real Last,const Standard_Real Tol);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") VTrim;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Returns a surface trimmed in the V direction between parameters <First> and <Last>. <Tol> is used to test for 3d points confusion. If <First> >= <Last>

    :param First:
    :type First: float
    :param Last:
    :type Last: float
    :param Tol:
    :type Tol: float
    :rtype: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface
") VTrim;
        Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface VTrim (const Standard_Real First,const Standard_Real Last,const Standard_Real Tol);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") IsUClosed;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: bool
") IsUClosed;
        Standard_Boolean IsUClosed ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") IsVClosed;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: bool
") IsVClosed;
        Standard_Boolean IsVClosed ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") IsUPeriodic;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: bool
") IsUPeriodic;
        Standard_Boolean IsUPeriodic ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") UPeriod;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: float
") UPeriod;
        Standard_Real UPeriod ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") IsVPeriodic;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: bool
") IsVPeriodic;
        Standard_Boolean IsVPeriodic ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") VPeriod;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: float
") VPeriod;
        Standard_Real VPeriod ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Value;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Computes the point of parameters U,V on the surface.

    :param U:
    :type U: float
    :param V:
    :type V: float
    :rtype: gp_Pnt
") Value;
        gp_Pnt Value (const Standard_Real U,const Standard_Real V);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") D0;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Computes the point of parameters U,V on the surface.

    :param U:
    :type U: float
    :param V:
    :type V: float
    :param P:
    :type P: gp_Pnt
    :rtype: None
") D0;
        void D0 (const Standard_Real U,const Standard_Real V,gp_Pnt & P);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") D1;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Computes the point and the first derivatives on the surface. Raised if the continuity of the current intervals is not C1.

    :param U:
    :type U: float
    :param V:
    :type V: float
    :param P:
    :type P: gp_Pnt
    :param D1U:
    :type D1U: gp_Vec
    :param D1V:
    :type D1V: gp_Vec
    :rtype: None
") D1;
        void D1 (const Standard_Real U,const Standard_Real V,gp_Pnt & P,gp_Vec & D1U,gp_Vec & D1V);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") D2;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Computes the point, the first and second derivatives on the surface. Raised if the continuity of the current intervals is not C2.

    :param U:
    :type U: float
    :param V:
    :type V: float
    :param P:
    :type P: gp_Pnt
    :param D1U:
    :type D1U: gp_Vec
    :param D1V:
    :type D1V: gp_Vec
    :param D2U:
    :type D2U: gp_Vec
    :param D2V:
    :type D2V: gp_Vec
    :param D2UV:
    :type D2UV: gp_Vec
    :rtype: None
") D2;
        void D2 (const Standard_Real U,const Standard_Real V,gp_Pnt & P,gp_Vec & D1U,gp_Vec & D1V,gp_Vec & D2U,gp_Vec & D2V,gp_Vec & D2UV);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") D3;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Computes the point, the first, second and third derivatives on the surface. Raised if the continuity of the current intervals is not C3.

    :param U:
    :type U: float
    :param V:
    :type V: float
    :param P:
    :type P: gp_Pnt
    :param D1U:
    :type D1U: gp_Vec
    :param D1V:
    :type D1V: gp_Vec
    :param D2U:
    :type D2U: gp_Vec
    :param D2V:
    :type D2V: gp_Vec
    :param D2UV:
    :type D2UV: gp_Vec
    :param D3U:
    :type D3U: gp_Vec
    :param D3V:
    :type D3V: gp_Vec
    :param D3UUV:
    :type D3UUV: gp_Vec
    :param D3UVV:
    :type D3UVV: gp_Vec
    :rtype: None
") D3;
        void D3 (const Standard_Real U,const Standard_Real V,gp_Pnt & P,gp_Vec & D1U,gp_Vec & D1V,gp_Vec & D2U,gp_Vec & D2V,gp_Vec & D2UV,gp_Vec & D3U,gp_Vec & D3V,gp_Vec & D3UUV,gp_Vec & D3UVV);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") DN;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Computes the derivative of order Nu in the direction U and Nv in the direction V at the point P(U, V). Raised if the current U interval is not not CNu and the current V interval is not CNv. Raised if Nu + Nv < 1 or Nu < 0 or Nv < 0.

    :param U:
    :type U: float
    :param V:
    :type V: float
    :param Nu:
    :type Nu: int
    :param Nv:
    :type Nv: int
    :rtype: gp_Vec
") DN;
        gp_Vec DN (const Standard_Real U,const Standard_Real V,const Standard_Integer Nu,const Standard_Integer Nv);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") UResolution;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Returns the parametric U resolution corresponding  to the real space resolution <R3d>.

    :param R3d:
    :type R3d: float
    :rtype: float
") UResolution;
        Standard_Real UResolution (const Standard_Real R3d);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") VResolution;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Returns the parametric V resolution corresponding  to the real space resolution <R3d>.

    :param R3d:
    :type R3d: float
    :rtype: float
") VResolution;
        Standard_Real VResolution (const Standard_Real R3d);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") GetType;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Returns the type of the surface : Plane, Cylinder, Cone, Sphere, Torus, BezierSurface, BSplineSurface, SurfaceOfRevolution, SurfaceOfExtrusion, OtherSurface

    :rtype: GeomAbs_SurfaceType
") GetType;
        GeomAbs_SurfaceType GetType ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Plane;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: gp_Pln
") Plane;
        gp_Pln Plane ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Cylinder;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: gp_Cylinder
") Cylinder;
        gp_Cylinder Cylinder ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Cone;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: gp_Cone
") Cone;
        gp_Cone Cone ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Sphere;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: gp_Sphere
") Sphere;
        gp_Sphere Sphere ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Torus;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: gp_Torus
") Torus;
        gp_Torus Torus ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") UDegree;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: int
") UDegree;
        Standard_Integer UDegree ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") NbUPoles;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: int
") NbUPoles;
        Standard_Integer NbUPoles ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") VDegree;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: int
") VDegree;
        Standard_Integer VDegree ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") NbVPoles;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: int
") NbVPoles;
        Standard_Integer NbVPoles ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") NbUKnots;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: int
") NbUKnots;
        Standard_Integer NbUKnots ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") NbVKnots;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: int
") NbVKnots;
        Standard_Integer NbVKnots ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") IsURational;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: bool
") IsURational;
        Standard_Boolean IsURational ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") IsVRational;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: bool
") IsVRational;
        Standard_Boolean IsVRational ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Bezier;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: Handle_Geom_BezierSurface
") Bezier;
        Handle_Geom_BezierSurface Bezier ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") BSpline;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: Handle_Geom_BSplineSurface
") BSpline;
        Handle_Geom_BSplineSurface BSpline ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") AxeOfRevolution;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: gp_Ax1
") AxeOfRevolution;
        gp_Ax1 AxeOfRevolution ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Direction;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: gp_Dir
") Direction;
        gp_Dir Direction ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") BasisCurve;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: Handle_Adaptor3d_HCurve
") BasisCurve;
        Handle_Adaptor3d_HCurve BasisCurve ();

%feature("shadow") Adaptor3d_SurfaceOfLinearExtrusion::~Adaptor3d_SurfaceOfLinearExtrusion %{
def __del__(self):
        self.thisown = False

%extend Adaptor3d_SurfaceOfLinearExtrusion {
    void _kill_pointed() {
        delete $self;
%nodefaultctor Adaptor3d_SurfaceOfRevolution;
class Adaptor3d_SurfaceOfRevolution : public Adaptor3d_Surface {
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Adaptor3d_SurfaceOfRevolution;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: None
") Adaptor3d_SurfaceOfRevolution;
         Adaptor3d_SurfaceOfRevolution ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Adaptor3d_SurfaceOfRevolution;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * The Curve is loaded.

    :param C:
    :type C: Handle_Adaptor3d_HCurve &
    :rtype: None
") Adaptor3d_SurfaceOfRevolution;
         Adaptor3d_SurfaceOfRevolution (const Handle_Adaptor3d_HCurve & C);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Adaptor3d_SurfaceOfRevolution;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * The Curve and the Direction are loaded.

    :param C:
    :type C: Handle_Adaptor3d_HCurve &
    :param V:
    :type V: gp_Ax1
    :rtype: None
") Adaptor3d_SurfaceOfRevolution;
         Adaptor3d_SurfaceOfRevolution (const Handle_Adaptor3d_HCurve & C,const gp_Ax1 & V);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Load;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Changes the Curve

    :param C:
    :type C: Handle_Adaptor3d_HCurve &
    :rtype: None
") Load;
        void Load (const Handle_Adaptor3d_HCurve & C);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Load;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Changes the Direction

    :param V:
    :type V: gp_Ax1
    :rtype: None
") Load;
        void Load (const gp_Ax1 & V);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") AxeOfRevolution;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: gp_Ax1
") AxeOfRevolution;
        gp_Ax1 AxeOfRevolution ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") FirstUParameter;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: float
") FirstUParameter;
        Standard_Real FirstUParameter ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") LastUParameter;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: float
") LastUParameter;
        Standard_Real LastUParameter ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") FirstVParameter;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: float
") FirstVParameter;
        Standard_Real FirstVParameter ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") LastVParameter;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: float
") LastVParameter;
        Standard_Real LastVParameter ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") UContinuity;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: GeomAbs_Shape
") UContinuity;
        GeomAbs_Shape UContinuity ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") VContinuity;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Return CN.

    :rtype: GeomAbs_Shape
") VContinuity;
        GeomAbs_Shape VContinuity ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") NbUIntervals;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Returns the number of U intervals for continuity <S>. May be one if UContinuity(me) >= <S>

    :param S:
    :type S: GeomAbs_Shape
    :rtype: int
") NbUIntervals;
        Standard_Integer NbUIntervals (const GeomAbs_Shape S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") NbVIntervals;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Returns the number of V intervals for continuity <S>. May be one if VContinuity(me) >= <S>

    :param S:
    :type S: GeomAbs_Shape
    :rtype: int
") NbVIntervals;
        Standard_Integer NbVIntervals (const GeomAbs_Shape S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") UIntervals;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Returns the intervals with the requested continuity in the U direction.

    :param T:
    :type T: TColStd_Array1OfReal &
    :param S:
    :type S: GeomAbs_Shape
    :rtype: None
") UIntervals;
        void UIntervals (TColStd_Array1OfReal & T,const GeomAbs_Shape S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") VIntervals;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Returns the intervals with the requested continuity in the V direction.

    :param T:
    :type T: TColStd_Array1OfReal &
    :param S:
    :type S: GeomAbs_Shape
    :rtype: None
") VIntervals;
        void VIntervals (TColStd_Array1OfReal & T,const GeomAbs_Shape S);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") UTrim;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Returns a surface trimmed in the U direction equivalent of <self> between parameters <First> and <Last>. <Tol> is used to test for 3d points confusion. If <First> >= <Last>

    :param First:
    :type First: float
    :param Last:
    :type Last: float
    :param Tol:
    :type Tol: float
    :rtype: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface
") UTrim;
        Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface UTrim (const Standard_Real First,const Standard_Real Last,const Standard_Real Tol);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") VTrim;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Returns a surface trimmed in the V direction between parameters <First> and <Last>. <Tol> is used to test for 3d points confusion. If <First> >= <Last>

    :param First:
    :type First: float
    :param Last:
    :type Last: float
    :param Tol:
    :type Tol: float
    :rtype: Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface
") VTrim;
        Handle_Adaptor3d_HSurface VTrim (const Standard_Real First,const Standard_Real Last,const Standard_Real Tol);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") IsUClosed;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: bool
") IsUClosed;
        Standard_Boolean IsUClosed ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") IsVClosed;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: bool
") IsVClosed;
        Standard_Boolean IsVClosed ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") IsUPeriodic;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: bool
") IsUPeriodic;
        Standard_Boolean IsUPeriodic ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") UPeriod;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: float
") UPeriod;
        Standard_Real UPeriod ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") IsVPeriodic;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: bool
") IsVPeriodic;
        Standard_Boolean IsVPeriodic ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") VPeriod;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: float
") VPeriod;
        Standard_Real VPeriod ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Value;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Computes the point of parameters U,V on the surface.

    :param U:
    :type U: float
    :param V:
    :type V: float
    :rtype: gp_Pnt
") Value;
        gp_Pnt Value (const Standard_Real U,const Standard_Real V);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") D0;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Computes the point of parameters U,V on the surface.

    :param U:
    :type U: float
    :param V:
    :type V: float
    :param P:
    :type P: gp_Pnt
    :rtype: None
") D0;
        void D0 (const Standard_Real U,const Standard_Real V,gp_Pnt & P);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") D1;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Computes the point and the first derivatives on the surface. Raised if the continuity of the current intervals is not C1.

    :param U:
    :type U: float
    :param V:
    :type V: float
    :param P:
    :type P: gp_Pnt
    :param D1U:
    :type D1U: gp_Vec
    :param D1V:
    :type D1V: gp_Vec
    :rtype: None
") D1;
        void D1 (const Standard_Real U,const Standard_Real V,gp_Pnt & P,gp_Vec & D1U,gp_Vec & D1V);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") D2;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Computes the point, the first and second derivatives on the surface. Raised if the continuity of the current intervals is not C2.

    :param U:
    :type U: float
    :param V:
    :type V: float
    :param P:
    :type P: gp_Pnt
    :param D1U:
    :type D1U: gp_Vec
    :param D1V:
    :type D1V: gp_Vec
    :param D2U:
    :type D2U: gp_Vec
    :param D2V:
    :type D2V: gp_Vec
    :param D2UV:
    :type D2UV: gp_Vec
    :rtype: None
") D2;
        void D2 (const Standard_Real U,const Standard_Real V,gp_Pnt & P,gp_Vec & D1U,gp_Vec & D1V,gp_Vec & D2U,gp_Vec & D2V,gp_Vec & D2UV);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") D3;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Computes the point, the first, second and third derivatives on the surface. Raised if the continuity of the current intervals is not C3.

    :param U:
    :type U: float
    :param V:
    :type V: float
    :param P:
    :type P: gp_Pnt
    :param D1U:
    :type D1U: gp_Vec
    :param D1V:
    :type D1V: gp_Vec
    :param D2U:
    :type D2U: gp_Vec
    :param D2V:
    :type D2V: gp_Vec
    :param D2UV:
    :type D2UV: gp_Vec
    :param D3U:
    :type D3U: gp_Vec
    :param D3V:
    :type D3V: gp_Vec
    :param D3UUV:
    :type D3UUV: gp_Vec
    :param D3UVV:
    :type D3UVV: gp_Vec
    :rtype: None
") D3;
        void D3 (const Standard_Real U,const Standard_Real V,gp_Pnt & P,gp_Vec & D1U,gp_Vec & D1V,gp_Vec & D2U,gp_Vec & D2V,gp_Vec & D2UV,gp_Vec & D3U,gp_Vec & D3V,gp_Vec & D3UUV,gp_Vec & D3UVV);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") DN;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Computes the derivative of order Nu in the direction U and Nv in the direction V at the point P(U, V). Raised if the current U interval is not not CNu and the current V interval is not CNv. Raised if Nu + Nv < 1 or Nu < 0 or Nv < 0.

    :param U:
    :type U: float
    :param V:
    :type V: float
    :param Nu:
    :type Nu: int
    :param Nv:
    :type Nv: int
    :rtype: gp_Vec
") DN;
        gp_Vec DN (const Standard_Real U,const Standard_Real V,const Standard_Integer Nu,const Standard_Integer Nv);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") UResolution;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Returns the parametric U resolution corresponding  to the real space resolution <R3d>.

    :param R3d:
    :type R3d: float
    :rtype: float
") UResolution;
        Standard_Real UResolution (const Standard_Real R3d);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") VResolution;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Returns the parametric V resolution corresponding  to the real space resolution <R3d>.

    :param R3d:
    :type R3d: float
    :rtype: float
") VResolution;
        Standard_Real VResolution (const Standard_Real R3d);
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") GetType;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Returns the type of the surface : Plane, Cylinder, Cone, Sphere, Torus, BezierSurface, BSplineSurface, SurfaceOfRevolution, SurfaceOfExtrusion, OtherSurface

    :rtype: GeomAbs_SurfaceType
") GetType;
        GeomAbs_SurfaceType GetType ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Plane;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: gp_Pln
") Plane;
        gp_Pln Plane ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Cylinder;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: gp_Cylinder
") Cylinder;
        gp_Cylinder Cylinder ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Cone;
        %feature("autodoc", "   * Apex of the Cone = Cone.Position().Location() ==> ReferenceRadius = 0.

    :rtype: gp_Cone
") Cone;
        gp_Cone Cone ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Sphere;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: gp_Sphere
") Sphere;
        gp_Sphere Sphere ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Torus;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: gp_Torus
") Torus;
        gp_Torus Torus ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") UDegree;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: int
") UDegree;
        Standard_Integer UDegree ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") NbUPoles;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: int
") NbUPoles;
        Standard_Integer NbUPoles ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") VDegree;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: int
") VDegree;
        Standard_Integer VDegree ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") NbVPoles;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: int
") NbVPoles;
        Standard_Integer NbVPoles ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") NbUKnots;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: int
") NbUKnots;
        Standard_Integer NbUKnots ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") NbVKnots;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: int
") NbVKnots;
        Standard_Integer NbVKnots ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") IsURational;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: bool
") IsURational;
        Standard_Boolean IsURational ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") IsVRational;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: bool
") IsVRational;
        Standard_Boolean IsVRational ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Bezier;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: Handle_Geom_BezierSurface
") Bezier;
        Handle_Geom_BezierSurface Bezier ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") BSpline;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: Handle_Geom_BSplineSurface
") BSpline;
        Handle_Geom_BSplineSurface BSpline ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Axis;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: gp_Ax3
") Axis;
        gp_Ax3 Axis ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") Direction;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: gp_Dir
") Direction;
        gp_Dir Direction ();
        %feature("compactdefaultargs") BasisCurve;
        %feature("autodoc", "   :rtype: Handle_Adaptor3d_HCurve
") BasisCurve;
        Handle_Adaptor3d_HCurve BasisCurve ();

%feature("shadow") Adaptor3d_SurfaceOfRevolution::~Adaptor3d_SurfaceOfRevolution %{
def __del__(self):
        self.thisown = False

%extend Adaptor3d_SurfaceOfRevolution {
    void _kill_pointed() {
        delete $self;
sven-hm commented 8 years ago

Ok, that is interesting. My problems with the original pythonocc-generator were similar... so a made these changes. Really strange...

So, what happens, when you use the swig files from my fork? I.e. without using pythonocc-generator. You can reset the swig files by a git reset --hard HEAD on the swig files directory.

crobarcro commented 8 years ago

I've now tried with your fork, reset as you suggested, and it builds fine. I've also run the core smesh tests successfully.