svmiller / svm-r-markdown-templates

This is my (deprecated) suite of R Markdown templates for academic manuscripts, beamer presentations, and syllabi. DOWNLOAD {stevetemplates} INSTEAD.
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shenanigans with fonts #5

Closed powerswing closed 7 years ago

powerswing commented 7 years ago

hey man >

look, i am confused about fontfamily: using your template to create manuscripts. how to change fonts using that? seems like i gotta tweak the .tex template file first, as this command:


so the value phv is possible to change but i still i can't get anything to work. i tried to use ptm and tweak fontfamily: to Times but it shouted that i didn't have Times.sty file.

could you thus provide me with little insight on that? i would solely appreciate that! >

offtopic: you rock E.

powerswing commented 7 years ago

also how to tweak fontsize of sections like 'Introduction' and 'Conclusion'?

svmiller commented 7 years ago

Curious, which template are you referencing? The manuscript one?

svmiller commented 7 years ago

Oh, and one point: pretty sure fontfamily is case-sensitive. You may not have a Times.sty file but you should have a times.sty file.

powerswing commented 7 years ago

hm. okay, and yes -- the manuscript one

so i opened svm-latex-ms.tex


changed to ptm instead of phv then in fontfamily: i stated times in my .rmd file

and IT WORKED. nice

ps. so descriptive as anyone stumbles on it later.

thank you, E.

svmiller commented 7 years ago

Also, if you want to tweak section fonts, call in the secsty package in LaTeX and start fudging it to get something you like. Here's a good primer on it:

powerswing commented 7 years ago

thank you, sir