Open JoKalliauer opened 6 years ago
Prozessing File:Pereslavl_narrow_gauge_railway_1990.svg with
svgo -i ${file} -o output.svg --pretty --indent=1 -p 9
leads to moving of an text
transform="matrix(.9988 .0485 -.0485 .9988 2224.9 64.96)" is changed to transform="rotate(2.807 -204.22400571 45879.279769213)"
transform="matrix(.9988 .0485 -.0485 .9988 2224.9 64.96)"
transform="rotate(2.807 -204.22400571 45879.279769213)"
<svg viewBox="2100 0 300 100" xmlns="" fill-rule="evenodd" font-family="MS Shell Dlg 2" stroke-linecap="square" stroke-linejoin="bevel" font-weight="400" font-size="38"> <text transform="matrix(.9989 .0469 -.0469 .9989 2327.7 60.77)">5</text> <text transform="matrix(.9984 -.0561 .0561 .9984 2307.9 61.94)">2</text> <text transform="matrix(.9968 -.0791 .0791 .9968 2287.2 63.58)">5</text> <text transform="matrix(.9968 -.0791 .0791 .9968 2266.3 65.24)">0</text> <text transform="matrix(.9976 -.0681 .0681 .9976 2252.2 66.21)">-</text> <text transform="matrix(.9988 .0485 -.0485 .9988 2224.9 64.96)">Н</text> <text transform="matrix(.9951 .0986 -.0986 .9951 2203.5 62.85)">8</text> <text transform="matrix(.9961 .0884 -.0884 .9961 2182.7 61)">7</text> </svg>
<svg viewBox="2100 0 300 100" xmlns="" fill-rule="evenodd" font-family="MS Shell Dlg 2" stroke-linecap="square" stroke-linejoin="bevel" font-weight="400" font-size="38"> <text transform="rotate(2.688 -131.606855627 49634.216791923)"> 5 </text> <text transform="matrix(.9984 -.0561 .0561 .9984 2307.9 61.94)"> 2 </text> <text transform="matrix(.9968 -.0791 .0791 .9968 2287.2 63.58)"> 5 </text> <text transform="matrix(.9968 -.0791 .0791 .9968 2266.3 65.24)"> 0 </text> <text transform="matrix(.9976 -.0681 .0681 .9976 2252.2 66.21)"> - </text> <text transform="rotate(2.807 -204.22400571 45879.279769213)"> Н </text> <text transform="matrix(.9951 .0986 -.0986 .9951 2203.5 62.85)"> 8 </text> <text transform="matrix(.9961 .0884 -.0884 .9961 2182.7 61)"> 7 </text> </svg>
The best result is obtained by using "Transform precission"=2 much better than with "Transform precission"=8. (tested with SVGomg using svgo 3.0.0)
Prozessing File:Pereslavl_narrow_gauge_railway_1990.svg with
leads to moving of an text
transform="matrix(.9988 .0485 -.0485 .9988 2224.9 64.96)"
is changed totransform="rotate(2.807 -204.22400571 45879.279769213)"