svenhb / GRBL-Plotter

A GCode sender (not only for lasers or plotters) for up to two GRBL controller. SVG, DXF, HPGL import. 6 axis DRO.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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G-Code Transform #245

Closed jem-green closed 2 years ago

jem-green commented 2 years ago

I have the following generated from a SVG test file - using plotter.ini


) G00 X0.000 Y0.000
G01 Z-2.000 F500 (PD) G01 X32.000 Y0.000 F1000 G01 X32.000 Y32.000
G01 X0.000 Y32.000
G01 X0.000 Y0.000
G00 Z2.000 (PU) (

I'm think im using the g-code transform correctly to replace the Z with a spindle speed but the output looks odd, so im guessing this is not the way to create g-code for 2.5d plotter. The manual pen up/down buttons work as expected.

M03 S0 M03 S0 G00 X0.000 Y0.000 S0 M03 S0 G01 X32.000 Y0.000 S0 G01 X32.000 Y32.000 S0 G01 X0.000 Y32.000 S0 G01 X0.000 Y0.000 S0 M03 S0 M03 S0 M03 S0

I want it to look like this


) G00 X0.000 Y0.000
M03 S30 G01 X32.000 Y0.000 F1000 G01 X32.000 Y32.000
G01 X0.000 Y32.000
G01 X0.000 Y0.000
M03 S40(PU) (

svenhb commented 2 years ago

If you already import from SVG, you should choose the S (PWM)-Setup from here: image

Using from menu "G-Code Transform - Convert Z to S" is for already generated G-Code and can be setup in Setup: image

But anyway, there is a bug...

jem-green commented 2 years ago

So the bug i have noted seems to apply to both at the SVG import stage and the modification. I can review the code if it can be agreed on what the output should look like, rather than what i think i want to see.

svenhb commented 2 years ago

I fixed the bug in modification "G-Code Transform - Convert Z to S". image

I don't see the bug in the import section, looks ok for me. image

I will upload the fix later this day.

jem-green commented 2 years ago

Ok might be my misunderstanding - I used the PWM default so matches the setting above. I then did a SVG import using the example_plotter.ini I get this as output

( Use case: example_plotter.ini ) ( SVG import by GRBL-Plotter ) ( Source: C:\Users\Jeremy\OneDrive\Documents\drawing.svg ) (

) ( G-Code lines: 36 ) ( Pen Down/Up : 5 times ) ( Duration ca.: 0.3 min. ) ( Conv. time : 00:00:00.0525091 ) ( Original graphic dimension min:4.000;4.000 max:36.000;36.000) (
) F1000 (Setup - GCode-Header) G90 G00 Z2.000 M3 S1000 (
) G00 X0.000 Y0.000
G01 Z-2.000 F500 (PD) G01 X32.000 Y0.000 F1000 G01 X32.000 Y32.000
G01 X0.000 Y32.000
G01 X0.000 Y0.000
G00 Z2.000 (PU) (
) (
) G00 X16.000 Y4.000
G01 Z-2.000 F500 (PD) G01 X16.000 Y20.000 F1000 G01 X12.000 Y16.000
G00 Z2.000 (PU)

I note that the settings have reverted image

jem-green commented 2 years ago

`<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <svg xmlns:dc="" xmlns:cc="" xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:svg="" xmlns="" xmlns:sodipodi="" xmlns:inkscape="" width="40mm" height="40mm" viewBox="0 0 40 40" version="1.1" id="svg8" inkscape:version="1.0.2-2 (e86c870879, 2021-01-15)" sodipodi:docname="drawing.svg"> <defs id="defs2" /> <sodipodi:namedview id="base" pagecolor="#ffffff" bordercolor="#666666" borderopacity="1.0" inkscape:pageopacity="0.0" inkscape:pageshadow="2" inkscape:zoom="3.959798" inkscape:cx="0.78999709" inkscape:cy="78.876288" inkscape:document-units="mm" inkscape:current-layer="layer1" inkscape:document-rotation="0" showgrid="true" inkscape:pagecheckerboard="false" showguides="true" inkscape:window-width="1920" inkscape:window-height="992" inkscape:window-x="-8" inkscape:window-y="-8" inkscape:window-maximized="1"> <inkscape:grid type="xygrid" id="grid837" units="mm" spacingx="0.99999997" spacingy="0.99999997" empspacing="4" /> </sodipodi:namedview> <metadata id="metadata5">

image/svg+xml `
svenhb commented 2 years ago

Check latest release for bug fix:

jem-green commented 2 years ago

missing a file from the solution - Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error Could not copy the file "C:\Users\Jeremy\OneDrive\Source\Projects\GRBL-Plotter\GRBL-Plotter\data\usecases\example_plotter_Z_axis.ini" because it was not found. GRBL-Plotter

is this important?

svenhb commented 2 years ago

I just renamed the file you mentioned:

jem-green commented 2 years ago

Apologies if this is not how the setup G-code generation is intended to work. Is it worth separating my observations into separate issues.

1) Importing a svg file (previously included in a comment)

1a) Using setup i select the PWM option image 1b) after the import there is no replacement of the G0/G1 Z PU/PU commands image 1c) The setup reverts to using Z axis

jem-green commented 2 years ago

Ok i think im closer to what i might be doing wrong

1b) If i press the yellow button then i get the expected behaviour


1c) What is the green button supposed to do - apart from changing the Set-up settings. as observed above.


jem-green commented 2 years ago

Think we are closed on the original issue - just need to understand the green and yellow button press actions.

svenhb commented 2 years ago

Think we are closed on the original issue - just need to understand the green and yellow button press actions.

Any idea how to make it more clear on first usage? Perhaps as default after program installation, this use-case dialog should be disabled?

jem-green commented 2 years ago

Again thanks for you patience. So as someone new to the software i completely missed the concept of a "use cases" which trying to expand this is the settings profile for the graphics import.

1) I assume that this only includes those settings referred to from that tab. 2) Had the dialog NOT popped up i would have naturally experimented with the settings and seen the effects on the generated g-code. 3) I think i need to understand why the dialog was added at this point 3a) This seems to be for users with multiple plotters / CNC/ etc. 3b) Was the intention that these settings should just apply to this import, and not do any resetting? 4) It looks like the application graphic import settings are saved on close 4a) so there is a concept of a default or current but this is not indicated image

So suggestion is to:- default to not showing the dialog Add a new checkbox to the use cases tab to say show dialog at graphics import or Add an indication that you are using the current settings detailed in the graphics import setup Reword to say "Override current/loaded settings with selected use cases" - green Reword "Apply current/loaded settings" - yellow

svenhb commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the analysis. 1) Saving as use-case will save just the shown settings. But you could also use a saved machine setting [Menu - File - Export machine settings] and copy the file to the needed subfolder, to be available as use-case. 3) Yes, intention is for use with different machines but also for differnent application - e.g. usage of tooltable with tool-change (perhaps manually) or just single color without tool change. Perhaps these are too much possible uses...

I will rework the use-case dialog and disable it on first start. Thanks

svenhb commented 2 years ago

I hope the use-case dialog is now more clear, please check new release:

jem-green commented 2 years ago

Yes logically works for me as a new user. Tested importing a svg, and selecting the current settings. Tested importing a svg after change the current settings from setup Works consistently.