svenfuchs / routing-filter

routing-filter wraps around the complex beast that the Rails routing system is, allowing for unseen flexibility and power in Rails URL recognition and generation.
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Filter locale breaks default_url_options in tests (setting the Locale from URL Params) #80

Open viktorianer opened 2 years ago

viktorianer commented 2 years ago

In the Usage section, under Tests, it says that

RoutingFilter should not be enabled in functional tests by default.

And if I do so, it breaks the recommended way to Setting the Locale from URL Params, as described in the Rails I18n Guides.

Step to reproduce

rails _7.0.0_ new sample_app
rails generate scaffold Contact email
# run test, all passing
# add this gem
# configure it like described under [usage]( section
# add ` = false` to test_helper.rb
# run tests again
rails test test/controllers/contacts_controller_test.rb
# it will fails with
Expected response to be a redirect to <> but was a redirect to <>.
Expected "" to be === "".

Expected behavior

When I add = false to test_helper.rb all generated controller or route tests are passing.


Add description in the README, how to use this gem with recommended way to setting the locale from URL params.

Actual behavior

In generated *ContactsControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest all assertions like assert_redirected_to contact_url(Contact.last) or assert_redirected_to contacts_url will fail.


I find out, that instead of adding = false to test_helper.rb I had to add RoutingFilter::Locale.include_default_locale = false.