svenstaro / miniserve

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CSS not working when root domain not accessible #1406

Open brandonfl opened 4 months ago

brandonfl commented 4 months ago



I am trying to create a miniserve with basicauth by path, for example :



The CSS do not work as it try to get it from "" but the access to "" is denied

How to repro

Here how I am doing with traefik :


    # service
    traefik.enable: "true" "8080"

    # test
    traefik.http.routers.miniserve-test.rule: "Host(``) && PathPrefix(`/test`)"
    traefik.http.routers.miniserve-test.tls: "true"
    traefik.http.routers.miniserve-test.entrypoints: "web-secure"
    traefik.http.routers.miniserve-test.service: "miniserve"
    traefik.http.routers.miniserve-test.middlewares: "miniserve-test-auth, contentCompression@file, autodetectContenttype@file"
    traefik.http.middlewares.miniserve-test-auth.basicauth.removeheader: true
    traefik.http.middlewares.miniserve-test-auth.basicauth.users: "..."

    # toto
    traefik.http.routers.miniserve-toto.rule: "Host(``) && PathPrefix(`/toto`)"
    traefik.http.routers.miniserve-toto.tls: "true"
    traefik.http.routers.miniserve-toto.entrypoints: "web-secure"
    traefik.http.routers.miniserve-toto.service: "miniserve"
    traefik.http.routers.miniserve-toto.middlewares: "miniserve-toto-auth, contentCompression@file, autodetectContenttype@file"
    traefik.http.middlewares.miniserve-toto-auth.basicauth.removeheader: true
    traefik.http.middlewares.miniserve-toto-auth.basicauth.users: "..."

Possible solution

Is there a way to make the css file accessible to all path even if the / is not accessible ? Like having the CSS in relative path ?

Thanks in advance, BrandonFL