sverx / devkitSMS

development kit and libraries for SEGA Master System / SEGA Game Gear / SEGA SG-1000 / SEGA SC-3000 homebrew programming using C language (and the SDCC compiler)
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I cannot compile this unless I add #include <stdbool.h> to SMSlib.h #1

Closed ComputerNerd closed 9 years ago

ComputerNerd commented 9 years ago

I am wondering how you were able to compile devkitSMS without the extra include. What stdbool.h does according to is expand bool to _Bool which allows me to compile it. Doing a search and replace for bool changing it to _Bool also allows me to compile it.

In C there is no keyword that I am aware of called bool; only _Bool please see

I am using the latest snapshot of SDCC as of the time of writing the issue which is: 3.5.2 #9277

sverx commented 9 years ago

SMSlib.c does in fact include stdbool.h and you should also include it in your sources, before including SMSlib.h

ComputerNerd commented 9 years ago

Do you mean in main.c I should add #include "SMSlib.c"?

What I have right now works without that include and in fact including SMSlib.c as if it were a header will cause multiple definition problems if you have multiple source code files.

Here is how I currently compile devkitSMS along with my project All the makefile does is just compile all sources listed in the SOURCE variable and then link together all the generated object files.

sverx commented 9 years ago

I meant you should also include stdbool.h in your C source, before including SMSlib.h

ComputerNerd commented 9 years ago

Sorry for the confusion that does make much more sense. I thought the intention was that SMSlib.h should be able to function without any prerequisites. Also I should have been more clear that I meant using SMSlib.h in my code. I used bad wording initially.

sverx commented 9 years ago

I followed your suggestion and switched from 'bool' to '_Bool'. Also, the library now resets the sprites on initialization. Thanks for your comments!