svm-zhang / AGOUTI

Annotated Genome Optimization Using Transcriptome Information
MIT License
20 stars 8 forks source link

Wrong decription #12

Closed andreyurch closed 7 years ago

andreyurch commented 7 years ago

Hello, It seems that command in the examples bwa mem -M example.fasta example.1.fq example.2.fq | samtools view - > example.bam

produces a SAM file instead of a BAM. To receive a BAM we need to use

bwa mem -M example.fasta example.1.fq example.2.fq | samtools view -Sb - > example.bam

svm-zhang commented 7 years ago

Hello @andreyurch,

You are absolutely correct. Thanks very much for pointing it out! I will update the README. :)


svm-zhang commented 7 years ago

Hello @andreyurch,

Samtools command line is now fixed :) Thanks!
