svgdotjs / svg.js

The lightweight library for manipulating and animating SVG
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TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'call') for PATHs in NodeJS #1311

Closed banujan6 closed 10 months ago

banujan6 commented 10 months ago

The <path> elements which has EMPTY d attribute throws,

pathHandlers[s].call(null, [1] ^ [1] [1] TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'call')

in below code

import { SVG } from '@svgdotjs/svg.js';
const canvas = SVG( svgString ); // throws error

Works Fine

<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-1">
      <path style="stroke:none;" d="M 8.84375 -0.203125 L 7.8125 0.828125 L 6.53125 -0.453125 C 5.914062 -0.078125 5.207031 0.109375 4.40625 0.109375 C 3.269531 0.109375 2.328125 -0.242188 1.578125 -0.953125 C 0.828125 -1.671875 0.453125 -2.5625 0.453125 -3.625 C 0.453125 -4.695312 0.828125 -5.585938 1.578125 -6.296875 C 2.328125 -7.003906 3.269531 -7.359375 4.40625 -7.359375 C 5.519531 -7.359375 6.453125 -7.003906 7.203125 -6.296875 C 7.960938 -5.585938 8.34375 -4.695312 8.34375 -3.625 C 8.34375 -2.8125 8.101562 -2.082031 7.625 -1.4375 Z M 2.859375 -2.046875 C 3.265625 -1.640625 3.773438 -1.4375 4.390625 -1.4375 C 5.015625 -1.4375 5.523438 -1.640625 5.921875 -2.046875 C 6.328125 -2.460938 6.53125 -2.988281 6.53125 -3.625 C 6.53125 -4.269531 6.328125 -4.796875 5.921875 -5.203125 C 5.523438 -5.617188 5.015625 -5.828125 4.390625 -5.828125 C 3.773438 -5.828125 3.265625 -5.617188 2.859375 -5.203125 C 2.453125 -4.796875 2.25 -4.269531 2.25 -3.625 C 2.25 -2.988281 2.453125 -2.460938 2.859375 -2.046875 Z M 2.859375 -2.046875 "/>

Throws Error

<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-0">
     <path style="stroke:none;" d=""/>


NodeJS v19.7.0, @svgdotjs/svg.js ^3.1.2, MacOS Ventura - M1

Fuzzyma commented 10 months ago

are you using svgdom?

banujan6 commented 10 months ago

Only In this part,

const { createSVGWindow } = require('svgdom');

global.window = createSVGWindow();
global.document = global.window.document;

// register window and document
registerWindow(window, document);
Fuzzyma commented 10 months ago

In that case you are completely using it :D. Will look into it when i have some time. If you wanna help, you can check if the same error happens when running it in the browser

banujan6 commented 10 months ago

Sure, let me check.

banujan6 commented 10 months ago

@Fuzzyma It is not happening in the browser. Just node things..

Fuzzyma commented 10 months ago

Then its most likely a bug in svgdom. thanks for investigating!

banujan6 commented 10 months ago

Yeah let me dig into it further and try to add a fix. Thanks for your support.

Fuzzyma commented 10 months ago

@banujan6 I tried this myself and couldnt reproduce it. Do you have a full script that triggers the error?