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Opt-in permission for posting event pictures to Instagram #2592

Open Baublesaurus opened 1 year ago

Baublesaurus commented 1 year ago

Problem We (Paparazcie) want the Thalia Instagram to reflect the vibe in Thalia more, and this is really hard without pictures of events. It is very frustrating to contact everyone in event pictures to get permission to post event pictures that they are on. In our experience, people don't object to posting the pictures, but are slow to respond.

Possible solution It would be nice to have a checkbox in your Thalia profile to opt-out of consent for posting pictures with you in it, and to have this choice be visible in the attendance list of an event. This way, Paparazcie can independently check if people consent to their picture being posted without having to approach everyone in the picture per picture.

Alternative solution We considered having this checkbox when registering for an event, but this seems like more hassle.

se-bastiaan commented 1 year ago

We cannot easily add this information to the profile, that would require us to give access to the full object. We could create a blacklist in the photos application however.

Do note that this cannot be an opt-out due to the way the privacy policy is worded. People have to be asked for permission for each photo technically.

Baublesaurus commented 1 year ago

But this quite literary states that we will ask permission for each individual picture, not asking is not possible then.

What would the blacklist entail? Would it be about persons or about specific pictures?

se-bastiaan commented 1 year ago

Yes I think we added that in the latest revision 😅 Adjusted my comment. My bad.

With a blacklist I would mean a list of people that don't want to be on a photo. Or since it should be opt-in it would more likely be a white/allowlist.

Baublesaurus commented 1 year ago

I would prefer an opt-out version, since I think it will a lot of effort to move people to opt-in. But if it is the only feasible option, any white-list would be nice to have :)

se-bastiaan commented 1 year ago

Yes but opt-out is really no option due to the way the privacy policy dictates that people will have to be asked. It would mean 'we will not ask, if you don't want it you will have to let us know'. It has to be 'we will not use photos unless you specifically give us permission', thus opt-in.

DeD1rk commented 1 year ago

We can ask people when registering for thalia, and bump with a banner for current members until people either allow/deny