svn2github / StageWebViewBridge

This is a clone of an SVN repository at It had been cloned by , but the service was since closed. Please read a closing note on my blog post: . If you want to continue synchronizing this repo, look at
10 stars 5 forks source link

iOS8 #1

Open painschen opened 9 years ago

painschen commented 9 years ago

Error: Error #2038: File I/O Error. at$/preparseFile()[/Users/xperiments/PROJECTS/Projects/OPEN/StageWebViewBridge/src/es/xperiments/media/] at$/processCache()[/Users/xperiments/PROJECTS/Projects/OPEN/StageWebViewBridge/src/es/xperiments/media/] at$/initialize()[/Users/xperiments/PROJECTS/Projects/OPEN/StageWebViewBridge/src/es/xperiments/media/] at cashoo_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()[cashoo_fla.MainTimeline::frame1:465] at cashoo_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()

nowickimt commented 9 years ago

I have the exact same issue. Tested on two IOS8 devices and get the exact same error as above.

nowickimt commented 9 years ago

Well it turned out to be an easy fix. Within StageWebViewDisk.initialize, there's a line of code in the "isIPHONE" section that says:

_appCacheFile = new File(File.applicationDirectory.nativePath +"/../Library/Caches");

Change that line to say:

_appCacheFile = File.cacheDirectory;

And that should do it. Hopefully it works for you like it did for me!

painschen commented 9 years ago

Hello and thank you for response. Where can i find this file? Is it possible, that you send me the updated version by mail to ? Would be awesome!

nowickimt commented 9 years ago

Download the source code from and open the file and look for the line mentioned in my earlier comment and change there, then use the source code in your project instead of the SWC file. That's what I did to fix it.

painschen commented 9 years ago

you're awesome, it's working now! :) other question: how could i build an .swc file for easier handling?