svmiller / svm-r-markdown-templates

This is my (deprecated) suite of R Markdown templates for academic manuscripts, beamer presentations, and syllabi. DOWNLOAD {stevetemplates} INSTEAD.
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Problem in Fontawesome Setting #9

Open sammo3182 opened 7 years ago

sammo3182 commented 7 years ago

Steven, I used your template to build my cv. It worked perfectly until recently. I tried to compile the file, but I got an error like this:

! Undefined control sequence.
<argument>  \faEnvelopeO 
                         \hspace {1 mm} \href {mailto:}{\tt \href {mailto:yu...
l.110}}} \hspace{1 mm}      }

pandoc.exe: Error producing PDF
Error: pandoc document conversion failed with error 43
In addition: Warning message:
running command '"D:/RStudio/bin/pandoc/pandoc" +RTS -K512m -RTS --to latex --from markdown+autolink_bare_uris+ascii_identifiers+tex_math_single_backslash --output miniSample.pdf --template svm-latex-cvOrig.tex --highlight-style tango --latex-engine pdflatex' had status 43 
Execution halted

With some debugging setting, I found this error was caused by the fontawesome icons such as \faEnvelopeO. If I delete them from the template, the file converged smoothly. Do you have any hint how I should install or set the fontawesome to make it work? I am using a Windows 10 system and installed both the latest Tex Live and MiKTex (2.9).


svmiller commented 7 years ago

Hi Yue,

It'll be hard to say from here. I have Mac on a notebook and Linux Mint on my desktop, both of which work fine with this. All I know is I'm accustomed to warning that fontawesome only works with pdftex when the TexLive version is greater than or equal to 2015.

Early guess might be that you have a basic MikTex when you may want fontawesome too, but your Github repo has a perfectly-working CV with the icons available from a compile around two months ago. So, I don't know. I haven't changed my template in over a year. Did you recently upgrade Tex Live or MikTex since then?