swagger-api / swagger-codegen

swagger-codegen contains a template-driven engine to generate documentation, API clients and server stubs in different languages by parsing your OpenAPI / Swagger definition.
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[Spring] Improve CI and maven integration: regenerate all files depending on swagger specs at every build #5542

Open nicusX opened 7 years ago

nicusX commented 7 years ago

As a best practice for code generation with a CI pipeline driven by maven, it should be able to regenerate every file that depends on Swagger spec file.

Speaking about Spring Boot, these files are:

Using Maven, these files should be regenerated at every build, into ./target/generated-sources (usually ignored in VCS).

Any other file might be optionally generated, on demand (as opposed as automatically at every build), only on the developer's machine and into ./src.

Currently, this only partially works using the swagger-codegen-maven-plugin and spring language.

Specifyng interfaceOnly=true, the following files are generated:

By default, swagger-codegen-maven-plugin correctly generates into ./target/generated-sources

I see two distinct problems here:

  1. pom.xml, README.md, .swagger-codegen-ignore should not be generated when interfaceOnly=true (and it also doen't make sense generating them into ./target/generated-sources)
  2. It should be possible to regnerate also SwaggerDocumentationConfig.java

The .swagger-codegen-ignore file is not useful, as you only may ignore files, not selectively activate their generation.

Swagger-codegen version

Verified using Swagger Codegen Maven plugin 2.2.2 (release) and CLI 2.2.2

Swagger declaration file content or url

It does not depend on Swagger specs. I used this for testing: https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/master/examples/v2.0/json/petstore-minimal.json

Command line used for generation


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">





The effect is reproducible with the following CLI, but as the build is controlled by Maven, only the Maven plugin should be used.

swagger-codegen -l spring -i src/main/resources/swagger.json -o src/ -c config.json

using the following config.json:

  "dateLibrary" : "java8",
  "java8" : true,
  "interfaceOnly" : true  
Steps to reproduce
  1. Create a maven project using the pom.xml file above
  2. Copy a specs file into ./src/main/resources/ project subdirectory
  3. run mvn clean generate-sources
Related issues


Suggest a Fix

The current SpringCodegen.java implementation might be easily modified not to generate pom.xml, README.md, .swagger-codegen-ignore when interfaceOnly=true

Selectively regenerating SwaggerDocumentationConfig.java might need a separage, language specific option.

swatisacheti commented 6 years ago

Has this issue been fixed? We're also using the interfaceOnly option but it still generates the pom.xml, README.md and .swagger-codegen-ignore. We don't want these files to be generated for our project. Is there a way we can tell swagger codegen not to generate these files? Currently using swagger-codegen 2.2.3 version

cbornet commented 6 years ago

You can use <generateSupportingFiles>false</generateSupportingFiles> to prevent those files from being generated.

swatisacheti commented 6 years ago

Where do you specify false? We're using gradle to generate our code:

task generateApi { inputs.file("$projectDir/$swaggerSourceFile") outputs.dir("$projectDir/$generatedSources") doLast { def config = new CodegenConfigurator() config.setInputSpec("file:///$projectDir/$swaggerSourceFile") config.setOutputDir("$projectDir") config.setLang('spring') config.setAdditionalProperties([ 'interfaceOnly' : 'true', 'dateLibrary' : 'java8', 'apiPackage' : 'net.flitech.land.hotel.api', 'modelPackage' : 'net.flitech.land.hotel.api.model', 'hideGenerationTimestamp' : 'true',
'sourceFolder' : generatedSources ]) new DefaultGenerator().opts(config.toClientOptInput()).generate() } }

cbornet commented 6 years ago

For gradle, I would recommend using the gradle plugin. See an example conf : https://github.com/jhipster/generator-jhipster/blob/master/generators/server/templates/gradle/_swagger.gradle

inidona commented 6 years ago

we are changing from codegen 2.2.3 to codegen 2.3.1 and now no more pom.xml were generated. We generationg with 'interfaceOnly' : 'true', and after maven build we deploying the builded jar file separatly to our maven registry. this process ist now broken. i think it is necessary to control the generation of pom.xml with an separate parameter, should i implement this and make an pull request ?

thanks andreas