svermeulen / vim-easyclip

Simplified clipboard functionality for Vim
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Conflict with vim-gtfo? #88

Closed srsudar closed 8 years ago

srsudar commented 8 years ago

I am trying to install vim-gtfo, which provides :got and :gof. :gof doesn't work, claiming it's not an editor command. Following the author's advice of running :verbose map gof, it looks like vim-easyclip might be to blame. I don't understand vimscript or the output of this command well enough to know what is going on:

n  gof         * :<C-U>call gtfo#open#file("%:p")<CR>
        Last set from ~/dotfiles/vim/plugged/vim-gtfo/plugin/gtfo.vim
s  g           * <C-O>"_cg
        Last set from ~/dotfiles/vim/plugged/vim-easyclip/autoload/EasyClip/BlackHole.vim

Does this look like a real conflict? Any ideas about what it's doing or how to resolve it?

svermeulen commented 8 years ago

easy-clip is overriding the "g" mapping in select mode there (you can see this by the 's' character next to it). This shouldn't affect the gof command which is in normal mode (shown by the 'n' character').

So to me it doesn't seem like easy-clip is related.

srsudar commented 8 years ago

Turns out I'm a doofus. It is indeed a normal mode command, thus it's gof not :gof. At least I'm not the first. Sorry for the spam.