sviatoslav-lebediev / anki-quizlet-importer-extended

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Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0) #90

Closed Ak-na closed 1 year ago

Ak-na commented 1 year ago

Getting the same error on several quizlets, went through a set of 28 decks, 15 of which wouldn't import, tried using page html too.

1a36782b-9376-4914-917a-8bfbff41a6b9.txt f1ae96a4-276f-49bb-a085-428b2f3db897.txt 2af4c857-4aa4-4204-a5ea-231fa038b609.txt 50ee2698-d972-4039-b1a4-740bd77c3dfe.txt 738878e8-c5ca-4030-adbb-3fdef2798e42.txt 177af794-843e-4ba8-8b19-790925c0343c.txt 99b93e95-4b3e-45a5-a587-422b111fcf59.txt 3f783aea-7f06-4957-a5ed-68955a626ce1.txt af5dedbf-3a31-4ecc-b680-f564c91b2f42.txt 84b5ff56-fb37-48c1-b307-50bd779a4fc7.txt 4ce77d45-6367-4ff0-b372-330eb63fdf89.txt b66262e2-8166-4ad4-bf11-56e356d319c5.txt 5ef4b8e3-d9ba-489b-ac38-52b87d38adb7.txt e5eae7b0-77b1-46c1-943a-db8a85f375d9.txt fc2c58c9-32c0-41e0-81b5-098203cc0f04.txt

sviatoslav-lebediev commented 1 year ago

@Ak-na and you receive these errors even when you use the HTML mode, did I understand you correctly ? because I've tried 1 deck and I can import it. If you don't need audio - try to uncheck Download audio. It can help as well for some cases. CompTIA A+ 1101 Networking Services and Protocols

giulia1235 commented 1 year ago

i'm having the same problem too, over and over again. I've tried to uncheck "download audio" and also check "skip errors" but nothing changed.

the deck i want to import is this:

giulia1235 commented 1 year ago

i'm having the same problem too, over and over again. I've tried to uncheck "download audio" and also check "skip errors" but nothing changed.

the deck i want to import is this:

the problem is always with the "add reverse" bottom. If i just check the "skip errors" box, it will work. But i need to import also the reverse cards and that seems not to work in any way.

DrNCognito commented 1 year ago

Also having the same problem, regardless of options boxes checked or unchecked, using URL or the source HTML code. An example card set:

sviatoslav-lebediev commented 1 year ago

@DrNCognito this deck is private, could you try to make it public, import, make it private again ?

sviatoslav-lebediev commented 1 year ago

@giulia1235 I've tried to import your deck and haven't had any issues. If you have a problem when you check Add reverse it 99% means that you somehow have changed a Basic Quizlet Extended note type and the add-on can set required fields. Try to click on Tools/Manage Note Types and remove Basic Quizlet Extended, the add-on will recreate it.

p.s This add-on adds reversed cards when you check that checkbox but you can do it manually

your deck

MOGUL1224 commented 1 year ago

@sviatoslav-lebediev The error is back. I am getting: "Expecting value: line 1 column 1" error no matter what I do. I've tried everything.

sviatoslav-lebediev commented 1 year ago

@MOGUL1224 yep, it looks like quizlet has changed something again :) I need time to fix the add-on. Will ping you when it's done

MOGUL1224 commented 1 year ago

@sviatoslav-lebediev I hope you'll be able to fix it as soon as possible. The exam is coming XD.

sviatoslav-lebediev commented 1 year ago

@MOGUL1224 I've updated the add-on, please update and try one more time

sviatoslav-lebediev commented 1 year ago

I'm going to close this issue, create a new one if you still can't import