sverrirs / jekyll-paginate-v2

Pagination Generator for Jekyll 3 (enhanced replacement for the old built-in jekyll-paginate gem) ⛺
MIT License
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Content overwriting though the permalinks are set #229

Open bastiweb opened 2 years ago

bastiweb commented 2 years ago

Hey, I have the following problem: The content of one page overwrites the content of another

See here:

Header reviews:

  permalink: /reviews
    enabled: true
    tag: review
    permalink: 'page:num/reviews.html'

Header interviews:

permalink: /interviews/
    enabled: true
    tag: interview
    permalink: 'page:num/interviews.html'


  enabled: true
  per_page: 25
  indexpage: 'pagination'
  sort_reverse: true

Did I do something wrong in my configuration?

I think I have followed the steps described under

FabrizioMusacchio commented 3 months ago

I have the same problem. I noticed that when using {{content}} in the layout file, the content of the alphabetically first pagination index file is used for all other subsequent pagination index files. Substituting {{content}} by {{ page.content | markdownify }} solves the problem. However, any liquid command in the content of page.content gets rendered as raw text when using {{ page.content | markdownify }}.