swagger-codegen contains a template-driven engine to generate documentation, API clients and server stubs in different languages by parsing your OpenAPI / Swagger definition.
It seems like the composerVendorName & composerProjectName options are not working.
The options is passed by -D{optionName} in the command which is listed below, but the "name" in the composer.json is not effected.
At the end, the generated name in the composer.json is generated by git-user-id & get-repo-id instead of my custom options.
Expected result: autodesk/client
Real result: Developer-Autodesk/forge-api-php-client
Swagger-codegen version
I'm not so sure how to check the version, The this command java -jar swagger-codegen-cli.jar version results 2.2.2-SNAPSHOT
It seems like the composerVendorName & composerProjectName options are not working. The options is passed by -D{optionName} in the command which is listed below, but the "name" in the composer.json is not effected.
At the end, the generated name in the composer.json is generated by git-user-id & get-repo-id instead of my custom options.
Expected result:
Real result:Developer-Autodesk/forge-api-php-client
Swagger-codegen version
I'm not so sure how to check the version, The this command
java -jar swagger-codegen-cli.jar version
Command line used for generation
generate -i swagger-specs/swagger.json -l php -o php --git-user-id=Developer-Autodesk --git-repo-id=forge-api-php-client -DcomposerVendorName=autodesk -DcomposerProjectName=client -DpackagePath=AutodeskClient
Suggest a Fix
Seems like the options is not detected in PhpClientCodegen. The condition below is negative.