svsticky / chroma

Manage photo albums on S3 buckets. Successor to Pxl and Rstr
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Group photos within an album by date #12

Open SilasPeters opened 1 year ago

SilasPeters commented 1 year ago

As of now, when photos of an event crossing several days are uploaded, they are all displayed sequentially. This is fine, but the main event (having more photos) will overshadow other smaller events as those smaller events have less pictures. However, those smaller events may have been the highlight of the day.

My idea

To give every event the spotlight they deserve, we should group the pictures per day. That way the smaller events are displayed separately, and every day is displayed and highlighted equally.

SilasPeters commented 6 months ago

Of course, it also has it's charm that every event has it's own album. A good example is the introduction: every day deserves his own album, one could argue. However, this might not hold for other activities