svmiller / svm-r-markdown-templates

This is my (deprecated) suite of R Markdown templates for academic manuscripts, beamer presentations, and syllabi. DOWNLOAD {stevetemplates} INSTEAD.
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where is ~/Dropbox/master.bib #1

Closed joebling closed 5 years ago

joebling commented 7 years ago

hi, when i compile the svm-rmarkdown-syllabus-example.Rmd, I failed it because of the missing of ~/Dropbox/master.bib in line 44?

Can you upload all of the files in need, please?

svmiller commented 7 years ago

I don't think my master.bib is necessarily a file of need for the template. It's also an enormous .bib file that I've been making for the past seven years. You can just as well substitute your own .bib file for your own file.

Here would be an example entry for the vasquez2009twp citation.

@Book{vasquez2009twp, Title = {The War Puzzle Revisited}, Author = {Vasquez, John A}, Publisher = {New York, NY: Cambridge University Press}, Year = {2009} }

ThomasPepperz commented 5 years ago

I think this issue can be closed.

@joebling , To reiterate the point of @svmiller you shouldn't need it but if you're having difficulty knitting the R Markdown template just copy and paste his bibliography example into a text editor and save it with the .bib extension.

After this, modify the ~/Dropbox/master.bib file path to match where you saved the newly-created master.bib file.

Note "~" assumes you're on a Mac and represents your home directory.