sverrirs / jekyll-paginate-v2

Pagination Generator for Jekyll 3 (enhanced replacement for the old built-in jekyll-paginate gem) ⛺
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Is posible to use display_name and other separators on the title options for autopages of tags? #225

Open Lewatoto opened 3 years ago

Lewatoto commented 3 years ago

There exist some way to for example in the autopages config section use the original value of the tag/collection as option for the title?

  enabled: true
      - 'etiquetas.html'
    title: ":tag" # something like :tag_original to get Linux instead linux as page title?
    permalink: '/etiqueta/:tag/'
    silent: false
      mode: 'default' 
      case: false

I'm asking this because if not add the tag title for the autopages, the jekyll-seo plugin only takes the value of the title in pagination to make all the metadata that include the title.