swagger-api / swagger-codegen

swagger-codegen contains a template-driven engine to generate documentation, API clients and server stubs in different languages by parsing your OpenAPI / Swagger definition.
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Cannot resolve modules in Javascript export #3014

Closed baholladay closed 7 years ago

baholladay commented 8 years ago

After updating my API from the editor.swagger.io -> generate client -> javascript export, I can no longer import my API. I get the following errors:

Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module 'ApiClient' in ...

This is for all imports listed in src/index.js. I noticed that the relative paths were updated for the AMD import logic and I believe it is tied to those changes. For instance, in index.js:

define(['./ApiClient',... => define(['ApiClient',...

Are there any known issues with these relative path changes?

wing328 commented 8 years ago

@baholladay I would suggest you to generate JS API client using the latest master, which comes with documentation (markdown) on how to use the module.

gregsherrid commented 8 years ago

I was seeing the same error when I exported a javascript client from the editor GUI and added it to my node project.

When I switched to the command line codegen, I got a series of errors like this instead:

ERROR in ./~/whooos-reading-client-api/src/model/DefaultApi.js
Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module 'InlineResponse200' in /Users/kraken/Learn2Earn/wr_client/node_modules/whooos-reading-client-api/src/model
 @ ./~/whooos-reading-client-api/src/model/DefaultApi.js 14:1-16:4

Interestingly, I saw that some of the filenames within 'index.js' were off:

WhooosReadingClientApi.inline_response_200 = require('./model/inline_response_200.js');

Manually changing the file path to InlineResponse200.js (along with others) to match the filename in the export fixed this problem for me.

baholladay commented 8 years ago

I ended up just switching over to https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-js and have had good results so far.

wing328 commented 8 years ago

@gregsherrid I'll take a look at the file name issue later today.

wing328 commented 8 years ago

@gregsherrid the issue should be addressed in the master.

src|js_fix_filename⚡ ⇒ ls model/Model200Response.js

src|js_fix_filename⚡ ⇒ grep Model200Response index.js 
    define(['ApiClient', 'model/AdditionalPropertiesClass', 'model/Animal', 'model/AnimalFarm', 'model/ApiResponse', 'model/ArrayTest', 'model/Cat', 'model/Category', 'model/Dog', 'model/EnumClass', 'model/EnumTest', 'model/FormatTest', 'model/MixedPropertiesAndAdditionalPropertiesClass', 'model/Model200Response', 'model/ModelReturn', 'model/Name', 'model/Order', 'model/Pet', 'model/ReadOnlyFirst', 'model/SpecialModelName', 'model/Tag', 'model/User', 'api/FakeApi', 'api/PetApi', 'api/StoreApi', 'api/UserApi'], factory);
    module.exports = factory(require('./ApiClient'), require('./model/AdditionalPropertiesClass'), require('./model/Animal'), require('./model/AnimalFarm'), require('./model/ApiResponse'), require('./model/ArrayTest'), require('./model/Cat'), require('./model/Category'), require('./model/Dog'), require('./model/EnumClass'), require('./model/EnumTest'), require('./model/FormatTest'), require('./model/MixedPropertiesAndAdditionalPropertiesClass'), require('./model/Model200Response'), require('./model/ModelReturn'), require('./model/Name'), require('./model/Order'), require('./model/Pet'), require('./model/ReadOnlyFirst'), require('./model/SpecialModelName'), require('./model/Tag'), require('./model/User'), require('./api/FakeApi'), require('./api/PetApi'), require('./api/StoreApi'), require('./api/UserApi'));
}(function(ApiClient, AdditionalPropertiesClass, Animal, AnimalFarm, ApiResponse, ArrayTest, Cat, Category, Dog, EnumClass, EnumTest, FormatTest, MixedPropertiesAndAdditionalPropertiesClass, Model200Response, ModelReturn, Name, Order, Pet, ReadOnlyFirst, SpecialModelName, Tag, User, FakeApi, PetApi, StoreApi, UserApi) {
     * The Model200Response model constructor.
     * @property {module:model/Model200Response}
    Model200Response: Model200Response,

Please pull the latest to give it another try.

wing328 commented 8 years ago

@baholladay sorry to hear that you've switched to swagger-js to resolve the issue.

Do you mind pulling the latest master to generate the JS API client again and see if you experience the same issue?

frol commented 7 years ago

I believe, this is fixed. I don't encounter such issue with the latest Swagger-Codegen.

wing328 commented 7 years ago

@frol thanks for the verification. Issue closed.

@baholladay @gregsherrid please let us know if you still encounter similar issues in the latest master.

akeemphilbert commented 7 years ago

This seems to fix the ApiClient issue but if you define models it's not loading the models. (for me I'm getting Module not found: 'model/Project') and I can confirm it generated modules

frol commented 7 years ago

@akeemphilbert You might hit the CommonJS vs AMD issue #3466.