sveneisenschmidt / yay

Gamification made simple. Integrate gamification into your organisation incl. achievements, goals, levels and leaderboards.
Apache License 2.0
72 stars 7 forks source link

Proof read by @jaspertandy #143

Closed sveneisenschmidt closed 6 years ago

sveneisenschmidt commented 6 years ago

Awesome @jaspertandy checked the documentation and made some suggestions to improve it.

Gamification done simple.

Should either be "gamification made simple" or "gamification done simply"

The project originally started as a 36 hours

36 hour

ultimate goal to write your own and tailored integration

ultimate goal being to write...

Want to try it out or develop it further, please

Want to try it out or develop it further? Please

Yay, isn't that awesome!

Yay! Isn't that awesome?!

and integrations to extend yay


these will be provided through the docker-compose file during development

these will be provided through the docker-compose.yml file during development

In product they need to be passed to the running container that includes the application or e.g. provided via SetEnv by a Apache2 web server

In production they need to be passed to the running container that includes the application. e.g. via SetEnv by an Apache2 web server

An on-the-fly generated API documentation can be found under

Automatically-generated API documentation can be found at

and four possible children nodes

child nodes

Validators validates a players actions against any achievement and grants if validation passed the validation

Wayyyy too many uses of "validation"! Try something like "prerequisites for obtaining an achievement"?

achievement after certain set of actions have

after a certain set...

achievement criteria are met

have been met

and values on second level are the properties of the validator

On webhooks.incoming - looks like this might have been copy-pasted?

processor by it's name through a route parameter


Internally processors implement

Internally, processors implement

Internally processors implement the ProcessorInterface interface for incoming webhooks and implement the ProcessorInterface interface for outgoing webhooks.

Internally, processors implement the ProcessorInterface for incoming and outgoing webhooks

The following emails are send


Infamous git platform GitHub

Infamous means to be well-known for being bad - not sure if that's what you're trying to say!

Yay's API supports filtering, sorting and paginating for `GET requests

Looks like missing a closing `?

An on-the-fly generated API documentation can be found under

Same as before: "Automatically-generated API documentation can be found at"

Value of field name does not equals Jane Doe

does not equal

To run the demo we need to enable the demo integration, you can do so by using

To run the demo we need to enable the demo integration. You can do so by using

No achievement were granted yet

No achievements were granted yet

For this, perform four more times our demo.action action

For this, perform the demo.action action four more times

Et voilà, we earned our first achievement!

Et voilà: we earned our first achievement!

Now let us go further, Let the player perform five times more the demo-action-01 action.

Now let's go further. Let the player perform the demo-action-01 action five more times.

Our player earned now his official second achievement

Our player earned their second official achievement

(switching pronoun to "their" since their called "Jane" and neutrality is best)

Let's check now our player achievements by performing the following request

Let's check our player achievements...

Webhooks are the super glue that connects the outside world with your Yay instance.

I'm not sure I like the super glue metaphor here! Maybe cables or similar are better?

Processors implement the ProcessorInterface interface for incoming webhooks and implement the ProcessorInterface interface for outgoing webhooks.

Processors implement the ProcessorInterface interface for incoming and outgoing webhooks.

The webhook implementation requires that after the processor or all processor via the

The webhook implementation requires that after the processor or all processors via the...

you can follow the GitHub example to see all benefits of processing webhook payloads

you can follow the GitHub example to see all the benefits of processing webhook payloads

Infamous git platform GitHub use the concept of webhooks

Infamous again. And "uses"

git clone yay

git clone will clone to yay by default - providing that directory is redundant

To see all provided commands run make and a list of available target is rendered.

To see all provided commands run make and a list of available targets is rendered.

jaspertandy commented 6 years ago

Wow I used the wrong "their"! I never do that!

since their called

since they're called...