svilupp / PromptingTools.jl

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[FR] Improve performance of Bool embeddings #144

Closed svilupp closed 1 month ago

svilupp commented 2 months ago

domluna posted on generativeAI Slack a really nice gist using Bool embeddings (held in Int8) + StaticArrays (here).

It seems to provide huge performance benefits compared to my fairly trivial Bool retrieval implementation in RAGTools (here).

playing around with RAG and binary vectors the idea of 64 bytes is from this post this is brute force parallel implementation for search that assumes the data is stored as binary in byte elements (int8, uint8). so 512 bits is 64 int8 elements, or a 64 element static vector using StaticArrays. For 100M vector dataset I get < 1s comparison time on my M1 macbook air. I’m wondering if there’s anything I can do to make it faster.

It would be excellent to:

Ideally, also integrate into AIHelpMe so everyone downstream can benefit (these TODOs would be transferred to the other repo)

svilupp commented 2 months ago

For reference, I did some benchmarking few weeks ago and Bool embeddings performed really well (especially assuming that we would use a reranker/cross-encoder downstream

With top_k=20, 1024dims in Bool still retains 97% recall and very competitive MRR:

domluna commented 2 months ago


StaticArrays makes it faster but it's not massive ~2x at most (on 1M vectors), so techinically not explitcitly required:

# no StaicArrays
julia> @b $k_closest_parallel(X1, q1, 10)
21.741 ms (52 allocs: 5.250 KiB)

# q2 is a StaticArray
julia> @b $k_closest_parallel(X1, q2, 10)
12.545 ms (52 allocs: 5.500 KiB)

# q2 is a StaticArray, X2 is a list of static arrays
julia> @b $k_closest_parallel(X2, q2, 10)
9.180 ms (52 allocs: 5.500 KiB)

the cool thing about the binary embeddings is that you can keep everything in memory and you don't need an enourmously powerful computer. for 1 billion rows you would need 64GB instead of 1TB, which greatly decreases costs. Furthermore you can potentially use this as part of a reranking pipeline where you keep a higher dimensional embedding version on disk and then seek the relevant rows from the binary embedding similarity.

domluna commented 2 months ago
function hamming_distance(x1::AbstractArray{T}, x2::AbstractArray{T})::Int where {T<:INT}
    s = 0
    for i in eachindex(x1, x2)
        s += hamming_distance(x1[i], x2[i])

changing the sum calc to the above now produces these timings (adding simd or inbounds macros seems to have no effect)

julia> @b k_closest_parallel(X1, q1, 10)
4.710 ms (52 allocs: 5.250 KiB)

julia> @b k_closest_parallel(X1, q2, 10)
4.080 ms (52 allocs: 5.500 KiB)

julia> @b k_closest_parallel(X2, q2, 10)
4.070 ms (52 allocs: 5.500 KiB)

so using StaticArrays doesn't add much.

julia> versioninfo()
Julia Version 1.11.0-beta1
Commit 08e1fc0abb9 (2024-04-10 08:40 UTC)
Build Info:
  Official release
Platform Info:
  OS: macOS (arm64-apple-darwin22.4.0)
  CPU: 8 × Apple M1
  LLVM: libLLVM-16.0.6 (ORCJIT, apple-m1)
Threads: 4 default, 0 interactive, 2 GC (on 4 virtual cores)
  DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH = /Users/lunaticd/.wasmedge/lib
domluna commented 2 months ago
using StaticArrays
using Base.Threads

INT = Union{Int8,UInt8}

function hamming_distance(x1::T, x2::T)::Int where {T<:INT}
    c = 0
    for i = 0:7
        c += ((x1 >> i) & 1) ⊻ ((x2 >> i) & 1)
    return Int(c)

function hamming_distance(x1::AbstractArray{T}, x2::AbstractArray{T})::Int where {T<:INT}
    s = 0
    @inbounds @simd for i in eachindex(x1, x2)
        s += hamming_distance(x1[i], x2[i])

function k_closest_parallel(
) where {T<:INT,V<:AbstractVector{T}}
    n = length(db)
    t = nthreads()
    task_ranges = [(i:min(i + n ÷ t - 1, n)) for i = 1:n÷t:n]
    tasks = map(task_ranges) do r
        Threads.@spawn k_closest(view(db, r), query, k)
    results = fetch.(tasks)
    sort!(vcat(results...), by = x -> x[1])[1:k]

function k_closest(
) where {T<:INT,V<:AbstractVector{T}}
    results = Vector{Pair{Int,Int}}(undef, k)
    m = typemax(Int)
    fill!(results, (m => -1))

    @inbounds for i in eachindex(db)
        d = hamming_distance(db[i], query)
        for j = 1:k
            if d < results[j][1]
                old = results[j]
                results[j] = d => i
                for l = j+1:k-1
                    old, results[l] = results[l], old

    return results

the core operation takes 20ns on a static array but when everything is combined we actually get even lower than that on average.

On a 1M vector of where each element is a 64 element vector of Int8

julia> @b k_closest_parallel(X, q, 1)
2.816 ms (50 allocs: 3.547 KiB)

julia> @b k_closest_parallel(X, q, 5)
3.142 ms (52 allocs: 4.516 KiB)

julia> @b k_closest_parallel(X, q, 10)
3.560 ms (52 allocs: 5.500 KiB)

julia> @b k_closest_parallel(X, q, 50)
7.449 ms (54 allocs: 13.938 KiB)

julia> @b k_closest_parallel(X, q, 100)
11.626 ms (54 allocs: 23.781 KiB)

naively looping and doing the distance op 1M times without any additional work would be 20ms but parallelized over 4 cores we're less than that.

svilupp commented 2 months ago

I'm actually slightly hesitant to enforce threading under the hood, because:

Btw. I'm a bit lost in the references above -- what's your recommendation wrt StaticArrays? Do you think they are a valuable addition or should we keep it simple?

domluna commented 2 months ago

it doesn't seem that StaticArrays is absolutely necessary. The performance will be better but it's not drastically better. For 1M rows, 17.5% faster. Parallel isn't necessary, but it's just a situation where the problem is easily parallelizable (mapreduce pattern) so we do get very close to perfect scaling with cores, i.e., 4 cores makes it ~4x faster, 16 cores - 16x faster.

svilupp commented 1 month ago

Linking a great writeup by @domluna here:

In particular, this function looks the same as the inner function here.

It needs some benchmarking and potentially mini PR if someone is interested!

EDIT: I should have said the PR could be:

svilupp commented 1 month ago

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