PyTorch implementation of our ICCV 2019 paper: Liquid Warping GAN: A Unified Framework for Human Motion Imitation, Appearance Transfer and Novel View Synthesis
I am trying to train the model on Fashionvideo dataset. However, it seems pairs_train.pkl (and test) and train_256_v2_max_bbox_dp_hmr_pairs_results.pkl (and test) are missing. If possible, could you please provide the missing files?
Thanks for sharing your nice work!
I am trying to train the model on Fashionvideo dataset. However, it seems pairs_train.pkl (and test) and train_256_v2_max_bbox_dp_hmr_pairs_results.pkl (and test) are missing. If possible, could you please provide the missing files?
Thanks in advance! @StevenLiuWen