Open principis opened 10 months ago
Thanks for reporting @principis!
It seems like either the gfortran
version or doxygen@1.9.7
are at play here. The underlying problem is the testing framework is dumb / very picky, and wanted to find real(c_float) function conversions::degrees_to_radians_s(real(c_float), intent(in))
(note: the difference is the parameters degrees_s
I will need to fiddle with things, if this is for a packaging build it might be appropriate to disable the test. I will see what I can dig up, I've had this change behavior in the past too and IIRC it was because doxygen changed how the xml worked.
Thanks for your swift response! I'm packaging exhale for Fedora, I'll disable the test for now. :slightly_smiling_face:
I'll disable the test for now.
TL;DR: I'd say that's probably the right call, not much has changed code-wise for a couple of years, the latest release was really just to fix packaging mistakes that were starting to prevent people from installing the project on RTD using PyPI.
Hmmmmm... so after some digging around, it seems like at some point the fortran support broke. Possibly for quite some time. The next thing to check for me / anybody interested would be looking at different combinations of sphinx and breathe versions to see if there is a known point where the function signatures exhale was generating actually worked.
# See tox.ini hack, the variable needs the leadding '=='
# change X.Y.Z / A.B.C to try
SPHINX_VERSION='==X.Y.Z' BREATHE_VERSION='==A.B.C' tox -e py -- -k cpp_fortran_mixed --pdb -s
In this edge case, tests don't actually necessarily fail, it will just render the warning. To keep all of the builds around (warning: -k cpp_fortran_mixed
is useful here, actually builds and renders the html for all projects if you run just tox -e py
diff --git a/testing/ b/testing/
index 3360c81..96a8219 100644
--- a/testing/
+++ b/testing/
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ class ExhaleTestCaseMetaclass(type):
yield # the test runs
# @no_cleanup sets self.testroot to [self.testroot] as a flag that
# cleanup should not transpire
- if isinstance(self.testroot, six.string_types):
+ if False and isinstance(self.testroot, six.string_types):
# This cleanup happens between each test case, do not delete docs/
# until all tests for this class are done!
containmentFolder = self.getAbsContainmentFolder()
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ class ExhaleTestCaseMetaclass(type):
# perform cleanup by deleting the docs dir
# @no_cleanup sets self.testroot to [self.testroot] as a flag that
# cleanup should not transpire
- if isinstance(self.testroot, six.string_types) and os.path.isdir(self.testroot):
+ if False and isinstance(self.testroot, six.string_types) and os.path.isdir(self.testroot):
self.testroot = None
@@ -225,6 +225,9 @@ class ExhaleTestCaseMetaclass(type):
+ print("{{{{{ imma building }}}}}")
attrs["test_common"] = test_common
# Import the default hierarchy dictionaries from the testing/projects folder
And the place where you can fiddle with the parsing of things is here
diff --git a/exhale/ b/exhale/
index c0d8e86..99d57ad 100644
--- a/exhale/
+++ b/exhale/
@@ -2196,7 +2196,16 @@ class ExhaleRoot(object):
# 2. The function parameter list.
parameters = []
for param in memberdef.find_all("param", recursive=False):
- parameters.append(param.type.text)
+ # if param.type.text is not None and 'real(c_float), intent(in)' == param.type.text:
+ if func_refid == "namespaceconversions_1af3f7e870092b4986419a4c8c56aaff63":
+ # import pdb
+ # pdb.set_trace()
+ # (pdb) p param <<< that'll show you the function parameters
+ # these are the beautiful soup (xml) nodes getting parsed
+ # as we're building the {hacky} exhale representation
+ parameters.append(param.defname.text)
+ else:
+ parameters.append(param.type.text)
func.parameters = utils.sanitize_all(parameters)
# 3. The template parameter list.
templateparamlist = memberdef.templateparamlist
Noting that modifying this method directly is also an easy way to hack
There's other known problems even with C++ functions (overloads specifically, some work, some don't) :no_mouth: While I'd love to be able to fix these things, they're usually in a corner case of "no known solution without making significant changes here and in breathe"...
When running tests against later versions of sphinx and breathe all kinds of other things broke, so it's not clear if this will get solved anytime soon :disappointed:
On Fedora 39 the
test fails:Complete test results: test_output.txt
Version info: Doxygen version: 1.9.7 Breathe version: 4.35.0 Sphinx version: 6.2.1 Python version: 3.12.1