svlark /

How we eventually managed to teach our own kids, live apart from states, and sail around the world.
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GT blog by Audrey #58

Open svlark opened 4 years ago

svlark commented 4 years ago

Lorelei with Stingrays fortbuilding on flipflop daddy with monument turtle underwater Audrey and Heather up a tree Hudson and Wyatt at Monument Beach jumping off of the dock Hammock town kids at bonfire kids on beach Moms cat yoga My tshirt design tshirt design contest table Mr. Bill's preformance Junkanoo Heather Alex and I Variety show preformance Kayak race with Heather Rollick downwind dinghy race Ms. Andrea's winning hat Girls at the Gala dressup compatition little girls at the gala homemade boat race birthday cake kids at my birthday party birthday sleepover sitting in my shelter kids at small boat race waiting to race sand castle competition awards ceremony roasting smores Lorelei roasting smores the 3 amigos 4 years later Regatta tshirts on deck feeding turtles starfish playing ukulele on the beach homemade conch horns pretend restaurant at chat n chill