swagger-api / swagger-codegen

swagger-codegen contains a template-driven engine to generate documentation, API clients and server stubs in different languages by parsing your OpenAPI / Swagger definition.
Apache License 2.0
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Document config options for language #7795

Open marcelstoer opened 6 years ago

marcelstoer commented 6 years ago

I recently searched high and low for a documentation of all the config options and didn't find anything. I believe this is a general problem but in my case I was interested specifically in the options for Java as I was generating with the swagger-codegen-maven-plugin. It's README says:

configOptions - a map of language-specific parameters (see below)

Yet, nowhere "below" are the options documented.

I thought about opening a PR to add the Java documentation (as follows) to the README. Maybe some guidance from @wing328 would be needed.

wing328 commented 6 years ago

@marcelstoer are you looking for the following commands to show the general options and language-specific option?

General: java -jar modules/swagger-codegen-cli/target/swagger-codegen-cli.jar help generate

Language-specific: java -jar modules/openapi-generator-cli/target/openapi-generator-cli.jar config-help -l java

marcelstoer commented 6 years ago

No, I'm familiar with the commands (they produced the above list) but I expected the documentation to include the language-specific options.

bxnkole commented 6 years ago

This could also be useful https://generator.swagger.io/api/gen/clients/java

harshitbansal1992 commented 5 years ago

Is there an option to use specific annotations from the library for eg: For each model I wish to use Jackson annotation @JsonInclude(Include.NON_NULL) Also, if I want to use other than the specified libraries ... is that possible ?

aratakokubun commented 5 years ago

@harshitbansal1992 Have you already resolved the issue? I really want that option to depend libraries as less as possible!

verokarhu commented 5 years ago

Currently this issue seems to be the best documentation on the different options for Java. Having to download a separate jar just to list the options is not an option.

foal commented 5 years ago

Just put it into README :)

anandsunderraman commented 5 years ago

Actually there exists comprehensive documentation in another repo: https://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-generator/tree/master/docs/generators

tyler2cr commented 4 years ago

The configHelp parameter (right below configOptions) says that it "dumps the configuration help for the specified library (generates no sources)". I've incorporated this as part of my build lifecycle so I don't need to run the jar command manually. The list of configOptions that @marcelstoer posted gets printed as part of the build:

            <id>generate "configOptions" for java</id>



[INFO] --- swagger-codegen-maven-plugin:2.3.1:generate (generate "configOptions" for java) @ swagger.codegen.proof.of.concept ---
[INFO] reading from swagger.yaml
            Sort method arguments to place required parameters before optional parameters. (Default: true)

            Whether to ensure parameter names are unique in an operation (rename parameters that are not). (Default: true)

            boolean, toggles whether unicode identifiers are allowed in names or not, default is false (Default: false)

            package for generated models

            package for generated api classes

            root package for generated code

            groupId in generated pom.xml

            artifactId in generated pom.xml

            artifact version in generated pom.xml

            artifact URL in generated pom.xml

            artifact description in generated pom.xml

            SCM connection in generated pom.xml

            SCM developer connection in generated pom.xml

            SCM URL in generated pom.xml

            developer name in generated pom.xml

            developer email in generated pom.xml

            developer organization in generated pom.xml

            developer organization URL in generated pom.xml

            The name of the license

            The URL of the license

            source folder for generated code

            prefix for generated code members and local variables

            boolean - toggle "implements Serializable" for generated models (Default: false)

            Treat BigDecimal values as Strings to avoid precision loss. (Default: false)

            whether to use fully qualified name for classes under java.util. This option only works for Java API client (Default: false)

            hides the timestamp when files were generated

            whether to include support for application/xml content type and include XML annotations in the model (works with libraries that provide support for JSON and XML) (Default: false)

            Option. Date library to use
                joda - Joda (for legacy app only)
                legacy - Legacy java.util.Date (if you really have a good reason not to use threetenbp
                java8-localdatetime - Java 8 using LocalDateTime (for legacy app only)
                java8 - Java 8 native JSR310 (preferred for jdk 1.8+) - note: this also sets "java8" to true
                threetenbp - Backport of JSR310 (preferred for jdk < 1.8)

            Option. Use Java8 classes instead of third party equivalents
                true - Use Java 8 classes such as Base64
                false - Various third party libraries as needed

            Whether to use the RxJava adapter with the retrofit2 library. (Default: false)

            Whether to use the RxJava2 adapter with the retrofit2 library. (Default: false)

            Whether to generate models for Android that implement Parcelable with the okhttp-gson library. (Default: false)

            Use Play! Async HTTP client (Play WS API) (Default: false)

            Version of Play! Framework (possible values "play24", "play25")

            Whether to support Java6 with the Jersey1 library. (Default: false)

            Use BeanValidation API annotations (Default: false)

            Perform BeanValidation (Default: false)

            Send gzip-encoded requests (Default: false)

            Use RuntimeException instead of Exception (Default: false)

            library template (sub-template) to use (Default: okhttp-gson)
                jersey1 - HTTP client: Jersey client 1.19.4. JSON processing: Jackson 2.8.9. Enable Java6 support using '-DsupportJava6=true'. Enable gzip request encoding using '-DuseGzipFeature=true'.
                feign - HTTP client: OpenFeign 9.4.0. JSON processing: Jackson 2.8.9
                jersey2 - HTTP client: Jersey client 2.25.1. JSON processing: Jackson 2.8.9
                okhttp-gson - HTTP client: OkHttp 2.7.5. JSON processing: Gson 2.8.1. Enable Parcelable models on Android using '-DparcelableModel=true'. Enable gzip request encoding using '-DuseGzipFeature=true'.
                retrofit - HTTP client: OkHttp 2.7.5. JSON processing: Gson 2.3.1 (Retrofit 1.9.0). IMPORTANT NOTE: retrofit1.x is no longer actively maintained so please upgrade to 'retrofit2' instead.
                retrofit2 - HTTP client: OkHttp 3.8.0. JSON processing: Gson 2.6.1 (Retrofit 2.3.0). Enable the RxJava adapter using '-DuseRxJava[2]=true'. (RxJava 1.x or 2.x)
                resttemplate - HTTP client: Spring RestTemplate 4.3.9-RELEASE. JSON processing: Jackson 2.8.9
                resteasy - HTTP client: Resteasy client 3.1.3.Final. JSON processing: Jackson 2.8.9
                vertx - HTTP client: VertX client 3.2.4. JSON processing: Jackson 2.8.9
                google-api-client - HTTP client: Google API client 1.23.0. JSON processing: Jackson 2.8.9

[INFO] --- swagger-codegen-maven-plugin:2.3.1:generate (default) @ swagger.codegen.proof.of.concept ---
[INFO] reading from swagger.yaml
flocheke7 commented 4 years ago

interfaceOnly option no longer exists ???

liangzuobin commented 4 years ago

And those System Properties.

mfaisalhyder commented 6 months ago

Is there a way to disable @Schema from generated photos?

OpenApiTools has that but swagger-codegen seems to be missing it from both java and spring language.