There exist some way to for example in the autopages config section use the original value of the tag/collection as option for the title?
enabled: true
- 'etiquetas.html'
title: ":tag" # something like :tag_original to get Linux instead linux as page title?
permalink: '/etiqueta/:tag/'
silent: false
mode: 'default'
case: false
I'm asking this because if not add the tag title for the autopages, the jekyll-seo plugin only takes the value of the title in pagination to make all the metadata that include the title.
There exist some way to for example in the autopages config section use the original value of the tag/collection as option for the title?
I'm asking this because if not add the tag title for the autopages, the jekyll-seo plugin only takes the value of the title in pagination to make all the metadata that include the title.