svsticky / chroma

Manage photo albums on S3 buckets. Successor to Pxl and Rstr
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Revamp UI #35

Open SpookyBoy99 opened 4 months ago

SpookyBoy99 commented 4 months ago

The front-end of Chroma is not optimized for browsing or enlarging pictures nor does it support displaying portrait images so I created a new design and started a rewrite with Nuxt3 and Naive UI. I hope to eventually be able to incorporate a vue-compatible version pig.js to enable efficient display of both landscape and portrait photographs in the album view.

Design preview: Figma prototype

SilasPeters commented 3 months ago

The figma does not seem to load :( Could you copy paste a few screenshots here?

SpookyBoy99 commented 3 months ago

Homepage: Index

Album view: Album

Edit view PageContent

Photo preview + details sidebar PhotoviewInfo

Prototype preview

SilasPeters commented 3 months ago

This looks super neat! One suggestion: the 'upload photos' button does not seem like it's clickable. At first, I assumed that it said something like 'Uploaded photos', but then I looked twice. Also, it should only be visible for scoped users, but I believe you know that. I look forward to accepting this PR :)