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Tags display and editing in admin panel #28

Open ptitzlabs opened 1 month ago

ptitzlabs commented 1 month ago

Metadata tags associated with each document must be displayed in the document view. These tags include:

  1. Article type (procedure / program / organization/misc...) Each article can only have one type.
  2. Location (country / region / department) at the lowest possible level. Several tags can be applied at the same time - for example for an organization that has representation in several cities, or a program active in several regions.
  3. Theme (Administration / Language / Housing / Health/ Professional training / Job hunting / Mobility / Family / Studies / Leisure). Most documents will have just 1 theme, but some could have 2-3, for example for organizations that address several issues.
  4. Need - (Find temporary housing, find permanent housing / find professional training in X field, etc...). Needs will fall under broader themes, several needs can be associated with the same article.
  5. Target group (Asylum status / Temporary protection / Youth / Women / LGBTQ) - most articles will have several target groups.

Document view: At a glance, tags1-3 (article type, location, and theme) must be visible at all times, including doc search results. More granular tags 4-5 can be hidden / displayed based on user clicking something, not to crowd the view. Tag filters must be accessible in the search filters to sort out relevant docs. Some indication must be given for the documents that lack the required tags (namely 1-3 should be applied to all articles)

Tag editor: Administrator should be able to edit and create new tags for articles. Either selecting existing tags from list of presets, or creating new ones. Should be similar to git labels menu.

Chat: Search results in the chat should also display those tags. In addition, chat session should display a list of tags that the AI engine uses when searching for an article. This is necessary to evaluate that the AI can correctly identify topics relevant to the conversation.
