sverrirs / jekyll-paginate-v2

Pagination Generator for Jekyll 3 (enhanced replacement for the old built-in jekyll-paginate gem) ⛺
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Not able to use liquids on paginated pages #213

Open gamue opened 3 years ago

gamue commented 3 years ago

I created two landing pages that should contain text, images and also a preview of the last X posts inside the corresponding category. Example is the file _pages/ which has the following frontmatter:

layout: landingpage
    enabled: true
    category: 'Fotografie'
    per_page: 4
    limit: 1

Code of the page is available at

The layout contains all pagination-logic and so on. I added content into the md-file which I expect to be shown on that landing page, however I'm not able to use any kind of liquid there. Once I do that the page won't render and calling the url will display the index.html.

When setting enabled: false I'm able to use liquid-tags on the page, so the issue is connected to jekyll-paginate-v2. For testing purposes I used {% link _pages/ %} as a liquid, goal is to use the cloudinary-liquid I also use on the index.html

I couldn't find any logging about possible issues, and using liquid in combination with the paginate-plugin is working fine at the index.html page. I would highly appreciate your support or insights helping to solve the issue, thanks in advance.