svg / svgo

⚙️ Node.js tool for optimizing SVG files
MIT License
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Error: Unmatched selector: % #2049

Open PavelFil opened 1 month ago

PavelFil commented 1 month ago

When run svgo icon.svg, I receive the error

Error: Unmatched selector: %
    at parse (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/svgo/node_modules/css-what/lib/commonjs/parse.js:85:15)
    at compileUnsafe (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/svgo/node_modules/css-select/lib/compile.js:48:69)
    at compile (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/svgo/node_modules/css-select/lib/compile.js:43:16)
    at is (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/svgo/node_modules/css-select/lib/index.js:140:76)
    at matches (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/svgo/lib/xast.js:38:10)
    at computeOwnStyle (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/svgo/lib/style.js:151:9)
    at computeStyle (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/svgo/lib/style.js:265:26)
    at Object.enter (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/svgo/plugins/removeUnknownsAndDefaults.js:153:15)
    at visit (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/svgo/lib/xast.js:52:30)
    at visit (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/svgo/lib/xast.js:68:9)

The file is:

<svg width="24" height="25" viewBox="0 0 24 25" fill="none" xmlns="">
<mask id='mask1'>
  <rect width="24" height="25" fill="black" />
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<mask id='mask2'>
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  <path d="M2.57841 4.14749C2.74409 4.14749 2.87841 4.28181 2.87841 4.44749V6.57682C2.87841 6.74251 2.74409 6.87682 2.57841 6.87682H0.449078C0.283393 6.87682 0.149078 6.74251 0.149078 6.57682L0.149078 4.44749C0.149078 4.28181 0.283393 4.14749 0.449079 4.14749H2.57841Z" fill="white"/>
  <path d="M23.528 4.14749C23.6937 4.14749 23.828 4.28181 23.828 4.44749V6.57682C23.828 6.74251 23.6937 6.87682 23.528 6.87682H21.3987C21.233 6.87682 21.0987 6.74251 21.0987 6.57682V4.44749C21.0987 4.28181 21.233 4.14749 21.3987 4.14749H23.528Z" fill="white"/>
  <path d="M10.6238 0.445507C10.6238 0.279822 10.7581 0.145508 10.9238 0.145508H13.0531C13.2188 0.145508 13.3531 0.279822 13.3531 0.445508V2.57484C13.3531 2.74052 13.2188 2.87484 13.0531 2.87484H10.9238C10.7581 2.87484 10.6238 2.74052 10.6238 2.57484V0.445507Z" fill="white"/>
  <path d="M10.624 21.7234C10.624 21.5577 10.7583 21.4234 10.924 21.4234H13.0533C13.219 21.4234 13.3533 21.5577 13.3533 21.7234V23.8527C13.3533 24.0184 13.219 24.1527 13.0533 24.1527H10.924C10.7583 24.1527 10.624 24.0184 10.624 23.8527V21.7234Z" fill="white"/>
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#rect2 {
    -moz-animation: 2s cycle2 1s alternate 3;
    -webkit-animation: 2s cycle2 1s alternate 3;
    animation: 2s cycle2 1s alternate 3;}
#rect3 {
    -moz-animation: 2s cycle 1s alternate 3;
    -webkit-animation: 2s cycle 1s alternate 3;
    animation: 2s cycle 1s alternate 3;
#rect2:hover, #rect3:hover {
   -moz-animation: 2s cycle2 1s alternate infinite;
    -webkit-animation: 2s cycle2 1s alternate infinite;
    animation: 2s cycle2 1s alternate infinite;
@-webkit-keyframes cycle {
   from {
      x: 0px;
   to {
      x: -48px;
@moz-keyframes cycle {
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      x: 0px;
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@-webkit-keyframes cycle2 {
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      x: 0px;
   to {
      x: -48px;
@-moz-keyframes cycle2 {
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@keyframes cycle2 {
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GreLI commented 1 month ago

It's not SVGO problem. As you can see by stacktrace it's an error in css-what through css-select dependency.

PavelFil commented 1 month ago

It's not SVGO problem. As you can see by stacktrace it's an error in css-what through css-select dependency.

It's need to create a correct bug report ticket in css-what repo. For that, it's need to know how svgo uses the repo. I mean, it's need to provide a correct code example, that reproduce the problem using only css-what repo.

GreLI commented 1 month ago

Stacktrace shows all the chain. Basically, it computes styles for elements. It needs debugging to say what happens, but I'm not sure how good animations are supported by those libraries.

johnkenny54 commented 1 month ago

This works for me with the latest SVGO code (version 4). It fails as described above with the 3.3.2 code. The css libraries used by SVGO appear to be identical between SVGO 4 and 3.3.2.