svrooij / sonos2mqtt

:speaker: Sonos mqtt controller. Control your speakers from your mqtt server. mqtt-smarthome insprired.
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Neural voices #155

Closed svrooij closed 2 years ago

svrooij commented 3 years ago

Implement neural voices for TTS request

svrooij commented 2 years ago

@christianeuropa with the latest release of sonos2mqtt you should be able to use the engine options for TTS, if you also updated your sonos-tts-polly instance that is.

This code can now be used

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christianeuropa commented 2 years ago

Where can I change the engine? With the payload: { "command":"speak", "input": { "text": "Wir gehen heute einkaufen. Es wird bestimmt ein schöner Tag.", "endpoint": "https://your.tts.endpoint/api/generate", "lang": "de-DE", "gender": "female", "name": "Vicki", "engine": "neural", "volume": 30,
"onlyWhenPlaying": false, "delayMs": 700 } }

it doesn't work

edit: now it works, thanks a lot