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Cannot Animate a Polygon Created by a Function in SVG.JS #1132

Closed Mark-Theodore-Fox closed 4 years ago

Mark-Theodore-Fox commented 4 years ago

For support questions, please use stackoverflow with the tag svg.js or head to our chat over at gitter, if you have a bug report or feature request, use those templates.

I've written a JavaScript function that creates a triangle (MyFirstTriangle). The triangle displays perfectly as one would expect. However, when I try to apply an animation to the triangle I get the "ReferenceError: MyFirstTriangle is not defined".

When I create the same triangle directly (as in, not through a function), then the animation works perfectly. Are there some inherent limitations regarding the use of functions with SVG.JS?

function CreateTriangle(Name) {

var Name = draw.polygon("50 15, 100 100, 0 100").fill("#fff").stroke({ width: 0 })



MyFirstTriangle.animate(4000, '<>', 500 * i).rotate(30 * i);
Fuzzyma commented 4 years ago

I saw your question on stackoverflow but forgot about it.

Your issue is not realated to svg.js. You just havent understood javascript correctly yet ;).

Here is your code with comments:

// A function is declared. Every time the function is called, its body is executed
// A function can return a value (e.g. return 0). This is not the case here.
// The function gets passed a parameter "Name" which is only accessible in the function
function CreateTriangle(Name) {
  // define local variable "Name" which OVERWRITES the already defined variable Name (the parameter of the function)
  // svg.js draws a polygon and saves its result in the local variable
  // since there is nothing else to do, the function finishes and returns nothing
  var Name = draw.polygon("50 15, 100 100, 0 100").fill("#fff").stroke({ width: 0 })


// The function is called with a parameter. However, since the parameter is overwritten anyway, its useless

// You try to access a variable with the name "MyFirstTriangle" but never defined any variable with that name.
// Hence the error "ReferenceError: MyFirstTriangle is not defined"
MyFirstTriangle.animate(4000, '<>', 500 * i).rotate(30 * i);

And here is what you probably wanted:

function CreateTriangle() {
  return draw.polygon("50 15, 100 100, 0 100").fill("#fff").stroke({ width: 0 })

var MyFirstTriangle = CreateTriangle();

MyFirstTriangle.animate(4000, '<>', 500 * i).rotate(30 * i);

BTW: The variable "i" you are using in your code is also not defined. I guess its a variable from a loop which you didnt show?

Mark-Theodore-Fox commented 4 years ago

Hi Ulrich, This is fantastic, I cannot thank you enough for this response. All the best, Mark

Fuzzyma commented 4 years ago

No problem :).

Btw: javascript as any programming language is mostly programmed in a certain style. Its called camelCase. It helps when you also use that style because it becomes easier for other programmers do understand your code :)