I used the below command to print the confusion matrix
python confusion_matrix.py --detection_tfrecord=C:/tensorflow1/models/research/object_detection/test.record --labelmap=C:/tensorflow1/models/research/object_detection/training/labelmap.pbtxt --output_path=confusion_matrix.csv
I got the confusion matrix but the rows are columns are showing as zero. Precision and recall are showing as NAN.
Could you please help me to solve the issue?
Hi, I used the below command to print the confusion matrix python confusion_matrix.py --detection_tfrecord=C:/tensorflow1/models/research/object_detection/test.record --labelmap=C:/tensorflow1/models/research/object_detection/training/labelmap.pbtxt --output_path=confusion_matrix.csv I got the confusion matrix but the rows are columns are showing as zero. Precision and recall are showing as NAN. Could you please help me to solve the issue?