svrana / neosolarized.nvim

Truecolor solarized theme for neovim in Lua using colorbuddy
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Add lualine support && Add setting theme using command mode #34

Closed donRehan closed 4 months ago

donRehan commented 4 months ago

Add support for nvim-lualine Add ability to call theme from command mode by typing :colorscheme neosolarized

donRehan commented 4 months ago

Hello svrana, I created this pull request to add lualine support as for me the theme didn't have it. As well as allowing calling the theme using the colorscheme command from nvim.

If this goes along your idea of implementation of the theme would appreciate accepting the pull request. Kind regards, Alhussien

svrana commented 4 months ago

Hmm, the lualine code seems a bit out of scope since it's not setting vim config but just setting up a lualine specific data structure that than has to be required somewhere and input back into lualine. For those reasons, I think people looking to customize lualine should probably just carry this code themselves.

fwiw, the screenshots in this repo use lualine's solarized-dark theme which I've found jive pretty well with what's going on here and honestly I cannot tell the difference between what you've got here and that one.

donRehan commented 4 months ago


Thank you for your quick response. I have failed to explain my reason as to why I did it in such format.

Regarding lualine code I wrote , As you can see this is what happens when I simply call lualine without settings ; it looks like this. This happens with me on ( gnome-terminal , Konsole and st ) Hence is why I wrote the code that essentially returns the same effect of lualine dark_solarized. But ensures its more consistent across systems.

I can also add a protected call to return solarized_dark theme if it exists on the system if that fits your idea about your theme. Let me know if you still prefer the current approach and hopefully I clarified my position.

svrana commented 4 months ago

But why call lualine without setting the theme to solarized_dark? i.e., require('lualline').setup { options = { theme = 'solarized_dark' } }

donRehan commented 4 months ago

To allow changing from one theme that changes lualine back to neosolarized fluent. without having to type into the lua config file. Many themes have this by default it would be handy to have it in this lovely theme as well.

svrana commented 4 months ago

I see. Admittedly I don't change themes which is why this one doesn't do it well. Thanks for working on it :)

donRehan commented 4 months ago

I fixed the last commit mistake , we should be able to merge. Please let me know once you review the files.

donRehan commented 4 months ago

My pleasure ! @svrana